Ladies day

Ji Yun opened her eyes to her usual alarm clock. She sighed and stepped out of the bed and then looked behind. She saw Jin crying. She lifted him up to her chest," Oh baby, mama is right here." This was her alarm clock, her baby. 

She heard another sweet voice," mama! You promised to go to park today." She smiled at her daughter, Suzy and nodded," yes darling I remember." Suzy climbed on the bed and kissed Ji Yun on her cheek," good morning mama." Ji Yun chuckled," good morning baby. You are turning 6 tomorrow aren't you?" 

Suzy nodded and then she kissed Jin. Ji Yun heard footsteps and looked up. Heyeon Jung entered the room with a smile on his face. He looked even mature and masculine than he was before. Handsome as ever. Walking to Ji Yun he kissed her head," good morning." Ji Yun didn't reply and simply handed him Jin. She had a cold expression on her face.