Lani said I can keep posting on this using her account but apparently when I use it it logs her out of it and refuses to let her back in sometimes.


Anyways, I might just rename this entire book "Mystic things"

Yeah sounds about right. Also, I need to actually look for a job because staying home has now just annoyed the shi out of me.

I do want to go to one of the protests for Black Lives Matter. I've been wanting to go but whenever I try I get into trouble.

Because of the riots and everything that also happens, protesters getting tear gased and shot at it just-

Watching the news is painful enough. I've actually heard some people criticize the protests saying they're being "dramatic". Like excuse me?

You ACTUALLY think that people's anger and sadness and fear is them being dramatic? Bloody hell. The human race really is going down.

I'm not sure if I can post controversial topics on here but please do support the BLM movement. Please support and stand by this movement in any way you can.

I might just sneak out and go to a protest 🙃

Who knows?
