Effect on him

Heyeon jun was laying in his bed thinking about what happened today . He didn't wanted to but he did . Picture of Ji yun's face being so close to him was stuck in his mind . All he thought was about her and her lips .

He slightly pursed his lips at his own thoughts. Why the fuck she has that effect on him . Why her ?

Heyeon jun soon fell asleep and he could still smell Ji yun's fragrance from his shirt . He sighed internally. Looks like this girl is going to make his life difficult.

He really took a cold shower in this weather at 1 am at night .


Ji yun also fell asleep as soon as her face touched the pillow . She was tired . Really tired


Note - guys ! We are going back in time to look at how Dong Heon and Xia Ri are doing ? Continuing from , when Dong Heon received a phone call from Xia Ri .

Xia Ri woke up late in the afternoon, she was not a morning person . Also she was hell tired yesterday so she didn't wanted to wake up early . When she woke up , first thing she did was to take a quick shower .

She changed into a casual boyfriend jeans and a crop top . She towel dried her hair and let them dry naturally.

She went back to her bed and started using her phone . She looked through the notifications and saw that she got a text from Dong Heon. She quickly opened it as the scenes from last night played in her mind .

She saw his text ,"good night , sleep well and take care."

Her cheeks turned red reading the text . But why ? She had received such texts before but why was she blushing specially at his text . But then all of a sudden she realized that this text was from last night and she , she didn't even reply !! Shit !! It was almost afternoon.

She slapped her forhead and made a regretful face . She was mad at herself !! What should she do now !?!!?!!

In the end she decided to call him and apologize to him .

She was really hesitant but then she dialed his phone.


Dong Heon looked at the ringing phone and picked it up finally on the almost last ring . He replied in his deep and calm voice ,"Yes ?"

Xia Ri could feel the chills from his voice , in the end he was a Cold CEO . Lols

She replied,"Good afternoon Dong Heon . I .. i wanted to apologize.."

Dong Heon asked her ,"why?"in the same tone .

Xia Ri became nervous and replied ,"I actually woke up just an hour ago and saw your text just now . I am really sorry I didn't reply in time .."

cutting her off Dong Heon asked again ,"Is that it ?" He was now happy that she apologized but he had to put on a show of this coldness beacuse according to him last night he acted way to close to her . Also he would have deleted the text but it was just too late .

Xia Ri frowned , was he that angry with her ?!

She then decided to ask him out for a coffee . She said ,"No , i wanted to ask you if i can have a cup of coffee with you . I mean you know .. can I meet you someday ?"

Dong Heon sighed . What should he do now ? Say yes or no ?! He thought for a moment before saying ,"I don't have time till next sunday . I am available only on sunday ."

Here we lied again, but truthfully he was a busy person.

Xia Ri thought, she was confused. Why was he being so cold out of nowhere ? She sighed . She replied ,"fine then , seems like you are too busy to even talk nicely to someone. Thankyou for your time Mr.Dong Heon."

Xia Ri was pissed and ended the call without another thought . Why did he had to piss her off when she finally was a little happy . She sighed . Weren't they friends last time they talked .

Xia Ri threw her phone on one side and burried her face in the pillow .


Dong Heon looked at the phone in a slight shock and regret . Did He piss her off ! Ofcourse . He answered his own thoughts . He pursed his lips . He had this undescribimg feeling inside him . He wanted to apologize. He really wanted to but he won't.

He tried to dig himself in his work but how much he tried he couldn't fully concentrate. He was only thinking about Xia Ri . He finally gave up . He dialed her number . But she didn't recieve any of his calls . He then called Mr.Xia to know where she was and what he heard added more to his resentment.

Mr.Xia told him that his daughter hadn't stepped out of her room since morning. Dong Heon quickly left the office . On his way back he decided to buy a bouquet of flower and some chocolate truffle cake for her . He had experience and knew that girls love that .

He finally reached the Xia mansion . He decided to directly go to her room without paying attention to anyone . Ofcourse he asked a servant for the directions and ofcourse he asked someone to inform Mr.Xia about his presence .

He knocked on the door . In one had was a bouquet of red roses and in the other a box of cake . He was slightly nervous, didn't know why !

The door opened .


Xia Ri who was still sulking heard a knock on the door . She hadn't even had her breakfast yet and she thought it would be her breakfast. So she put on a slightly calm face and opened the door to her room .

As soon as she opened the door , her eyes met witb Dong Heon's who was in casual wears too . She was too shocked to see him . What was he doing here ? Wasn't he busy ?!

Dong Heon looked at Ji yun and smiled slightly. Ji yun was just gaping at him . What was he doing here ! She was confused but shocked seeing the red roses in his hands . She said ,"Come in." And as Dong Heon entered , she cleared her throat and closed the door behind her .

Xia Ri said ,"what are you doing here ?" Her voice was a bit cold . Dong Heon took a deep breath before saying ,"To apologize."

Xia Ri's eyes widened . What ? Was he here to apologize to her for his behavior. She looked at the red roses and the cake box in his hand .

Dong Heon handed her the bouquet of roses and he kept the cake on the side table .

He cleared ,"I .. shouldn't have been rude . I was just busy and dealing with some company issues so it added to my frustration. I really didn't mean to piss you off , i am sorry ."

Xia Ri nodded as if understanding his point and kept the bouquet of flowers on the table and said ,"oh ! I shouldn't have ended the call like that i guess .. its ok ."

Dong Heon slightly chuckled and said ,"won't you ask me to sit ? I came all they way here ."

Xia Ri smiled awkwardly and said ,"ofcourse . Come on! Sit ." She pointed at the couch . They both were sitting beside each other .

Dong Heon smiled at her and said ,"You fine now ? I mean you ok after yesterday?"

Xia Ri smiled and nodded . She decided to say what she had been thinking ,"why were you being so rude though ?! I really didn't like that . You know what i was being so polite and yet you were being so rude , so that pissed me off and i lost my cool."

She said all in one go and sighed at the end . Dong Heon supressed the amusement that was building up inside him .

He nodded and he thought something before saying ,"You ! I told you to call me Heon nad yet you still call me Mr.Dong Heon?"

Xia Ri chuckled and said ,"Fine! But what would you call me ?"

Dong Heon thought before saying ,"Xiao."

Xia Ri smiled and said ,"Fine."

Dong Heon said ,"eat the cake , i should leave . I mean i still have to deal with business stuff."

Xia Ri nodded , she won't admit but she do wanted to spend some time with him . She stood up and so did Dong Heon .

She realized something and stopped him by grabbing his coat sleeve . He looked at her and raised an eyebrow. She said ,"Dad's outside can we put a small show of being a lovey dovey couple . That might be helpful for me . I ll explain later."

Dong Heon nodded . As soon as they stepped out of the room . He wrapped him arm around her waist sending a wave of chills down her spine. But her face turned red . She tried to controled her flustered expressions .

She looked at him and saw him smiling at him which really reached his eyes . There was a hint of tease in his smile that Xia Ri could easily see. She rolled eyes at him and then smiled .

They started walking downstairs like this . Xia Ri initiated a conversation and started asking about his schedule and Dong Heon replied very casually . As soon as they reached the last step they saw Mr.Xia standing and staring at them . Dong Heon quickly retreated his hand back and bowed his head . He knew how to act well .

This would leave an impression that they are truely into each other but don't want to show that . And it indeed did . Xia Ri's cheeks also were slightly red indicating that she blushed .

Mr.Xia smiled and said ,"Was my daughter angry with you ?"

Dong Heon replied ,"Aah it was my fault . I canceled the plans."

Xia Ri sighed. She looked at her Dad and awkwardly smiled .

Mr.Xia was taken aback , did she just smile st him ?! His daughter has changed .



Xia Ri : Well , it was fun to act that way .

Dong Heon : yeah ofcourse , you got a chance to clinge onto me .

Xia Ri : (scoff) well you were the one who got a chance to cling onto me . You always look for a chance to be all touchy touchy .

Dong Heon pulled Xia Ri and wrapped his arm around her waist ,"like this ?"

Xia Ri blushes and looks at Author who is staring at them ready to puke blood at their not so good , cute performance.

Author rolls her eyes : I swear I will lessen you scenes if You both don't stop doing all this in front of me .

Dong Heon smirks .

Author : I am going on a break ! Huff !