Whatever makes you sleep at night

"And you ?"

These two questions ringing in her mind . Ji Yun gulped down slightly,"I.." she stopped when he stepped closer . Ji Yun stepped back but he pulled her causing her to bump in his chest ,"Do You care?"

Ji Yun nodded ,"I do.." they just stared at each other and after a long silence Heyeon Jun pushed her away again ,"But I don't now get out ." He was about to turn around to leave but Ji Yun quickly wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him . Heyeon Jun froze . What was she doing ? Its hard enough for me to controle my emotions and she ....

He tried to push her away but Ji Yun's grip was really tight,"No , I won't let go. I know you need it." Heyeon Jun tried to free himself but he failed . He gave up , standing like a stutue while he tried to blink away the tears that formed in them , it was overwhelming for him .

He didn't hug her back , thinking she would let go but she didn't. Instead after a few minutes she simply started speaking again in a low voice ,"I know its hard , because thats what is common in us , Emotions are overwhelming sometimes and you need someone to share them with . Its ok , it happens all the time but it doesn't mean we should rebuild the walls that were destroyed by love and care."

"I know how sad is it , I felt it myself . Its not a big deal. You are harming yourself. You just need to understand that sometimes letting everything and your emotions out isn't a big deal . Ok ?" Heyeon Jun was already trying hard to controle himself and Ji Yun's words attacked him like magic as a tear escaped his eyes .

The feeling was overwhelming, the words of assurance and love he always craved for , made his heart melt and so does his tears that rolled down his cheeks one after the other . He was trying hard to control but lost it in the end .

He wiped his tears and pushed her ,"I need some time alone , get out." He turned around not daring to meet her pleading eyes , because he knew if he looked at her he would loose it . Ji Yun's heart ached when she saw his teary eyes. Never in her life she thought, he would by crying one day . The cold CEO would be crying and it was heartbreaking.!

Ji Yun sighed,"Fine I hope to see you at the dining table tonight . Also I don't know if you noticed it or not , but I had to keep my ego aside to come and talk to you even after every cruel thing you said that day." She turned around and blinked away her tears stepping towards the door .


Heyeon Jun realized the weight of her words . It was true , she came all the way here to talk to him . He knew he was rude that night . He almost spoiled this friendship forever .

She was about to reach for the door knob when Heyeon Jun couldn't control himself anymore and hugged her from behind , he can't let her go . He was afraid no one would ever come back again . For the time being he needed her and only her . The frustration of not talking to her and not being able to tease her and see her smiling or blushing face felt like slowly killing himself .

A sob left his mouth,"I am sorry Yun." Ji yun froze , Yun ? She blinked a few times composing her thoughts before she finally turned around and she looked at Heyeon Jun who was literally crying , his tears rolling down his cheeks .

Ji Yun felt a pang of pain in her heart . She felt like crying herself. But she smiled lightly and placed her hand on his right cheek ,"I will listen to whatever you have to say , and I swear I won't judge you."

Heyeon Jun stared at her and then pulled her into another hug . Ji Yun sighed , she will let him do whatever he feels comfortable with , for now . Ji Yun pulled away and took a seat on the bed , she smiled at him and asked him to come to the bed .

Heyeon Jun and Ji Yun were sitting side by side waiting for him to speak . Heyeon Jun looked at his hands ,"I am sorry , I should've apologized earlier . I was so enraged at that point I didn't think before spouting out all the nonsense.." Ji Yun chuckled,"Well atleast you know that was nonsense.."

Heyeon Jun sighed ,"I am just so frustrated with my emotions , I don't remember the last time I cried. The last time I felt the feeling of lonliness was just the moment you ignored me ... It was all different before you came .. I was used to that feeling , but since you started your job , we eventually developed a friendly relationship and ... I got used to it . Now lonliness feels frustrating . When I got the news no one was coming I just .."

He broke into tears and Ji Yun's eyes watered , thats true , she was missing his company more than anything all these days .

She wrapped an arm around him and slightly patted his back .

Heyeon Jun was still controlling himself but he couldn't ,"I tried hard not to be so weak .. but why can't I be weak .. I have always been the only one to sacrifice everything for the sake of everyone.. These walls I have built up are the only things that protect me ans I will never let them down Ever." He was more like telling himself all of this .

Ji Yun wondered What did he go through ? Heyeon Jun hugged her resting his head on the crook of her neck ,'I don't know If this will last forever but I am thankful.'His thoughts were all settling down . His tears rolled down his cheeks. He closed his eyes and just a minute later he was done .


Ji Yun knew he was still holding back but she also knew he had atleast shared something , she would agree with how he feels . She understands what he meant . She felt like she missed this . She missed this warmth of their friendship and understanding . Never had she ever felt so close to someone before.

She carrased his hair lost in her own thoughts and didn't even notice how intimate they were . Heyeon Jun's breath slowly deepened . Ji Yun's eyes went wide when she realized something . Fuck ! She had to pick up Heyeon Ri . She blinked hard and looked down at him and her heart stopped .

Heyeon Jun was sleeping with his eyes closed like a small baby . Ji Yun stared at him blankly , is he serious ? He was really sleeping . She wanted to run to the airport but here he was sleeping like this . She was so confused , she didn't want to wake him up either , she was comfused about what to do .

Sighing a little she removed his hands from her waist and then slowly turned her body around . Suddenly Heyeon Jun opened his eyes and Their eyes met . Thats when Ji Yun actually realized how wrong position it was . Drowned in the pool of emotions they forgot about right and wrong .

Ji Yun bit her lower lip when Heyeon Jun didn't blink and just stared at her . Ji Yun was sure her cheeks were red , how fast her heart was actually beating for her to be this flushed . Heyeon Jun smirked lightly,"Lets pick up Sister together." Ji Yun blinked and noticed the smirk creeping up on his face . She didn't know what to do , if she nodded , their lips would brush .

Heyeon Jun leaned in and pecked her ,"Its not like we haven't kissed before." He shot her a raised brow . He stepped out of the bed ,"and one more thing...." he paused and again leaned in , supporting his weight with one of his knee on the bed ,"If I wanted your body , I would have already have that .." he whispered in her ear .

Heyeon Jun knocked her head lightly before he made his way in the bathroom .

Ji Yun gulped , there was a hint of a warning in his tone that Ji Yun couldn't ignore . She was relieved too , finally he returned back to being normal . She sighed and then headed out , almost running away . He was back on teasing her . Tsk !

Putting her hair up in a bun , Ji Yun seemed satisfied with her look . She headed downstairs and noticed Heyeon Jun , whose eyes seemed a little swelled . She secretly grabbed an ice pack and wrapped it in a towel , while she put it in her purse . Mrs.Heyeon bid them goodbye without much questions and she everything was back to normal .


Heyeon Jun leaned back on the passenger seat silently , his one hand on the ice pack and the other resting on his thigh . Ji Yun on the other hand silently cursed the GPS , it felt weird driving in Australia. She sighed time to time as a lot of things ran through her mind . She was hell lot of worried about something....

Heyeon Jun looked at her and a his lips curved upwards lightly seeing her irritated expression . He looked away and then back at her and then away and then back , away , back , away , back at her . Then finally Ji Yun spoke ,"Stop stealing glances at me like that."

Ooopsie !! He was caught ; Heyeon Jun's cleared his throat ,"You fancy yourself too much I was just stealing glances at the view outside." Ji Yun scoffed,"I am attractive enough for you to steal glances." Heyeon Jun rolled his eyes ,"Whatever makes you sleep at night." Ji Yun smirked ,"I will make you have sleepless nights , Don't stare at me."

Heyeon Jun shot her a glare quite not understanding what she meant ,"What are you referring to ?" Ji Yun passed him a smirk and didn't say anything. But after a while Heyeon Jun simply felt his ears turning red as he looked out . What she said was probably true ... may be ....


A/N - song of the day "I LOVE YOU" by Billie Eilish ( are spellings correct though?) (.-.)