What being freaky actually is ..

Heyeon Jun was feeling a bit tired and not being excited he decided to go early to bed .

Heyeon Jun was fast asleep but he soon heard a sound of screaming . His eyes shot open as he immediately got up from the bed and headed out . He subconsciously turned to Ji Yun's Room . He knocked on the door,"Is everything fine." His voice laced with worry. He didn't hear anything. He quickly opened the door .

His eyes widened as his heart fluttered and jumped with surprise when everyone shouted in Unison,"Happy Birthday Fool." His mouth was agape as his eyes landed on Song Chui , Heyeon Xia , Dong Heon , Xia Ri, Heyeon Ri , Ji Yun and his mother and father. He couldn't just swallow everything he saw looking at , did everyone just surprise him ?

His eyes watered ,"WHat the ..." Everyone was screaming the happy bday song , when he just stared at them with so much warmth that filled his heart throughly . He never felt so warm and special . His eyes lande on Ji Yun who was holding the cake in her hand. She was smiling ear to ear swinging side to side .

He felt blessed , that only moment he felt blessed . He smiled wide when Song Chui came running towards him hugging him and So did Dong Heon . Soon they pulled him towards the cake which was now placed on Ji Yun's table in front of the bed . Everyone clapped their hands for Heyeon Jun. He blew the candles and then everyone sang the bday song in unison . Heyeon Jun was so happy and felt like this was the first time He had celebrated his birthday like this .

Never did he ever get such surprises, maybe he did but it all felt differently special. Soon Everyone started feeding him mouthfull of cake , wishing him weird wishes . He would laugh lightly when Everyone teased him .

He smiled lightly and his eyes landed on Ji Yun who has turned into a photographer . He frowned , Ji Yun hadn't even wished him properly . He walked to her and grabbed the phone from her hand . Before she could say anything he stuffed her mouth with cake ,"Thankyou." Ji Yun stared blankly at him and others .

While others clappes their hands and whooted , she finally swallowed the bug peice of cake and smile lightly,"Why thanks to me , Thank all others who planned this. I just helped with some cake."

Heyeon Xia sighed,"Oh You never forget to take the credit for cooking." Ji Yun winked at her and everyone else laughed but Heyeon Jun just stared at her . It was obvious that It was a perfect plan made by her or was he expecting too much for no reason.

Heyeon Jun then looked at Song Chui and Dong Heon ,"You did me bad , you know how bad i felt this afternoon." Dong Heon teased,"Oh come on brother , we know u cried a lot." Heyeon Jun scoffed,"My ass."

Madam Heyeon glared at him,"Juni watch your language , rules are rules , No abusive words on bdays." Heyeon Jun rolled his eyes. Heyeon Xia hugged him again,"So ,, maybe maybe we will be all resting now and talk tomorrow morning , we are tired after long hours of flight."

Heyeon Jun cocked a brow,"Yeah I need an explanation how you did this." He meaningfully looked at Ji Yun. Ji Yun averted her gaze . Xia Ri coughed lightly,"Lets go guys , I am tired also Ji Yun still has to clean all this mess meanwhile Heyeon Jun would eat the cake."

Xia Ri's worsa held an underlying meaning on which father Heyeon commented,"Whoa , Whoa , I get it what you mean little fairy ." Xia Ri giggled . Dong Heon possessively wrapped an arm around her shoulders,"Aunty keep your husband in check he seems to flirt around too much."

Everyone laughed and Mr.Heyeon smirked and kissed his wife ,"I love her and would love her forever. I am not interested in any woman else than my wife . So wife lets go." And with that everyone turned to leave , Heyeon Ri patted Heyeon Jun's back meaningfully as she left .

The door was closed so Heyeon Jun turned to look at Ji Yun who was gathering cleaning her bed already. Heyeon Jun walked upto her and he looked at her ,"So .. U did plan all this." Ji Yun looked up stopping in between her work ,"I told you.. ah." she was cut of when Heyeon Jun pinned her down on the bed with her hands beside her head ,"Answer honestly." Ji Yun gulped ,"Why do you even need to be so close and freaky whenever you are around." She complained.

Heyeon Jun frowned,"Am I freaky?" Ji Yun smiled and nodded,"Yeah accordingly." Heyeon Jun got up from the bed and Ji Yun sighed finally freeing herself . Heyeon Jun walked to the door and he held the door knob , Ji Yun smiled lightly thinking her trick worked.

Heyeon Jun locked the door instead with a click sound and turned around with a smirk on his face ,"Lemme show you what being freaky actually is." Ji Yun's heart skipped a beat . What the fushhhh !!!!! She screamed inside but she was too shocked to do anything. What could she do anyways because Heyeon Jun's reflexes were fast .

He caught her and pinned her down . Her both tiny wrists in his one big hand's tight grip as he held it above her head . Heyeon Jun's lips never straightened as he smirked evily . Ji Yun struggled ,"Heyeon Jun what.." He placed a finger on her lips,"Sh! Keep quiet otherwise it will cost you another headache by tomorrow.."

Ji Yun didn't know why her heart was racing so fast as if it wanted to jump out of her chest and run away somewhere . Her body felt heated up already as he did what he did to her . Heyeon Jun licked his lips lightly before he pressed them onto Ji Yun's who was so shocked . She could feel the current rushing in her body as the feeling engulfed her slowly .

She wanted to pull him away but she couldn't. She closed her eyes when Heyeon Jun's one hand traveled downwards by the sides of her body . Her body shuddered under his touch , no one has ever dared touch her like this . This was something new for her .

On the Other hand Heyeon Jun just couldn't control himself how much he tried , he needed an excuse and yo ! He got it . He pressed his lips against hers and he missed them dearly . He would be damned if he didn't feel possessive when the thought of other man touching her crossed his mind . His free hand travelled downwards trailing sides of her slim waist and it slowly wrapped around it .

He could sense her shudder and that made him even more surprised, she was so innocent, so pure , that was something that made him doubt his intentions. That was something made him feel bad about spoiling her . He smiled lightly and pulled away looking into her eyes .

Ji Yun was staring at him with complicated emotions . He sighed,"You want me to show you more freaky side of me." Ji Yun shook her head like a cute baby and Heyeon Jun leaned in again pressing another kiss. Ji Yun sweared that this man was so intoxicating for her .

Leaving a trail of kisses on her jaw and neck , Heyeon Jun heard a small moan and fuck ! He looked up at her biting her lip and he closed his eyes knowing that if he went furthur it would be a torture for himself . He pressed another kiss against her lips and then hugged her . Ji Yun was too flushed and confused to admit whatever she did.

Heyeon Jun could feel her heart beating erratically , he couldn't help but stroke her back lightly,"Hey , how do you feel?" Ji Yun was really blushing now and secondly this was all so unusual , god ! She looked up,"I don't even know what to do in such a situation." Heyeon Jun couldn't help but chuckle ,"Well , Nevermind just stay cool like you are." Ji Yun nodded her head when Heyeon Jun just stared at her .

They were very close , very intimate . Everything was soothing and Ji Yun didn't feel disgusted by his touch instead she felt warmth and comfort . Maybe she was too lonely that she was overthinking and estimating things .

Heyeon Jun felt better , it would be the best birthday ever . He smiled at his thought and pulled away ,"Lets clean the room together it will be faster then." Ji Yun nodded , ironically everything wasn't awkward, it felt normal maybe that was because they had a small talk.

Then Ji Yun again started cleaning the bed which was filled with confetti. This surprise had taken a lot of effort . Heyeon Jun on the other hand decided to broom the carpet cleaning the confetti from it . He was still lightly lost in his thoughts . Ji Yun gathered everything and placed it outside the room and Heyeon Jun helped her .


Sigh escaped Heyeon Jun's lips . He looked At Ji Yun and then at the cake which was now laying on nightstand. Ji Yun was standing by the window taking a fre deep breaths , she turned around , picked up the cake ,"Well , Lemme keep it in the refrigerator ." Heyeon Jun nodded and he followed her downstairs.

Ji Yun was about to open the refrigerator but Heyeon Jun blocked her way taking the cake from her hands . He took a knife and cut a huge peice of cake serving it in an empty dish . He smiled ,"I want to eat since its too yummy." Ji Yun laughed,"Really ? Well I had to put a lot of effort specially making it all secretly."

Heyeon Jun nodded and he bought a spoonful to her mouth ,"You know what , You haven't yet wished me properly ." Ji Yun realized it and quickly answered,"Oh ! Well happy birthday Heyeon Jun ! May god bless you with happiness and abundance." She chidied a smile and Heyeon Jun fake smiled before filling her mouth with cake .

Ji Yun rolled her eyes and quietly savored the taste of the Dark forest cake . Um , thats so good . Heyeon Jun started eating the cake when he realized something and his eyes twitched lightly. He looked at Ji Yun breifly before turning back to normal . He quickly placed the cake back in the refrigerator and pointed out,"Go and Rest , You already are not feeling well. You wanted to sleep so badly didn't you ?"

Ji Yun rolled her eyes yet again and this Time Heyeon Jun covered them with his hand,"Don't they hurt?" Ji Yun sighed,"Fine I'd be going now." She left the kitchen waving the back of her hand at him .

Heyeon Jun looked at her disappearing figure and a smirk appeared on his face. He picked up his phone and texted someone, something. His eyes darted up revealing a mysterious story in them. His face slightly darkened as he walked towards his room.


A/N- song of the day is "Pal" by Arijit singh , shreya ghoshal , Javed moshin.

Also its HINDI . Lols guys don't mind it . I already told ya that I could share any kinda songs , Korean , Punjabi , English or Hindi.