I won’t disappoint you.

He replied ,"Yes , I am." He inched closer and trapped her in by placing both hand on her sides . His face just an inch away from hers . He said ,"So?"

Ji yun's breath hitched , she never thought he would admit it . She was truely surprised this time . Their eyes locked . What was she supposed to say . She thought at such a fast speed and spouted out whatever came in her mind ," you are just freaky Heyeon jun ."

Heyeon jun's lips curved upwards as he looked at her . She thought he didn't knew she was joking around . His eyes moved down at her lips . He gulped. Why now ?!!!!! Why now ?!!! He pursed his lips as his eyes met with her once again .

Ji yun really lost herself in his eyes . Her eyes would go back to his lips from his eyes . Why ? Did she wish to ...!

Heyeon jun's face inched closer every second making her heart skip a beat . Heyeon jun Asked in a low voice ,"Ji yun , do you think I won't ever do something wrong to you ?"

Ji yun replied truthfully,"No." her voice low .

There would hardly be any distance left then . Heyeon jun replied in a low and hoarse voice ,"I won't disappoint you." As he closed the distance between them .

Ji yun felt a current pass through her body as their lips met . She closed her eyes . It was her first kiss . There were butterflies in her stomach. She had read about it and heard about it ut but now that she was experiencing it . It felt as if it was spell that was cast on her .

She decided to get lost in this moment even if it was short . She wrapped her arms around Heyeon jun who moved his one hand on her face and the other around her waist . He pulled her in by supporting her neck with his hand .

Heyeon jun didn't know why he lost control and why he liked it . He just knew He had completely lost himself this time . For the time being he didn't care what the consequences would be . He just wanted to enojoy this feeling that was developing in his heart . He had never felt and needed someone so much .

Ji yun's mind was blank , what she knew was that she loved this feeling , whatever it was . She had never experienced this before and she had to say she loved it .

Heyeon jun finally let go of her when he felt that she might be suffocated. He hadn't removed his hand from her neck amd waist . Their heads joining together. Ji yun's face was red and she still had her eyes closed . She tightened her grip around his neck and burried her face in the crook of his neck .

They both breathed heavily as Heyeon jun's lips curved up at her reaction . He didn't know why he did this ? He asked ,"Ji yun , what if we think this never happened and start a new day ?"

Ji yun's head rested on his shoulder as she replied ,"It won't let things get awkward between us . I don't know why I did that . But its clear we both wanted that ."

Heyeon jun let go of her but Ji yun didn't. He said ,"Good night now , let me go . Otherwise I may loose control."

Ji yun let go of him but didn't meet his eyes . She was too embarrassed to look him in the eyes . Heyeon jun quickly left the kitchen and headed to his room .

Ji yun let out a loud sigh . What was that ? She kissed Heyeon jun ?! What the fuck ! Its kind of unbelievable. She ran towards her room forgetting about all the pending work . She locked the door from inside . She threw herself on the bed . She closed her eyes but the scenes replayed in her mind. She screamed,"Aaaah ! Wtf !!!!!!! Why did i ..."


Heyeon jun took two cold showers and to get the thoughts out of his mind . Heyeon jun didn't wanted to admit he felt something else than physical attraction towards Ji yun . He convinced himself that he just was sexually attracted towards her and thats it but deep down he knew this wasn't it .


Heyeon Xia was standing in front of Song Chui's apartment. She took a deep breath before pressing the door bell . She and Song Chui were best friends just like Heyeon jun . She recently had a fight with him over something. They always fought over silly things .

A minute later , the door opened. Heyeon Xia saw Song Chui wearing a black shirt and khakhi trousers . His muscles visible from the shirt . She gulped. How can a doctor be so fit and handsome ? She blinked having an uneasy expression on her face . She had already stayed at his place before but why was she feeling different today . Maybe there weren't many feelings involved.


Song Chui opened the door and was slightly stunned to see Heyeon Xia. Though he already knew she was coming but seeing her after a month he was indeed surprised. Her skin glowed up . Her eyes were definitely brighter than before . What changed her so much ? Was it that she found someone?!

He sighed as he pulled her in by grabbing her wrist . Even the thought of someone else being in her life made him uneasy. Only then he noticed she came with a bag and was wearing a dress which ended up right above her knees . Her shoulder lenght hair emitted a scent of white rose .

He looked at her and said ,"You're finally back .U didn't even miss me . Like last time you called me you fought with me . You remember that ?"

Heyeon Xia smiled awkwardly as she bit her lower lip which immediately caught his attention. He cursed inwardly. He said frankly,"I have warned you a lot of times not to bite your lip in front of a man."

Heyeon Xia looked down at her feet . Song Chui was worried , did she really found someone else ?! Why wasn't she replying with comebacks?! He took her purse from her shoulder and placed it on the side table .

He looked at her and he couldn't keep his feelings to himself anymore. He asked ,"Have you found someone else?"

Heyeon Xia looked at him in surprise,"someone else?"

Song Chui moved closer and held her shoulders,"Yes someone else . Today I need answer to my questions. Who is the person in your heart?"

Heyeon Xia's body stiffened as her heart skipped a beat . She mumbled,"Don't be so straightforward Song Chui."

Song Chui said in slightly cold tone ,"My patience has a limit Xia ! And you crossed the limit the day you left for vacation without informing me . Hurry up , lets clear everything out . I don't care who is it just tell me."

Heyeon Xia's words were stuck in her throat . She gulped. She didn't knew what to say .

She took a deep breath and said ,"Let me go Chui." As she shook his hands away and took a step away from him . She turned around , her heart beating fast and loud .

Before she could take a step forward. Song Chui pulled her from her wrist and wrapped his one arm around her waist and the other raised her chin up . He met his eyes and he got his answer. Her eyes had tears . He said in a low voice ,"Thats limit to my patience Heyeon Xia . I want to tell you that.... I love you ."

He closed the distance between them and crashed his lips onto hers . Heyeon Xia's brain took time to register his words in her mind and her tears rolled down . She closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around his neck . She started responding to his kisses . Song Chui got his answer and he tightened the grip around her waist .

Heyeon Xia broke the kiss and said ,"I love you Song Chui . I have loved you since last three years but I was never sure what you felt about me . So I .... ."

Song Chui cut her off with another kiss .


Song Chui let go of her and a tear escaped his eye . He finally said that . He hugged her tightly and said ,"Promise you won't let go."

"I won't." Came a sweet reply from her .

Song Chui carried her to his room and said ,"sleep with me tonight."

Heyeon Xia said ,"I mean isn't it so fast."

Song Chui chuckled at her reaction and said ,"such a pervert you are . I just want to hug you and sleep . You are so disgusting Xia."

Heyeon Xia grabbed a pillow and threw it at his face ,"You .. you will never change Chui."!

Song Chui laughed as he said ,"Go change , I would prepare something to eat ."


Song Chui pulled Heyeon Xia closer and wrapped his arm around her waist . He whispered,"good night sweetie."

He thought She already went to sleep but she didn't. Listening to his words Heyeon Xia's lips curved upwards as she fell asleep . She never knew the sarcastic jerk could be such a sweetheart. He just confessed to her and this moment for her was too good to be true .