Those blushy cheeks

Ji yun opened the door to the apartment, exhausted from the work . Heyeon jun had a sly smile on his face , he never knew he would be so easily used to a woman living in his apartment. Though he had peverted thoughts in his mind , but not all the time . Duh!

Closing the door behind him he looked at his wrist watch. It was already midnight . They had overtime again today . Removing his coat he asked ,"whats for dinner , Ms.Straight."

Ji yun twitched her lips ,"Heyeon jun stop it already please , I am tired."

Heyeon jun chuckled looking at her irritated expression. He rolled up his sleeve , "what about quick ramen?"

Ji yun entered her room and then came out without coat and her hair in a messy bun .

Heyeon jun sighed looking at her , she wore almost no makeup and still looked beautiful. He never knew he would be so comfortable around a woman. Maybe , he thought that way because he never tried living with a woman before ? But , he always felt uncomfortable even with his girlfriends around . Whats special with Ji yun .

Ji yun crossed her hands over her chest ,"Umm , I am so tired to cook." Heyeon jun squinted his eyes as he walked over to her ,"you want me to cook for you ?" Ji yun smiled,"You're smart." Heyeon jun scoffed,"what makes you think I'd cook for you ?"

Ji yun pouted,"Please !" Heyeon jun twitched his lips . God , she looked cute . This bitch ! He gave her a side eye look and smiled ,"Show me proofs first."

Ji yun squinted her eyes , this asshole !

She looked at him with an annoyed expression and came closer , knowing he was teasing her very bad since this afternoon, she wanted revenge . Inching closer , until her face was just an inch away from his , she said,"I am straight."

Heyeon Jun knew she wanted to tease him , he smirked and switched their sides .

He took a step forward and Ji yun stepped back , wasn't she supposed to bully him ? Why was she the one who ended up like this ? She gulped slightly not knowing whats coming next . She was now standing between the wall and Heyeon jun . Heyeon Jun inched closer , just like Ji yun did .

He was almost going to touch their lips , when Ji yun closed her eyes . He brushed his lips on her cheeks and whispered in her ear ,"You can't tease me , that easily Ji yun." Ji yun gulped as she felt tingles around her ear and cheeks . Blood rushed down her spine as her ckeeks and ears turned red .

After some time she opened her eyes slightly, her eyes met with Heyeon Jun's who was still staring at her with a slight smirk on his face . She bit her lower lip and glared at him , this asshole , why does he do that to her everytime !!!!

She would definitely take her revenge. She looked away and heard him chuckle ,"I see , you are straight. Those blushy cheeks prove that , don't they?"

Ji yun covered her cheeks with her hands,"whose blushing!" She thomped her feet and was about to go , god knows where , but was pulled back by Heyeon jun .

Heyeon Jun tilted his head,"You still haven't asked me nicely ." Ji yun looked at him and because she really had no energy to argue with him , she just said,"I am so tired to argue right now and since you made me more tired by teasing me like this , please cook for me . Just for tonight ."

Heyeon Jun let go of her wrist and gave a narcissist look to her,"Since , you asked a little nicely." Ji yun chuckled and took a seat on the stool by the kitchen counter,"pass me a water bottle."

Since Heyeon Jun was in a good mood , he did it without arguing over it . Ji yun pondered how Elegantly Heyeon Jun cooked the ramen . His every move was pleasing to eyes and with his rolled sleeves and shirt slightly open , he looked so hot at the same time . He didn't speak much during cooking .

Ji Yun was just admiring him , she didn't have much experience with men , but she atleast knew he was different and a perfect Man one can wish for . A little Narcissistic, a little peverted , a little cutie type , a little annoying, a little asshole , a little cold yet so sweet , he was handsome , he was so sexy , he was talented . Everything she ever wanted . But wait why is she thinking like that ? Swishing the thoughts away she asked ,"When did you learn how to cook?"

Heyeon Jun didn't look at her ,"Since I was a kid , I loved cooking ." Ji yun smiled,"Oh ! Well why don't you cook then ?"

Heyeon jun served the bowls one in front of him and the other in front of her . Handing her chopsticks, he smiled slightly.

Instead of sitting on the dining table they were sitting on the stools near the kitchen counter . Heyeon Jun looked at Ji yun ,"Because I am a CEO ."

Ji yun frowned,"What does that have to do with cooking?" Heyeon Jun smiled slightly,"Well , I wanted to be a chef , but since I had no other option but to take over the family business, I gave up . Also , I have no one to cook for ."

Ji yun felt sad for him , he looked really sad ,"Aish ! Whats with that sad face and who said you can't do what you love and give up on your dreams . You can cook for me , I am such a foodie , I will love to eat Chef Heyeon Jun's dishes."

Heyeon Jun chuckled,"I never knew you could cheer someone up like that."

Ji yun replied,"Well ... I really don't like cheering up others but I just can't take someone being sad too .. Sometimes. And also , I really am serious when I say you can cook for me . Oh my god , the girl you'd marry would be so lucky, I'm jealous."

Heyeon jun laughed at her fake jealous reaction . He smiled ,"Eat it before it gets cold." Ji yun smiled ,"Yes chef."


Once done , Ji yun was doing the dishes where as Heyeon jun was just standing there by fridge looking for something. Ji yun cleaned the sink , and then wiped her hands with the towel . Keeping her hands on her waist she asked,"what are you looking for ?"

Heyeon Jun complained ,"Where is the cheesecake? Its finished ?" Ji yun nodded but she wanted to laugh , he looked so cute , just like a kid sulking .

She rolled her eyes and said,"You have a sweet tooth?"

Heyeon jun smiled,"Ofcourse I do."

Ji yun flicked his head ,"I ll make another one on the weekend , now go sleep." She fled away just like that while Heyeon jun was just thinking what the fuck did just happen with him .


Closing the door behind her , Ji yun leaned on it . Heyeon jun was indeed someone who made her experience the feelings she never knew she could feel . She smiled subconsciously.

Unbottoning her shirt , she entered the wardrobe looking for her new Oversized shirt . She looked at the mirror and her eyes travelled down her own body , resting on the mark on her stomach. She blinked , her world drwoned all of a sudden , she felt heavy , sad .

The big mark from the cut and stitches was highlighted due to her pale skin . Turning around , she looked over her shoulder and could see some stretch marks on her shoulders and on her waist . She gulped down the lump in her throat, would someone accept her with such marks on her body ? Theynwere not ungly but weren't beautiful either .

She smiled at herself and reminded ,"the man who accepts me the way I am is the one who Is worth keeping." But then she thought, she do has a nice figure though . Why would someone deny her ? She is so sexy right . She winked at herself ,"You rock baby girl."


Heyeon Jun smiled at himself as he looked at the Mirror. He was handsome , right ? He looked good like this , when he was serious or does he look good when he smiled ? He smiled , he found himself creepy ,"Aish! What am I thinking uh ! I am handsome , really I never noticed I am so handsome did I ?"

He smirked and a small angel on his right shoulder rolled its eyes,"Narcissistic."