Happily agreed

26th march , 20XX

Monday .

Ji yun woke up as her brain clock hit its alarm . She took a quick shower , and headed out of the room wearing just a loose shirt reaching her mid thighs.

Her hair were wet as she took a hair bath . She wanted to be freshy fresh on her first day of work .

Her hair were dropping over her shoulders. She lazily walked out of her room . First thing she did was to open the fridge . She noticed 1/4 of the cheesecake wasn't there . That means Heyeon jun did eat that . Thinking that a subconscious smile appeared on her lips. She decided to make Pancakes from breakfast.

She sighed , she has been skipping morning run from last few days . She needs to workout. She twitched her lips as she slowly took out the ingredients from the fridge .

She checked the time , it is already 7:15. Hah !!! She has to prepare breakfast before 8 am and get ready too . She woke up late again . She needs to start her running again so that she can make her schedule better .


Heyeon jun sighed , as he did his tie . He looked in the mirror. He woke up early again out of habbit . He had hit the gym for one and a half hour and still got ready a little too early . He picked his phone and wore his gold rolex on his wrist . He was wearing a black suit today with white shirt and black tie .

He headed downstairs and the first thing he saw was Ji yun eating a strawberry and cheesecake. What ?! Who eats that in the morning?!

She was sitting on the shelf with her one leg crossed over the other and her loose shirt revealing her white collarbone and her snowy legs . Heyeon jun's line of sight subconsciously traveled to her legs .

Her hairs falling over her shoulders and from one side tucked behind her ear .

He awkwardly cleared his throat. She looked as if she was seducing him . She gave such a seductive vibe right then.


Ji yun's attention drifted to him . She jumped off the shelf right away . She bowed slightly. Her face turned red . She quickly picked her plate of cheesecake and ran towards the fridge and placed it in the fridge. She looked back at Heyeon jun and said ," I will just serve the breakfast."

She quickly started making pancakes with the batter she had already prepared. She actually didn't expect him to come at this time . She thought he would head downstairs by 8 am . She quickly stacked up the pancakes and put some mappel syrup and fruits on top .

She brewed his coffee and served it to him on the dining table on which he was sitting with his legs crossed one over the other and a newspaper in his hand . Ji yun sighed as she shook her heard slightly. She had already eaten a pancake before eating her cheesecake. She will eat that later now ! Sigh !

Ji yun ran to her room not caring about Heyeon jun anymore . She literally ran around the house !!


Heyeon jun let out a sigh when she left . He thought ,'why is she always running round like this ?'

He had composed himself till now but yeah he felt a little hoy when he saw Ji yun sitting like that in the morning . Like what ?! Imagine you get ready and first thing you see is something sexy ?! Oh my god !!!

Heyeon jun had his breakfast in silence and it helped him divert his attention a little . He took a sip of his coffee , just then he saw Ji yun step out of her room . He subconsciously looked up . He was slightly stunned .

She was wearing a stripped black coat and bell bottom pant with black shirt underneath. Ji yun had her hair tucked in behind her ear from one side . Her hair were parted from the centre . Her long waist lenght hair falling straight on her back . She had a small briefcase in her hand . She was wearing a little makeup today . All over she looked so beautiful.

Heyeon jun was slightly speechless . She transformed into a completely different person in a few minutes . Heyeon jun cleared his throat and got up . Ji yun hurriedly picked up the dishes and went to the kitchen. She removed her coat and hung it on the chair as she had to do the dishes . Unaware of the effect she was having on Heyeon jun .

Heyeon jun sighed and looked at her . Why was she so stupid !!! Who removed the coat so casually like this . I mean ....

Wait !! She didn't do anything . I am just thinking in the wrong wayy !!! Why can't i think straight ? When did i become a pervert?

He sighed and he really believes that Ji yun was seducing him .


They both entered the building . Heyeoj jun was walking ahead of her and Ji yun was just at a distance of half a step . Their pace was quick and smooth . Both of them emitted a cold but calm aura . Everyone was gawking at them . Ji yun smiled and bowed at Mr.Min who nodded his head back at her .

She quickly changed her expression back to normal . She had yet to collect the schedule from Mr.Min . She had already been pissed since Heyeon jun complained that she had forgotten about it . Indeed she forgot but it was her first day !!!

Ji yun and Heyeon jun took the lift meanwhile Mr.Min didn't. He took another lift . Ji yun was confused ! Then she concluded this lift might only be for CEO and his assistant.


Heyeon jun had been thinking to give her a hint that she should better be careful around him specially at home . Home ?!

He couldn't controle anymore so as soon as the lift door closed , he turned around and stepped closer to Ji yun and she took a step back because she was really surprised.

He took a step back until her back touched the wall of the lift . He inched closer . Ji yun's breath hitched . Wtf ?!

He said ,"Listen , you should be careful around the house !"

Ji yun was confused as fuck , he was literally towering her . She asked ,"what ?"

Heyeon jun sighed ,"The way you were sitting on the shelf was pretty ... bad ."

He tried his best not to be direct. Ji yun laughed . She got it !!

Heyeon jun frowned and went back to his normal position. He was mad at her . Why was she laughing?! He knew she understood it already. He twitched his lips and looked back at her from his shoulder.

She had a smile on her face and she looked as if she was thinking something funny .

Heyeon jun looked straight ahead and sighed ! He needs to come back to his usual self now .


Ji yun served him his first cup of coffee and said ,"Sit your schedule is ready."

She was calm yet still had a hint of smile on her face . She couldn't help but think about how he said the word ,'bad.' Acting like a kid who thinks its not appropriate to say something directly. Haha ! Cute .

She was really amused by his behavior. Heyeon jun looked at her and her slight smile caught his attention. He didn't actually knew what was the reason . He still asked her to recite his schedule .

Ji yun did tell him what his schedule was . Thank god ! No meetings today . Heyeon jun thought his schedule was pretty normal this week . He sighed .

Ji yun said ,"I ll take my leave now ! SIR."

She pressed on the word 'sir.'

Heyeon jun looked at her and commented ," Miss. ji yun you seem so happy today ! Any special reason ?" His voice was cold and slightly rude too .

Ji yun didn't mind since she was in a good mood she said ,"No boss , nothing. I mean i am happy always you know . You should be happy too sometimes. Always grumpy."

She left hurriedly before Heyeon jun could say something.

She chuckled as she left his office . After looking at his face , she was amused . She was in a good mood today . Hah ! Finally happy days are back .

[lol girl , you got a lot of shit to deal with yet !]

Heyeon jun sighed and dug himself in the work . Ji yun did so too . She was sincere about her job and didn't waste her time thinking about the same thing anymore. Rest of the day was pretty normal . Her first day was quite interesting as she learnt a lot of things . She would visit Heyeon jun only when he would ask for a file or when she had to serve him coffee or lunch .

Her office was next to Heyeon jun's and she liked it a lot . Just the way she wanted it to be . She was happy .


Ji yun was looking at some other reports of the company's upcoming projects. She had to choose the best one . She had to compare everything and find which one was the best . There were three proposals totally . And she had already deducted one from them . She checked the time , 7:30 already?! She did half hour overtime. Wait ! She is personal assistant not any other employee! Sob ! Ahaaaaa !

Heyeon jun was talking to Heyeon Xia on the phone . He sighed . She will be staying at his place for tonight . What should he do ? What about Ji yun ? He was confused.

[Heyeon Xia is Heyeon jun's younger sister .]

He asked ,"why don't you stay at Song's place for tonight?"

Heyeon Xia on the other end of the phone coughed furiously. What !? Are you kidding me ?! Her brother who was always possessive of her wants her to live at his Best friend's place . Even he knows she has feelings for him .

But for Heyeon Xia it was a golden opportunity so she agreed without any delays .