
Ji yun was distracted all day long after that , even Heyeon jun noticed this . He thought he would aske he once they head back home .


Ji yun was stiring her milk as she didn't feel like eating today but she did make Heyeon jun dinner .

She sighed and finished the milk in one go . Heyeon jun was standing in front of her all this time with her arms crossed over his chest . He had noticed she has been distracted and ignorant all they long .

Ji yun ignored him and was about to leave the kitchen when Heyeon jun caught her wrist . He asked,"what the hell do you want me to do so that you could answer my question ?"

His voice a little cold and rigid as he looked at her .

Ji yun froze and looked at him . She sighed ,"what do you want me answer . Ask it again ."

Heyeon jun replied,"whats been distracting you all day long , after you left office you had been ignorant and lost . What happened ? Aren't we friends?"

Ji yun sighed and said ,"Fine , I agree . I am distracted but I am just worried about some things . For now I want to be alone , I will tell you everything tomorrow. I promise."

Heyeon jun nodded and said ,"I will give you the file tomorrow and yes you can go office early tomorrow, i will be a little late for tomorrow. Hm ?"

Ji yun nodded and smiled a little and said ,"Good night."

Heyeon jun smiled and let her wrist go .

As soon as Ji yun's face turned around, Heyeon jun's face turned black . She is hiding again . He sighed and walked to his room .

Heyeon jun closed the door behind him and dialed a number. After the call was answered he said ,"I want reports on Xia Ri confirmed by tomorrow morning . I have been waiting enough now . Also , I want all the articles about Ji yun to vanish by 12 am sharp . Keep The ones which are appreciative."

He ended the call right away . He looked at His phone blankly and thought he should rest .


Ji yun closed the door behind her and her eyes started to water . What was happening. Mr.Min's words were still ringing in her mind . Was she really special for Heyeon jun ? Just like he was for her ? Did she really effect him ? Can they be more than boss and assistant? Can she ever see through his walls ? Can she really bring out th real Heyeon jun ? WAs this all destined ?

All these questions ran through her mind . She breathed in a deep breath and decided to ignore everything and sleep .

As soon as she closed her eyes she , Heyeon jun's smiling face , his kiss , his cold and seductive look . All came rushing through her mind . She fell asleep thinking about him .


Ji yun was standing in the middle of a three way intersection. She looked in front , Heyeon jun was standing there , her eyes were red and tears were running down his cheeks . Ji yun ran to him and hugged him tightly. She felt the pain in her chest increasing with his sobs . He hugged her tightly and cried . Ji yun consoled him as she said ,"I am there for you always ."

All of a sudden Heyeon jun pushed her away and ran . Ji yun fell on her butts . She let out a cry . Heyeon jun ran away and away . Ji yun started running after him and all of a sudden everything blanked . She was left all alone .

She fell on her knees and sobbed . All of a sudden she felt someone keep a hand on her shoulder. She looked up and saw her mother. Ji yun hurriedly grabbed her hand and pulled her . Her mother hugged her . She said ,"Take a deep breath baby , calm down . Mommy is here ."

Ji yun said in a cracked voice ,"Mom , Heyeon jun . What should i do ?" She pointed in the direction she saw him run .

Her mother said ,"Why don't you relax and try to know him first and then take your relationship on a next step ?"

Ji yun looked at her mother and asked in a confused manner ,"what are you saying mom , relationship?"

Her mother smiled and said ,"He is running but you have to catch him and never let him go . Baby you are meant to be together."

Ji yun stopped and blinked hard when all of a sudden her mother disappears and she finds herself in open field with yellow flowers all around. She sees Heyeon jun standing there with a bright smile and bright eyes . He looks at her and then he starts to run . Ji yun chases him and she lost him again. But this time she didn't give up and called his name ,"Heyeon jun !" She ran faster and faster . All of a sudden she is pushed back in a hug . She sees Heyeon jun wrapping his arms around her waist from behind and smiling .

She turns around and hugs him tighter .

Heyeon jun pulls her even tighter and lifts her chin up . He inches closer to her as he whispers something but she can't understand what he is saying . And then he seals her lips with his own . As soon as their lips met Ji yun opens her eyes .

She breaths heavily . She finds herself in her room . She is confused now . Was it all just a dream ? She looks around and frowned. What is the meaning of all this . What her mother said , was this a sign or something? Was this dream to tell her what she should do next .

She sighed and checked the time .

Almost time for her to wake up . She hurriedly changed in her exercising fit . As soon as she stepped out she saw Heyeon jun . He smiled at her and asked ,"up for a run ?"

Ji yun's mind flooded with her mother's word from the dream . She nodded her head subconsciously.


Ji yun and Heyeon jun didn't talk much and just went for a peaceful run . She knew she had to leave without him today so she quickly dressed up and prepared the breakfast for both of them .


Heyeon jun and ji yun were eating breakfast together. Heyeon jun looked at her and asked ,"So do want to share what made you distracted all day long ?"

Ji yun expected it and had already prepared a lie and she was good at it or she thought so .

She started ,"Actually , um I was worried about cafe , i mean you know after all the rumors it may have affected its reputation. Secondly I was thinking about Xia Ri . I am really confused."

Heyeon jun pursed his lips . He could see through her , she didn't meet his eyes when she explained herself . She was lying to him and he didn't like that . For the time being he thought he should not press over this topic .

If she doesn't wanted to tell him , he would let it be . He nodded and said ,"Wait here I will bring the file and then you leave ."

Ji yun nodded and looked at him , he was already done with his breakfast. She quickly finished hers and did the dishes and cleaned the kitchen.

She checked the time and picked up Her briefcase and a long coat to put on over .

She looked af stairs when she heard Heyeon jun's footsteps . She smiled at him slightly.

Heyeon jun handed over the file to her saying ,"All you want to know about Xia Ri . Do tell me what you plan on doing next . In some way I am involved in all this ."

Ji yun smiled slightly and her face turned back to cold when she looked at the file . She gave him a nod before leaving .

Heyeon jun dialed a number on his phone and said ,"I am coming . Wait for me ."


Heyeon jun was sitting in front of Song Chui and Heyeon Xia . She was sitting with her eyes looking down at her feet .

They were sitting In Song Chui's apartment. Song Chui started ,"So we are in a real relationship now and we plan on our wedding . Its been seven years since we have known each other so .."

Heyeon jun smiled and said ,"I am chill , I thought you both did something you shouldn't have . Well if thats the case go ask father I was always with you Song Chui . You know that ."

Heyeon Xia's eyes widened, "what do you mean ? You knew everything from the start ? Why didn't you tell me ?"

Heyeon jun smiled wide and said ,"Bestfriend code."

Heyeon Xia thumped her feet and left the room . Heyeon jun chuckled. Song Chui looked at her and said ,"Father ? You mean uncle Heyeon? Really ? That old geezer will not leave any opportunity to mock me . He had been teasinh me about her for years , you know that too ."

Heyeon jun let out a hearty laugh and said ,"well it is what it is . However there is a dinner party at Mr.Min's house today . You might already know . Right?"

Song Chui nodded .

Heyeon jun continued,"Bring her with you ."

Song Chui nodded and said ,"You bring Ji yun ." And winked .

Heyeon jun rolled his eyes and said ,"Only if she is invited."

Song Chui nodded and laughed .


Heyeon jun waved his hand at Song chui and left in his new sports car.



Song Chui: Guess what Working as a doctor and beinh handsome at the same time is the best combination ever .

Heyeon Ri : yeah and having this man as your boyfriend is the best thing ever .

Planting a kiss on Song Chui's cheek , Heyeon Ri leaves .

Author : welcome Mr.Song , please look at the camera and wave at our beautiful readers .

Song Chui smiles wide with a doctor's coat on and waves at you all .

Camera turns back to Author who is yawning . Author becomes furious and kicks the camera and you get scared as if it hit your face . Lollol 😂