I wish I could Just eat you up

Note - This chapter is part of mass release - 9/8/2020

Xia Ri looked at Dong Heon and sighed . Dong Heon smiled and said,"I know I am handsome , you don't need to sigh like that." Xia Ri rolled her eyes and looked out of the window,"well It did go according to plan , but still Father will definitely ask something to me or you , since he knows how close you two are."

Dong Heon nodded ,"I know , lets visit their apartment, since there would be Elsa and ben . We shouldn't let your father doubt even a bit about them leaving the country."

Xia Ri nodded ,"Fine."


Reaching their apartment Dong Heon and Xia Ri smiled at each other entering the apartment. Dong Heon leaned in closer and whispered,"Did you notice these men around here , so sad , they can't even hide properly." Xia Ri chuckled,"Like boss , like men." Dong Heon clicked his tongue,"Indeed."

Pushing the door open , their eyes landed on Ben and Elsa who were eating food casually . Dong Heon commented,"Ah , you really look like them. No one can doubt." Xia Ri nodded ,"absolutely." She took a seat beside Elsa ,"well , Do you guys know each other already?"

Ben nodded ,"Hm , its been so many years . We are friends." Elsa added ,"with benefits." Making Xia Ri chuckled,"Indeed my sister , Ji Yun too is straightforward as hell." Elsa smiled where as Dong Heon teased Ben with a meaningful gaze .

Dong Heon sighed ,"Guys , lets get serious, you should not open these flaps at all , not at all. Make sure to go to office on time and dress just like those two . Don't act too sweet and cute ok?"

Elsa and ben nodded .

Dong Heon sighed .


A Man in his black suit staring in front of their apartment smiled evily , taking out his phone , he dialed a number ,"Dong Heon and Xia Ri just got into the apartment."

He heard a deep voice ,"Hmm. Ask someone to check information from every airport."

The man nodded and ended the call.

The Man smiled and looked at the gaurd ,"tell me what's happening, hm?"

The gaurd who was sweating coldly just nodded . The Man patted his cheek and left .


Xia Ri pouted slightly as she layed on her bed in her loose oversized T-Shirt . Dong Heon exited the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist .

He frowned and asked ,"what's wrong?"

Xia Ri turned her head to look at him and froze . His upper torso was naked , highlighting his big muscles and toned abs . Looking away quickly she blinked . Dong Heon's lips curved upwards as he stepped closer to the bed . He climbed over her and she shut her eyes tightly.

Xia Ri's cheeks turned red . Dong Heon smiled slightly and kissed her cheeks . Xia Ri finally opened her eyes looking at him . Dong Heon pecked her lips,"wifey , why are you so cute , I wish I could just eat you up!"

Xia Ri couldn't even say anything as he sealed her lips . What She could do was respond . His hand traveled under her shirt from her thighs to her waist . The motion of his hand sent chills down her body . Her body slightly shuddered under his touch . A gasp escaped her lips as she moaned slightly. Dong Heon smirked in between the kiss .


Xia Ri's face was flushed as she burried it in the crook of his neck , Dong Heon pulled her closer and they dozed off to sleep .


Mr.Xia banged his table,"What do you mean you didn't get any information, there is no information about them from the airport?"

He frowned taking a deep breath,"Wasn't this meeting for an important project as informed by that bitch Han meyi!"

He sighed once again calming his nerves,"Keep an eye on them 24/7 , You get it? I need report of every single thing you find suspicious."

He left banging the door behind him.


The Man frowned ,"Aah , Ji Yun . I warned you to stay away from him , you seem to put him in danger too. Well .. lets see , who wins."

Throwing the cigarette in the trash , The man laughed ,"Fuck her. Let me get some good sleep , since I soon have to meet her anyways. "

He looked at Ji Yun's photo on his wall and a wicked smile formed on his face,"I don't think You still remember me . Do you?" He laughed coldly removing her robe as he pulled the sleeping girl on the bed closer and started his assaults causing moans to echo in the dark room .


Dong Heon woke up in the middle of the night , he smiled . Realizing what they did , even if they didn't go all the way through, she atleast helped him ease his tension. He kissed her forhead . And got up from the bed to get himself cleaned and put on some clothes before getting her cleaned.

He looked at his sleeping wife and mumbled,"I feel blessed , and I will cherish you wifey . But you will need some training first." He again kissed her forhead and covered both of them with a blanket.



Hey guys , so this was my mass release . I promise to give you guys a Mass release of ten chapters next time.

I hope you all are doing well at home , I am sorry If you think this mass release wasn't much but actually From last few days I have been sure busy since I had to submit my online projects too . Its hard to magae time with study but i ll always try my best .

Also , I am greatful for all the support I have been getting from you guys . All those who Like my story , all those who are waiting for more chapters .. all those who take time to give review, comments , votes . I love you all ! I started this story just because I always wanted to write one . But after all the love I got , I am greatful. And always will be .

If You like the story, please comment and tell me how you feel about it , it motivates me to write more and more.