Chapter 11 "!Run, Attack,Block!"

We were now in the battlefield... billions people sitting around and watching are every move. To him is just a easy target. The radio girl appear to a microphone ready to start "Lets the match begin!" I run towards him with my iron sword attacking him to find his weak spot. He then used a ball of enormous amount of magic in his hands coming to me close. I bearly got away and it gave a scratch. He then used his magic shooting at me running, attack, block. Then suddenly a force was holding me down... He then run towards me fast with his magic turning into a sword. I can't lose to this coward. Suddenly my eyes turned yellow... I was full of rage that the force couldn't back me down. It disappeared out of existence. I run and run to him. I grabbed his face, took his magic sword, and grab him out of the battlefield. He tried to flip me and hurting me with his fists. But that didn't made me out of the match. I then yeeted him out of the match for me I was the only person still in the match. Also my eyes turned blue that very moment. The radio girl once again said, "Amaryllis Bloom has won!"