I've got a few things to talk about, then I'm uploading a chapter soon after this so bare with me.
So I got a few updates and news to share with you. So here we go.
#1-My grandmother
Recently, as you know, my grandmother's health just overall sucks and she for some reason keeps getting injured and sick. And her health just goes up and down. Right now she is in fact stable, thank god. And she also told me if she gets sick to not visit her and give myself stress. Like that'll actually happen >.> but anyways, she's doing better now that I forced her to get a new doctor.
#2-My health
So writing, if you're unaware is a hobby for me. I used to write stories on wattpad for fun and it did decent. That was until an update and my story disappeared after more then 40+ chapters and I had to start from scratch. I obviously gave up and that was when I was starting highschool so, it's been a hot minute..more like a few years actually.. Anyways! Since my last update I have had a few of my own issues. One of my issues is a few injuries I've gotten.
A few days ago, I burned myself horribly. I was stupid and in a rush and I injured myself. So I burned my right hand badly. I have a huge burn starting from my index finger, all the way across my hand. It's more over my knuckles but kinda spreads a bit down. I can't curl my hand and typing hurts a shit ton. I have absolutely no feeling in my hand and the blisters hurt and are seriously ugly. I may need to get this looked at. I'm worried I may have burned some nerves or something. I may be overreacting but if even my unsympathetic and uncaring mother was a bit worried about my injury, then it's damn well serious. So yeah, there's that.
So again, updating will be put on hold until I can get feeling back in my hand and until this burn either goes away or if it leaves a scar, which I hope it doesn't.. But yeah there's that. If you see typos please ignore them, typing just ain't my friend at the moment.
#3-School and work
So, I have a semi part time job. I only work when they need me but because of my injury stated above that's out of the question now. But I do plan on getting a job this year since I need money for fast food. I'm fat ok?
Also, school starts in 2 weeks for me, don't even understand why they reopened it but whatever. I'm unsure if I mentioned it but, I got to 3 different schools every day. Highschool, in person college sessions, and my nursing school. So having homework for all 3 is a pain in my ass. So I'm gonna have to put updating on a schedule as much as possible for a while until I can adjust my schedule accordingly.
Also, if you're doing in person school or going out in general please wear a mask and social distance. Please educate yourself on how to keep yourself safe and healthy. I've had a few readers message me privately just to talk or to vent. If you want to talk like ever just because you're bored or something, you are more than welcome to.
#4-Mystic and Idiot
(Serious issue)
So for those of you who read my other book "Short stories cause why not?" You are familiar with Mystic and 'Idiot'. So recently it has come to my attention that someone has actually attempted to find out who they are. It's fine to be curious and everything, but please respect their privacies. Damien or Idiot as he's called is extremely uncomfortable with this person trying to actually pry information out of him. I'm unsure how they found out his Instagram but they did and it didn't bother him too much at first. But sending inappropriate messages and pictures is extremely uncomfortable and forbidden.
Please have some respect for him and Mystic. I understand being curious of who they are and what they look like but please respect people's privacy. I have seen some of the pictures and messages and some weren't bad just casual but please refrain from going that far. If it makes you feel better I'm more than happy to create a twitter or instagram account for you guys if that's what you want.
However, privacy is a right and I'd appreciate if you can keep it. Let's all be understanding and kind to others. Again, I have no problem if you wish to message me but if you wish to message either Damien or Mystic, please run it by me first. Do not attempt to find them on your own then threaten to release their private information. We have issued a warning with legal action and so far it's been calm.
So please, keep one's privacy private. Please and thank you.
#5-Future updates and path
If you've read my previous message you'd know I mentioned starting another short story while updating this one. I wanted to give more information on that. Earlier I mentioned I used to write wattpad stories. So I wanted to redo those stories on here and to continue where I left off. It was a joint effort but I've gotten full custody over the rights of this book so I do plan to bring it here. All details are on hold due to my injury. I started writing this update on August 15th. It hurts typing.
I do wish to continue writing since I find it enjoyable and to hear people enjoy it means a lot. I want to dip my toes into different genres not just BL/Yaoi stuff. I wanna try supernatural which is why I'm bringing that book back. It's also a mix of fan fiction so stay tuned for that. I will finish this book, hopefully by the end of the year but at this rate with my injury.. Pft don't hold your breaths.
Anyways I hope this update has inform you sort of. If you have questions please feel free to message me. Again if you want me to make an instagram or Twitter I will happily do so. However, again please do not invade other people's privacy. Please keep your courtesy and be kind to others.
With that being said, hope you have a nice day and I'll be uploading a chapter after this goes up.