You're not my brother.

Heyeon Jung frowned,"What?" Everyone else including Heyeon Xia was confused. But Mr.Heyeon was worried, he wasn't yet ready to reveal about Heyeon Jung. He waited for his daughter to say something.

Heyeon Xia's face broke into a smile,"He is CEO Heyeon Jun ! Hehehe! I do feel brother's aura has changed or it might be just my preception." Everyone laughed and Heyeon Jung's eyes watered as he knew that whatever was happening was making this act even difficult for himself.

He sighed and smiled lightly,"Should we have dinner now, I am famished." Mrs.Heyeon nodded,"Should I send your dinner to your room?" Heyeon Jung felt bad cause he was indirectly denied to dine with them but he nodded,"Yeah please. I am having a headache. But don't worry I will have my breakfast with everyone tomorrow."

He smiled and Mr.Heyeon accompanied him,"Dad, I am sorry its a bit awkward to act like this. Since I am not used to live this way."