....Let Me Show You.....

Lee Y/N's POV

As we reached dorm the lights were off so me and Vampire came inside to the alley where our rooms are but as I got inside my room i saw A black shadow...well it's not ghost because I am a grim reaper I don't get scared of ghost and it doesn't look like a ghost because whenever ghost sees me it runs away...so I moved forward and oned the lights only to be meeted by a angry human cat As know as Yoongi oh gosh it scared me too death I was about to shout when he came closer but he kept his hand on my mouth "shush don't shout it's not like I'll bite you " he said as I sighed and tried to say something but can't because of his hand on my mouth ...."what say something now " he said annoyed weird Human his keeping his hand on my mouth and how does he expect me to speak...?

"oh sorry " he removed his hand and looked at me "what took you so long?" he said as he sat on the bed and I sighed "I was helping gre---Jin Oppa's manager " I said aish I was about to say Great Vampire ..."why is she okay ?" he said as I rolled my eyes here comes the romeo again "no " I said and he asked "then ?,tell me ?" he said well how can I tell you that we were catching a ghost ..."umm some bad boys were troubling her " I said as I got no other reason "what ...?why but as well as I know she's bad ..and she won't such sit and watch " he said looking at me for answers I sighed and said "well do you expect a alone girl at night at a empty road to fight 3 boys alone?" I said as he stood up and said "did she got hurt did they do anything to her ?" he said as he moved towards the door and I sighed "don't worry she's alright and oppa worry about yourself go sleep you have a trial tomorrow you need to have your mind clear " ....he was about to go but he turned around and started walking towards me...I took steps back as he kept moving forward "wha-what ?" I said ....

Yoongi's POV

I moved towards her and patted her head lightly "thanks for helping her but you should call me if you get in trouble remember your a girl too not a man " I said as she looked at me like I said something shocking and she said "oh okay now move awayyy" I smirked as I leaned in more she was about to fall so I held her waiste and hand and pulled her up "why??you don't like me coming near you ?" I said as she looked away....and said "I don't trust what if you will bite me ?" I looked at her confused "how can I bite you am a human not a animal " I said as she laughed and said "well your fans call you a cat and a cat can bite too " I sighed and said "well then let me show you how they bite " as I moved forward she closed her eyes.