She switched off her phone ?

Ji Yun woke up earlier than usual . She looked at Heyeon Jun's face which was so close to hers . She smiled and kissed his forhead before she stepped out and followed her usual routine to take a bath .

Heyeon Jun opened his eyes as soon as she entered bathroom. He sighed and a frown appeared on his face he cursed ,"Fuck." And left the room making the bed nicely before leaving . He dialed a number as he entered his room .


Heyeon Jun stepped downstairs and noticed there was no one . He peeked in the kitchen and noticed a long page on the shelf . He checked the time ,"9 am, hm .." he was a little late than usual. He picked up the page and saw the letter . As he read the letter his expression darkened .

"Heyeon Jun ,

I am sorry , I left early today . As you said , I already made two cheesecakes , take them out once you come back from office. Also I was very tired from work so wanted a break . I did tell you that yesterday . Also , I want to inform you that I won't come to office and will be at the cafe for today , You can visit me in the evening if you want . But inform me before visiting the cafe."

He crumbled the piece of paper and threw it in the bin. Heyeon Jun sighed ,"Such a troublemaker." He looked at the dining table and saw the breakfast. It was pancakes . Not bad he thought before headed straight to the table and started eating his food . After he was done he noticed he forgot his phone. He collected and Finally prepared to leave .

He was about to step out of his house when he noticed the door to Ji Yun's room was ajar . He frowned and walked towards it to close it . But when he was about to close it , his eyes landed on the three bew frames right under the big picture of Ji Yun hanging on the wall .

He walked towards them and Carefully examined the photos . First one was the one that he clicked with her in Australia. The other one was their picture taken by his mother and the third one he really didn't know existed . But now that he thought about it , it did come to his mind from when it actually was .

Four months ago ,

In Heyeon Jun's office,

Ji Yun was taking her selfie in her new suit . She smiled wide as she made a 'finger heart'. Heyeon Jun knocked on the door and opened it . Unfortunately he caught her switching off the camera and he frowned ,"Is this what I pay you for ?"

Ji Yun gulped lightly,"I didn't mean to waste time . It Was just that .. I wanted to take a selfie in my new suit." Heyeon Jun scoffed ,"What if it was someone else." Ji Yun smirked ,"He would join me in a selfie. And so should you."

Heyeon Jun scoffed yet again ,"I what ?" Ji Yun raised her camera and clicked a selfie in which Heyeon Jun was serious and Ji Yun was giggling. Heyeon Jun smacked her head ,"You useless brat , lets go for the meeting. And you should be the one reminding me and not me."


Heyeon Jun carrased the photo as he felt an urgent need to meet Ji Yun . He controled himself ,"I will let you take a break Ji Yun cause I want to tell you a lot of things tonight." He smiled.


Ji Yun sighed as she looked around . She couldn't find the picture of her mother . She needs it . She searched her apartment again and finally after another hour she found it . She gulped down the nervousness as she put it in a neat bag .

Her phone buzzed again . She opened the text box and noticed the text "Sharp at 1pm." She sighed and replied,"My cafe." There was no reply . She wasn't expecting one. Putting her phone back she looked around ,"I wish It's not my last time visiting the cafe and this apartment." Her eyes teared up as she gulped painfully .

She cleaned the mess and looked at the time ,"Fuck , its already 12:30 ?" She hurried out and finally she reached her cafe in about fifteen minutes of running. She entered the cafe from the back door making sure no one noticed . Removing her mask and shades , her hood too , she simply changed into her formal dress .

She tied her hair in a neat ponytail and bam she was ready . She picked up the bag and switched off her mobile phone . She sighed and stepped out from the back door again.

She gracefully walked to the front of the cafe and entered it . Her eyes landed on an unknown yet strangely familiar being .

Orange scarf . She sighed , that's what the other person said he would have . Her eyes landed on the scarf and she gulped nervously. A lot of thoughts were running in her mind .

She found it strange to lie to Heyeon Jun . She even found it strange to meet this Man . She even found this strange to bring her mother's picture with her . She gulped as her hands felt cold . She took small steps towards the table slowly .


Heyeon Jun smiled at the man next to him,"I will meet you next time Mr.Min." He picked up his phone and coincidentally it started ringing . Looking at the number he frowned. He went to one corner and made sure no one was around .

He raised the phone to his ear ,"What ?" The other person sighed ,"I can't trace Ji Yun's phone . She switched it off." Heyeon Jun's eyes widened as his face darkened ,"What about the CCTV around her cafe?" His voice turned cold with anger which he didn't know why was flaring up .

The other line sighed,"Ji Yun cut the connection off and probably found out about me hacking into her CCTV. But I am still trying . Hold the line." Heyeon Jun coukd hear the faint voice of fast reflexes on keyboard. He heard the same mysic that day on the airport when she hacked the Airport's CCTV.

He sighed , Ji Yun's been too much on his brain lately. The other Line replied ,"I did It , I just saw her enter the cafe around 12:55. She was wearing rather formal clothes and had a bag . Looks like she is meeting someone."

Heyeon Jun's ears perked up ,"Did you show up in America around her?" He asked faintly . The other end casually replied ,"What do you think ?" Heyeon Jun sighed ,"Aish , Stop confusing me , I know you won't. Alright keep a check and be on line with me until I find her . Tell me if you see her leaving."

Heyeon Jun sighed and headed straight to his office and getting his car keys and he didn't forget to pick up his gun. He breathed in as he looked at himself in the mirror before he left. Heyeon Jun's mind was replaying every scene and memory with Ji Yun . And coincidentally he got stuck in the traffic . He cursed ,"Damn it !!!!"

He was getting imaptient every passing second.


Ji Yun sighed as she toon a seat in front of the man . The man was wearing a face mask and shades . He wore a black huddie . He had a hat on his hair . His hair were ink black. His built was big and tall.

Ji Yun eyed him ,"Greeting." She heard the man's masculine voice . It sounded oddly familiar. She nodded with her expressionless face ,"Greeting." The Man leaned back ,"Won't you oder me something to eat ?" Ji Yun smiled ,"Why won't I ?" She slid the menu ,"Its on me."

The Man went through the menu very calmly ,"I'd order a cup of coffee and sandwich." Ji Yun gestured the staff ,"Basic please. Plus an americano." She looked back ,"So why you wanted to meet me." The man leaned forward placing his face on his hands ,"Why so hurry Miss Ji Yun? Well I wanted to give you a surprise by telling you something you didn't know . But lets take it slow . I like talking when I eat."

Ji Yun nodded ,"Alright." Soon the order was served . Ji Yun noticed the staff was one she'd never seen before but she ignored it for the time being , maybe she was thinking too much . She sipped her coffee . The man looked at her ,"Miss Ji Yun , did You bring your Mother's photo?"

Ji Yun nodded and handed him the bag . The man sipped his coffee and placed the bag aside taking out the photo . He flipped it showing it to Ji Yun ,"You know who is she ? She is Ji Ahana , My slut."

Ji Yun's fist tightened . She clutched her hands tight controlling her anger ,"Please stop right there . I don't want to here any bullshit." The man sighed ,"Should I introduce myself first . So You believe me?"

The Man removed his mask and shades and Ji Yun's eyes widened . Her heart skipped a beat out of surprise . There were no words in her mouth . Never in a million years she thought this stranger was ...