Say that again

Ji Yun sighed as she towel dried her hairs . She wanted to sleep really bad . It was still afternoon but she wanted to sleep really really badly . She was jet lagged.

She hung the towel over the chair beside the small study table as she walked to her bed . Her hair were yet not fully dried , being a cherry on top of her beauty. She slumped in her bed and pulled the blanket to her waist and she fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow .


It would be almost dinnertime when Heyeon Jun woke up from his hours long nap . He felt much better . He freshened up and headed downstairs. He didn't see Ji Yun anywhere so he asked one of the servants,"where's Miss. Ji Yun ?"

The servant smiled slightly,"Miss was looking really tired , she was in her room and hasn't stepped out since afternoon." Heyeon Jun nodded and instantly headed upstairs.

He slowly opened the door to her room . Thankfully the door wasn't locked . He stepped in closing the door behind .

His eyes landed on Ji Yun who was sleeping soundly on her side , crumbled up like a kid . Her arms were crossed over her chest even in her sleep ! He scoffed slightly. Her messy hairs covering her face . He stepped closer and removed the strands of her hair away from her face with his right hand which made Ji Yun stir . But she went back to sleep .

Heyeon Jun looked at this little adult baby . He smiled at his own creepy thoughts . He strode towards the other side of the bed taking a seat there he pulled his phone out . He started checking all the texts from his mother .

"Heyeon Jun ! Don't bully my daughter-In-Law!"

"Be polite and don't overwork yourself and her . Specially her , cause she got injury on her right hand , Don't let her do written work yet !"

"You both can go on outing, show her around . By the end of this project, We all will also come there with you for spending some quality time ."

"Your father really liked Ji Yun . She us 100% our daughter-In-law . Also , I have already sent some more dresses for her since she needs them. Make sure to call me around 12 pm In Australia ."

"Take care , Son . Love youuuu !"

With a few kissing emojis .

Heyeon Jun scoffed, Daughter-in-law? Wtf . He looked at Ji Yun who was sleeping carelessly not knowing she was someone's Daughter-in-law. He smiled slightly, not knowing why . He replied with just a single text ,"Fine Mom. Love you too . You too take care , I will call you later."

And then he started checking his emails as he read them . Most of them were from Manager Han . He twitched his lips as an hour passed since he was replying to them , reading each word carefully.


Ji Yun slowly opened her eyes as she rubbed them after a nice sleep. Her face looked fresh and beautiful . She was Stretching her neck and shoulders with her eyes closed , when she heard a familiar deep voice ,"You up?"

Her eyes widened as she looked at Heyeon Jun standing beside the window with a cup of coffee as he looked outside . The rising and falling buildings a little far from where the apartment was . She gulped slightly. Heyeon Jun was wearing a loose sweater with some trousers. He looked cute to be honest.

Ji Yun remained calm,"Yes , I had a nice sleep , what about you?" Heyeon Jun looked at her ,"It was deep , really nice," and walked upto her ,"Its about 9 pm. Lets eat dinner and then lets get back to work."

Ji Yun nodded and stepped out of the bed . She headed inside the bathroom, as she flipped her hairs . Heyeon Jun didn't miss it . He even took a deep breath and released a deep sigh . His feeings were really complicated when it comes to her . He rolled his eyes and sipped his coffee as he walked to the window again.


Ji Yun looked at herself in the mirror and quickly washed her face . She fixed the messed up hairs and exited the bathroom.

Heyeon Jun just looked back at ger and then walked away just like that and Ji Yun followed him downstairs greeted with some servants preparing the table for them. She bit her lip , she really feels a little odd with all these people serving her but she should already get used to it .

Wearing a simple blue shirt with her trousers made her look like an actual cute Girl. She blinked her eyes and noticed something, Fuck my lenses , I didn't wear them no doubt I don't see anything clearly . Her thoughts made her click her tongue.

Taking a seat near Heyeon Jun she placed both her hands on her knees . Heyeon Jun simply asked ,"What's wrong?" Ji Yun twitched her lips,"I forgot my lenses. I didn't wear them." Heyeon Jun was so shocked that he almost yelled ,"What the hell ? You wear lenses?"

Ji Yun nodded awkwardly looking at all the servants who were so shocked too . At Heyeon Jun's Reaction though . Mr.Proffesional who adressed her as Miss.Ji Yun an hour ago was now acting like a surprised kid . Ji Yun cleared her throat,"Ahem , What's so shocking ?"

Heyeon Jun scoffed not caring about anyone ,"I didn't knew you were blind?" Ji Yun almost burst into cold laughter,"Blind ?" Heyeon Jun crossed his arms over chest ,"Obviously you are blind If you can't see."

Ji Yun felt like smacking him across his face ,"Whatever . You are just simply stupid ."

Heyeon Jun frowned ,"Say that again!" Ji Yun scoffed,"You are just simply stupid." Heyeoj Jun's face turned red with rage , this stupid woman , how does she even insult him like this . He wanted to strangle her to death . But before he could say or do something he heard a loud couch . Turning his head he saw butler Kim .

He smiled awkwardly realizing they were fighting like this in front of a lot of servants . He took a deep breath and then looked at Ji Yun glaring at her . It was all her fault . He ordered in a cold voice ,"Send my dinner in my room." And he left . Whereas Ji Yun dumbfoundedly looked at his back .

She left really bad , what did she do ? He was the one starting everything. And then he left the table with anger and so much arrogance. She blinked slightly , pursed her lips and looked down at her empty plate , just then she heard a bang soud . Knowing he would have banged the door in anger every servant went back to work . As soon as a lady was about to serve her , she stopped her and smiled at her ,"Its ok , You can send Mr.Heyeon's food in his room . I can do this."

The servant baffled,"But Miss.." Ji Yun cut her off,"I am just like you , I serve this family like you , nothing else . I am already thankful you prepared it for me , moreover I am not used to all this treatment."

The servant looked at Butler Kim for help who simply nodded signaling her to let her be .


Butler Kim smiled at himself as he looked at Ji Yun . She looked pissed but she was calm and eating her food . So different from everyone who has ever been here before . Heyeon Jun's girlfriends have always been arrogant, and rude treating servants as trash , but she was definitely different. He sighed and texted someone,'They just argued . looked like a couple.'


Heyeon Jun was pissed . He closed the door behind him and took a deep breath . He wasn't thinking straight . He knew he was the one who started it . But because he was embarrassed , his mood was worsened and he was pissed af. He clenched his jaw and simply waited for his food in his room .

After having his dinner he again dug himself in his work . Ignoring everything and not bothering about anything . This would be the best thing he could do to calm himself again .