Sleep with you tonight

Heyeon Jung ran to the man and hugged him," I missed you brother. When did You come back?!?!" Heyeon Jun smiled," to take over the company." Heyeon Jung sighed and looked at the little girl who screamed," Uncle Jung!!!" He carried her in her arms," oops you are heavy." 

Song Jia looked at her father," here your responsibility and passed him the sleeping toddler. Heyeon Jun walked to his father and squatted down beside him," Dad, I am here. Alive. Your Son is back." Mr Heyeon hugged him instantly and he started sobbing. Ji Yun hugged Mrs Heyeon who cried silently. She was trying to suppress it but couldn't. 

Heyeon Xia was busy greeting Song Jia. Everyone was shocked but she wasn't. Chui had informed her of everything. Dong Heon was busy with Xia Ri who was crying cause of mood-swings in pregnancy. He smiled awkwardly at everyone. Mrs Dong was no longer in site.