Day of moving in (part-3)

Ji yun had just placed the bags inside her room and locked the door behind her as she headed out .

She was a little surprised by the two tall figures that were standing in front of her . She looked at Heyeon jun but then her eyes shifted to Dong Heon who was as tall as Heyeon jun . They were towering her as she looked a little too small without heels .

Ji yun raised a brow at Heyeon jun .

He understood what she meant but ignored it . Instead he straightforwardly asked ,"You owe me an explanation of what happened outside."

Ji yun made an 'oh!' Face . And said casually,"He was one of those men who were chasing me that day. From Mr.Xia's . So i beat him up and send a message to Mr.Xia, that is it."

Heyeon jun sighed and said ,"Are you sure , i was informed that he was a replacement of the gaurd that took leave."

Ji yun said ,"Do you think if it was someone else , he would have just walked away like that , hugh?"

Heyeon jun was still staring at her reading through her . No hint of uneasiness visible on her face.

Ji yun looked at Dong Heon and said ,"Mr..Lift what are you doing here?" and raised her eyebrows.

Dong Heon smiled slightly ,"I thought you forgot me ! "

Ji yun shook her head and said ,"nah ! I never forget faces that easily . Whats your name by the way ?"

Dong Heon said ,"Call me Heon."

Ji yun nodded and said ,"Get aside i need to cook lunch . Aah ! You staying or you leaving too like Mr.Min ?"

She shot a meaningful look at Heyeon jun whose eyes were fixed on her . She tried to ignore it but seeing him stare at her like that she couldn't help but ask ,"why are you staring at me like that ?"

Heyeon jun walked away without any word and sat on the sofa . Dong Heon looked at him and smirked . He then looked at Ji yun and said ,"I'll be staying till dinner."

Heyeon jun was actually processing everything in his mind . Already guessing who was right and who was wrong . He had already imagined all the possible consequences.

Dong Heon knew that very well but he wanted to tease Heyon jun a little bit . He sat next to Heyeon jun on the couch and whispered in a low voice ,"so , were you just lost in her eyes and her looks that you couldn't look away ? Ha!"

Heyeon jun looked at Dong Heon with a disgusted expression. He backfired,"why the fuck you always have to be so cheesy you bastard."

His voice was slightly loud , enough that Ji yun could hear it . She was pleased seeing an irritated Heyeon jun .

She thought she should make some pasta as lunch . She was quite happy after what happened today . She made a mental note to discuss it with Heyeon jun so that she won't surprise him on her first official day at work .

[here i am talking about the incident that had been recorded at the cafe and would be broadcasted in headlines . ;) ]

Ji yun started cooking where as Heyeon jun and Dong Heon started watching a movie.


Ji yun served the lunch for both of them and she went back to the kitchen. She started preparing for the cheesecake. She didn't feel like eating yet . She started preparing silently. While Heyeon jun and Dong Heon discussed some basic business things . Heyeon jun would steal glances at the working Ji yun .

She was immersed in her work . She finally put the cheesecake in the refrigerator to rest .

She looked around only to see Heyeon jun smiling while he chatted with Dong Heon .

It was a rare opportunity to see him smile this pure and lovely smile . He looked more and more attractive. Ji yun wished if she could click his picture like this . He looked cute as a dimple on his right cheek appeared.

She shook her thoughts away and bit her lower lip . What is she thinking?!! Aah ! No!

She collected the dishes and transferred her pasta in a bowl and covered it with a lid meanwhile she cleaned the kitchen . Dong Heon headed to Heyeon jun's room .

Heyeon jun was still sitting at the table beacuse he just received a mail from an unknown person .

He opened the mail , it was a vedio . It was clearly Mr.Zhao and Ji yun in the vedio. The background was cafe . He looked at Ji yun and then at his phone. He decided to go upstairs first and then watch the vedio .

As soon as Heyeon jun entered his study , he saw Dong Heon was also there talking to someone on phone . Heyeon jun silently put on his Airpods in his ears and started watching the vedio . Every passing second his face getting darker .

He didn't know what was affecting him , The thought of Ji yun seducing Zhao Han or his false allegations, or Ji yun hiding this from him ? He was so fuckinh confused .

The vedio ended . Heyeon jun took three to four deep breaths calming himself . He was so enraged that he lost his cool . He got up from the couch . He looked at Dong Heon who said ,"I ll leave , something came up ." He left hurriedly.

Heyeon jun dialed Ji yun's number .


Ji yun had just finshed cleaning the kitchen . She was about to head to her room when her phone rang ,"In my study now ." She heard Heyeon jun's cold and loud voice . She looked at the stairs . Dong Heon was running down the stairs and waved a bye at her and said ,"Sorry , something came up ."

Ji yun smiled awkwardly but from inside she was cursing him . Her luck wasn't with her today . What happened?


Ji yun entered the study and felt a chill run down her spine . She was feeling cold . The temperature in the study was like in minus . Her blood froze , she knew what was coming .

Heyeon jun was standing near the table facing her . He had a cold look on his face .

Heyeon jun threw his phone at her . Ji yun was lucky enough to catch it in time . She frowned , her breath hitched when she saw the vedio clip that was playing on the phone . She knew what was that . She was doomed . Why the fuck did she not tell him first !!!!

Ji yun said ,"I ... I was about to tell you about this .."

Heyeon jun cut her off and yelled ,"Why the fuck You didn't tell me right away?"

Ji yun's voice trembled,"I ... I thought i would tell you once Heon leaves...."

Heyeon jun cut her off once again , yelling in anger . He walked up to her .

"Do you even know the consequences of the information that is released . I didn't even have a press conference yet and you.. said it so casually . Also you are ...."

Heyeon jun stopped midway . He pursed his lips . He looked at Ji yun . Her eyes were filled with tears .


Ji yun was so shook . Heyeon jun was literally yelling at her . Never had she ever been yelled at like this . The thing was even if she got into a fight she would always be badass and most of the time she was right . Even if she was wrong she would quietly admit it .

Here she was at wrong that she didn't tell him on time but it was completely not her fault . It was just the right way to react and deal with the situation. She was in the right and he needs to understand that . Why was he yelling at her . She didn't know why No words came out of her mouths . She was really like a small child who was being scolded. Her eyes teared up . She didn't even knew when her tears started rolling down her eyes .


Heyeon jun's eyes landed on Ji yun's crying face . He froze . He had never seen her crying yet . He decided to supress his anger . He didn't know why seeing her crying like this made him feel bad . Why her ?

He let out a loud sigh !

Ji yun bit her lower lip trying to supress her sobs . Her heart was filled with sadness . She never knew what its like to feel hurt because of someone's words. She never had someone in her life except her mother .

She couldn't control her emotions. It was hard for her to controle them .



Heyeon Jun : I wanted to kill you so badly , I mean , I felt so frustrated cause I didn't knew what to do .

Ji Yun : umm , yeah . But I was like so overwhelmed.

Author : Are you guys done discussing the same scene , would you please move on to the next part .

Ji Yun scoffed : ok ! This rude author!

Author : I know that , continue ..

Heyeon Jun looked from Ji Yun to Author and from Author to Ji Yun. Both were same in nature , they never gave up in an argument!