Flirting openly

As usual Ji yun and Heyeon Jun went to the office . There wasn't much progress in their relationship , they were just getting along well , understanding each other .

Ji yun was sitting in her office , she had already made the reports and she is still left with drafts and memo . She heard a knock at the door and looked up . It was Heyeon jun . She raised her brow and asked,"Yes boss ?"

Heyeon Jun asked,"Who wants to see my niece?"

Ji yun smiled at his weird way of asking her to accompany him ,"I want to."

Heyeon jun smiled and said,"come on then , we don't have much time."

Ji yun smiled like a child and followed him .


Heyeon jun stopped at the M mall . Ji yun nodded and said,"Whats with that face hugh , we can't go empty handed , lets buy some clothes for your neice."

Heyeon Jun twitched his lips , shopping wasn't his thing but in the end he gave up . Ji yun walked right to the kids section , Heyeon jun asked her for VIP service but she refused. Ji yun would walk through the store shopping different things for a baby and Heyeon jun just carried them around. He was surprised how Ji yun acted like a child who got her favourite candy .

Heyeon Jun knew he was receiving weird gazes from others. He thought,"since when did I start following some girl around ?"

Ji yun handed him another shirt and said ,"For our queen." The managers and staff who heard them looked at them in disbelief. Were they having a kid together? Ji yun smiled awkwardly and said ,"lets get billing done."


Reaching Heyeon Ri's apartment, Heyeon Jun looked at Ji Yun's weird expression. Ji yun looked at him and said,"its strange."

Heyeon jun asked,"what?"

Ji Yun sighed and shrugged,"it's nothing, lets get going."

Heyeon jun felt suspicious of her but decided to drop the topic for once .

Entering Heyeon Ri's apartment, Ji yun's eyes met with Heyeon Ri's who looked at her surprisingly . Ji yun bowed her head . Heyeon Ri smiled at her and nodded . Then her eyes shifted to Heyeon jun who smiled at her .

She looked at Ji yun , she couldn't remember her face much since she was in pain at that time . But now she could see how beautiful and simple was Ji yun . Her dressing was not like any other girl who wore short skirts to impress Heyeon jun instead she was simple not putting much effort on the way she looked . She didn't need to anyways .

Heyeon Ri said in a somewhat low voice ,"Oh , please suit yourself. Don't be nervous, we are all good ."

Ji Yun smiled and took a seat beside Heyeon Jun . Heyeon Jun who has been noticing her nervousness scoffed ,"You can be nervous ? You are never nervous in front of me ? Instead you act as if I am nothing."

Ji Yun shot him a deathly glare ,"Could you please not ."

Heyeon Jun smirked and looked away . Ji Yun turned to look at Heyeon Ri and smiled at her ,"Aah , Here I bought some clothes for our queen."

Heyeon Ri smiled at Ji yun , she could see the generosity in Ji Yun's eyes .

Her eyes landed On Heyeon jun who was smirking weirdly . She asked,"Whats wrong with you Heyeon Jun?"

Heyeon Jun scoffed,"I bought that too , she wasn't the only one ."

Ji yun rolled her eyes,"What you did was just watch . I chose everything ok ?"

Heyeon Ri chuckled ,"stop fighting like an old couple already."

Ji yun ignored Heyeon Jun and asked ,"Can I hold queen for a second." Heyeon Ri smiled and nodded . She carefully handed the sleeping Queen to Ji yun .

Ji Yun who was sitting next to Heyeon Jun smiled like a child , she looked excited to hold the baby . She smiled at the baby and subconsciously looked at Heyeon jun . Heyeon jun looked at his niece,"Isn't she beautiful? Just like me?" Ji yun laughed slightly,"she is beautiful but not like you but her mother."

Heyeon jun shook his head as he slightly kisse his niece's head . Ji yun and Heyeon jun was so busy talking about the baby that they almost forgot they were having someone else with them .

Heyeon Ri smiled at the scene , they looked like two parents having their first kid . She looked at the gentle look on Heyeon Jun's face . She pictured this memory in her brain forever . Heyeon Ri cleared her throat and caught the couple's attention.

Heyeon Jun looked at her and saw her smile meaningfully at him . He smiled back and winked . Heyeon Xi made an impressed face and did the thumbs up sign . Heyeon jun chuckled and walked beside her . Ji yun looked at Heyeon Ri and said ,"aww she is beautiful just like you ."

Heyeon Ri smiled,"all thanks to you , Ji yun . I really am greatful to you for your help." Ji yun smiled,"it's nothing."

Heyeon Jun whispered something in his sister's ear and that made her chuckle. Heyeon Jun's eyes landed on Ji yun who looked at the sleeping baby in her arms . His lips curved upwards.

Ji Yun looked at Heyeon Ri ,"Ah , I am a little straightforward so don't mind what I ll be saying next .Basically this Zhao bastard is really son of a bitch to have left such a person like you beind . "

She raised her voice a little,"you don't need to give a fuck , you have everything. Remember, you are sexy , hot and beautiful."

Heyeon Ri chuckled and Heyeon Jun scoffed,"Are you wooing my sister , I definitely doubt your sexuality."

"Hey i am straight." Ji yun retorted . Heyeon jun shrugged,"Who knows ?"

Ji yun smirked ,"I can prove it." Heyeon jun challenged,"Come on then."

Heyeon Ri cleared her throat. They both know whats shame ? Flirting openly like this in front of her . Ji yun looked at Heyeon jun with challenging gaze . Heyeon Jun rolled his eyes.


Heyeon Jun looked at Ji yun . She was looking out of the window when he asked her,"You are yet to give me the proof." Ji yun looked at him and chuckled. Heyeon jun asked,"whats so funny , I am serious ."

Ji yun squinted her eyes ,"Really ?" Heyeon jun nodded . Ji yun's ears turned red , what proof can she give else than ... ahm !

Heyeon Jun smiled at her knowingly. Ji yun ignored him and looked out of the window.