Men overestimate themselves

Ji Yun's eyes met with his and his heart skipped a beat when she passed him her usual signature smile . He wondered, I really fell for her ? No , I haven't. I just can't. How can I ? He blinked his eyes ,"Our turn !" He said walking towards the Men's trial room . The managed led the other two inside too .

Xia Ri went back to change . Whereas Ji Yun and Heyeon Xia slumped on the couch . Heyeon Xia patted Ji Yun's back ,"Don't worry One day My brother will be the one asking you to accept his feelings . Trust me on this one." Ji Yun smiled lightly knowing what Heyeon Xia actuallly meant ,"Ofcourse he would."

After some time Xia Ri joined both of them on the couch. She sighed ,"Ji Yun show me the pictures." Ji Yun nodded and searched for her phone . She hissed ,"my phone is with Heyeon Jun." Xia Ri scoffed ,"Go get it then . They are going to take some time. Let me see his reaction again . It was so cute."

Ji Yun rolled her eyes ,"Fine I would go get It." She got up and walked towards the trial room . Xia Ri smiled at Heyeon Xia . I wish he is changing , she thought. She wanted to push both Ji Yun and Heyeon Jun together and to do so she had to make Ji Yun realize that she doesn't only like Heyeon Jun , Maybe she loved him.

Ji Yun entered the room and was greeted with the sight of manager . She smiled politely,"Um where is Mr.Heyeon Jun ?" The manager pointed at one of the trial rooms ,"Um he is in that one." Ji Yun nodded . She took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

Heyeon Jun opened the door ,"Come In." He said casually knowing it was Ji Yun. Ji Yun entered the trial room and her heart skipped a beat looking at Heyeon Jun . He'd just put on his white silk shirt . It was open exposing his toned chest lightly. He was buttoning it up gracefully. Ji Yun gulped lightly .

Heyeon Jun looked at her with a raised brow ,"You never miss an opportunity to see me change . Do you ?" Ji Yun stiffened,"Would you please stop it already. You're even teasing me here ." She complained . Heyeon Jun stepped towards her ,"Hm , what ? Tease you , good idea. Let me tease you now."

He stepped even closer . Ji Yun stepped back ,"I am here to .." Heyeon Jun shushed her with his finger ,"Sh , I know You're here for your phone.." darn it ! He always knew everything. Mind reader !! Ji Yun looked away , jerking his hand away,"So give it to me." Heyeon Jun raised a brow ,"what will I get in return."

Ji Yun thought for a moment ,"Maybe , A head massage." Heyeon Jun nodded ,"not bad . But make it double." Ji Yun gave in ,"Ok 2 head massage." Heyeon Jun passed her phone to her. "What are you wearing for the party by the way ?" Ji Yin asked . Heyeon Jun smiled ,"A classic black suit with red tie." Ji Yun's heart skipped another beat . She was also going to wear a red dress . They will match .. oh my god ! She felt her heart flutter like a teenager .

She nodded her head ,"Um Ok. Good choice." Heyeon Jun smirked ,"You plan on seeing me change my pants too ?" Ji Yun made a weird face ,"Disgusting." Heyeon Jun chuckled and she closed the door with a slight bang . Ji Yun smiled happily , they were going to match outfits coincidentally. She felt like a teenager in love. LOVE ?!

Ji Yun dismissed her thoughts and headed out with a straight face ,"Here!" She handed the phone to Xia Ri . Heyeon Xia suspiciously asked ,"What took you so long ?" Ji Yun frowned ,"Its just about five minutes." Heyeon Xia nodded ,"Yeah actually, its FIVE MINUTES but you only had to take the phone which would only take a mere ONE MINUTE WITH WALKING DISTANCE TOO !"

Ji Yun cleared her throat ,"We had an argument." Xia Ri and Heyeon Xia both said at the same time ,"WHAT ?" Ji Yun frowned deeper ,"Whats so wrong about having an argument?" Xia Ri waved her hand in the air back at fourth and with other hand she facepalmed herself . Heyeon Xia twitched her lips and looked away . Ji Yun was left dumbfounded. Wth ?!


Heyeon Jun stepped out of the trial room and coincidentally the other too also stepped out . He looked at them and smiled. Song Chui and Heyeon Jun were wearing matching, Basic black suits with white shirt underneath. Dong Heon's was a black tuxedo. He looked like a prince . He smiled ,"Lets go boys ! Lets shake our women with our handsomeness." Song Chui added ,"Yeah our earth shattering handsomeness will definitely leave them in awe."

Three of them breathed in proudly and walked out together. They were imagining the fake music in the background as they stepped out . They wondered how surprised would the three of the girls be when they see them .

As soon as they stepped out the music stopped as the laughter filled the VIP section. The girls were busy in themselves and didn't even look up a little bit . Their proud chest fell and their arrogant expressions dropped . Dong Heon mumbled ,"Don't be discouraged yet." He cleared his throat to get the attention of the three ladies. Three of them looked up . They were just staring at them.

This added to their ego and their chest swelled proudly. Heyeon Jun smirked at Ji Yun who was staring at him . Xia Ri blinked ,"Nice." And with this the three of them continued their laughter as they were enjoying the video on phone . Dong Heon , Song Chui and Heyeon Jun's face fell and darkened. What was this ? The reaction was complete opposite.

Heyeon Jun sighed ,"Its true that Men tend to overestimate themselves." He said with a sad tone and the other too pouted lightly,"True!" Three of them headed inside again with dropped shoulders.


Ji Yun smiled at Heyeon Jun's back ,"You look the most handsome man to me." She whispered to herself. Xia Ri on the other hand was feeling bad ,"Did you see their expressions. Oh my god , they looked so cute . I think this prank wasn't right guys."

Heyeon Xia cut her off ,"No babes tell me how they will feel when they see this video. Its so funny and embarrassing."

Ji Yun nodded ,"Actually they will feel good when we tell them they look really handsome on the wedding day itself." Heyeon Xia nodded . Xia Ri shrugged ,"Ok then what are the plans to eat something?" Heyeon Xia twitched her lips ,"Still not hungry and yet there is some more shopping left . Jewelry, heels , some lingerie."

Xia Ri nodded ,"Oh I almost forgot." Ji Yun shrugged ,"As you say." The boys were back and they roughly announced ,"We have some other shopping to do . Lets meet at the texted location in two hours." Dong Heon announced . Heyeon Jun simply said ,"I texted Ji Yun the location." Ji Yun nodded ,"Ok!"

And then the group parted its way . Heyeon Xia and Xia Ri were shopping where as Ji Yun was casually watching them do so . She didn't have to buy some sexy lingerie , she didn't have to but a beautiful ring or something, she already had a lot . She didn't have to buy sandals , she had red high heels. She was getting bored but couldn't help . She was though enjoying the debated both girls were having .

Ji Yun simply excused herself and entered a GUESS showroom . She was looking at different watches and ended up comfused between two of them . She frowned . One was an elegant Rose gold watch which had diamonds on the rims . And a pattered metal band . The other one was gold rimmed with the same pattern and design on the band and rim respectively. But there were additional diamonds on the inside in a circle . And very small diamonds saying GUESS .

Ji Yun was yet deciding , she failed to notice someone was staring at her from the start . She pressed her temples , shopping can be so stressful at times . She finally bought the gold one , since it was beautiful but she also wanted the rose gold one . She pouted slightly but ended up saying ,"I'd go with this one." She said pointing at the gold one.

Suddenly a hand appeared from behind ,"And this one on me." Ji Yun turned her face and her eyes landed on Heyeon Jun's face which was unusually closer than usual. (In public) She frowned in surprise. He wasn't looking at her but instead he smiled at the manager ,"Please get my my orders from the store next to this one."

Ji Yun realized that in the start she didn't really look at the men's section. She might have failed to notice him . Heyeon Jun looked down at her ,"You looked so sad just now." Ji Yun blinked coming out of her trance ,"Um you didn't have to pay.." she was cut off by him ,"I can pay for you . I am not a stingy person. My money , you have no right to tell me what to do with it."

Ji Yun chuckled,"Fine and Thankyou." Heyeon Jun frowned ,"Are you being formal here ?" Ji Yun nodded ,"Yes there are so many people around." Heyeon Jun rolled his eyes ,"Oh come on , no one can dare say anything. Why would they want their career to be destroyed forever ? It isn't their concern even if you're my girlfriend."

Ji Yun's heart skipped a beat . She couldn't help but nod lightly. She just realized that they have been talking like that standing very close . She stepped a little away ,"Why you have to be so close ?" Heyeon Jun frowned ,"Are you really blushing?" Ji Yun's eyes widened lightly ,"No !" She looked away fanning her face .

Heyeon Jun handed her the small bag ,"What are you doing here alone ?" He frowned as if realized something. Ji Yun blinked lightly ,"Was getting bored since I don't want to shop anything useless and I already have everything I need . I needed a new watch so bought it . Now I am done. What about you ?"

Heyeon Jun shrugged ,"Same , these two are like girls when it comes to shopping. So picky and so lazy. I am not used to shopping. I do buy new suits but from last one month you go and pick them up . So you know .."

They walked side by side as they chatted while heading out . Ji Yun then sighed audibly ,"Now What time is it ?" Heyeon Jun checked his watch ,"um , its 1:45. What ?! 1:45 ? Lets go back now . They might make a fuss later then . I want to eat something."

Ji Yun chuckled at his reaction as he quickly walked away . Heyeon Jun smiled lightly at himself as he walked towards Dong Heon and Song Chui. Ji Yun smiled lightly when she walked towards Xia Ri and Heyeon Xia. On her way she bumped into someone. Her smile faded and she looked back ,"Dad ?" She frowned when she saw a familiar face of man .

The Man ignored her and hurried away . No it couldn't be Mr.Heyeon , since he wouldn't wear such casual stylish clothes in public. Ji Yun shook her head , she needed rest . She was hallucinating. She gulped lightly and headed inside .

The man stopped and a frown was casted on his face . His face was covered with mask and he smiply sighed ,"Did I just hear dad ?" He looked back and when Ji Yun's face came in view . His frown relaxed and a smirk made its way on his lips ,"So you call him dad ?" He chuckled and then he turned around again . He put on his cap that was in his hand .

His eyes landed on Heyeon Jun . He eyes his every move . His eyes moved from Heyeon Jun to Dong Heon and his eyes turned soft in an instant. He looked at him dazed not able to avert his eyes from his handsome face . He sighed and turned around making his way out .

Heyeon Jun and Dong Heon felt as if someone was looking at them . They turned around at the same time but there was no one . Heyeon Jun didn't miss the black shadow that just walked out , he pretended not to see . Maybe he was just hallucinating.

He sighed and shook his head lightly ,"Lets get going boys."


Song of the day ,"kalank" by Arijit singh.