Author’s Note ! Must read

Hey guys , i want to tell you all that, From now On I will have a posting schedule . I will be posting 1 chapter a day or maybe 2 at random times on MONDAY , WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY AND A BONUS CHAPTER ON SUNDAY .


Hey , I am your author , theunknownsoul . I want to tell you guys that I took a break and in that I had made a decesion that will be a very very good news for all the readers who Like this book and want to read this story .

I won't charge any coins until I finish volume one of this book . I am writing this book for my passion and not as a job . I really started this book thinking if someone would like it or not and trust me with all the views I got and how many collections I get . I was surprised that In I guess two months this book progressed at a really great pace .

I was happy to see that you people Really liked how this book was going . With everything going in my life, I would say that I did decide to drop this book but I didn't when I noticed that finally readers started commenting and liking my story . There are some readers which always comment and take an initiative to correct me and show me how much they actually like my story . And I love all of them and even the readers who read my story .

To be honest , I was a reader myself and one thing annoys most readers is Locked chapters . So I decided That I will not charge coins on my story until I complete the First volume and maybe never . This book is for others to read . But I hope that this is not on any other platform except webnovels . If it is immediately report it and inform me , if any of you reads it anywhere else .

Also Don't worry First volume will be pretty long . 😂

I really appreciate all the support I got from all of you . You want to talk ? Add me up on discord - theunknownsoul#7832

I love you all for your support, peace out ! ❤️