Training Camp Introduction

Coming back to the dining hall Percy apologises to his mom and they continue their breakfast.

'This is some bad luck! I can't do anything with the system until I find a cloning technique by myself. The technique it gave me sounds really helpful, protecting me from something I didn't know would be a danger, but for now it's useless.' He can't help complaining to himself and to Moeder. 'But it can't be that I'm the first one who thought those kind of techniques would be a great match for what we do! Maybe dad has one or two of those.'

And like this Percy eats his breakfast and continues thinking about how to fix this. He can't increase the amount of clones without a technique that let's him start on that road, so all he can do is continue his training till he finds a way to fix this.

After he finished his breakfast and talked with his mom a bit more his dad entered. "Percy, today is the big day, you'll officially be a Armiger. Follow me, we'll go take your entrance exam." and like that he walks out again. Percy's father has always been a man of few words.

"See you later mom, wish me luck!" He runs after his dad.

"You won't need luck Percy!" she calls after me.

Catching up to his dad he falls in step behind him. He doesn't speak and matches his father's steps as good as possible with his shorter legs. After exiting the castle Percy calls home they enter a carriage. The carriage is pulled by 2 big reptiles.

The Learuns are reptiles about 1.8m high, walking on their hind legs, their arms are skinny and always pressed tightly to his body. They're herbivores and very tame after domestication. They can run fast and very long.

Inside the carriage Percy cautiously talks to his father. He doesn't want to say he found a method to improve the way of the Armiger, as his father is very proud about it, but he does want to give his idea.


"It's captain or teacher from now on when we're out of the house, you know that."

Percy's dad is rather strict, and is very loyal to traditions.

"I'm sorry teacher." Percy sais while lowering his head. "I just had this dream last night, in this dream I was on a battlefield. But it was different. I was standing in the back of the battlefield, overlooking everything. And that's not the only thing, I was also in the battlefield carrying the weapons, but not just for one knight, for multiple ones at the same time. I was everywhere. Does this mean anything?"

Very quickly after starting about his 'dream' excitement flashed in Percy's eyes while he stares straight into his father's eyes.

His father looks surprised for a second, then holds his chin with a vacant look for a second or two.

"Percy, I'll want to see how far you mastered Atlas's Phantom when we arrive at the barracks. If you show enough improvement I'll give you two things, a tip so you can explore your dream and the true version of Atlas's Phantom."

After saying this his dad closes his eyes, showing that he doesn't want to say anymore. Percy is shaking from excitement in the meanwhile, wanting to ask his father what the test will be, or even why he is so supportive because of a dream. But he knows better and doesn't say anything.

The carriage ride continues in nervous silence for another 30 minutes. "We're here." and like that his father gets off just as the courier opens the door. Percy follows right after.

Before him stretches a big camp encircled by a high wooden fence. Guards in leather armor holding bows patrol the walls. Two knights in heavy metal armor stand in front of the gate holding 2.5m long glaves.

In the camp were many people, wearing anything from normal wool clothes to heavy armor, also people wearing just parts of armor, both leather and metal. But everyone, except the guards on top of the wall, was saluting in Percy's direction. This gave him a big thrill, feeling like the boss of the training camp. His chest sticks out right away before realising that the people aren't saluting to him, but his father. Percy deflates almost right away but still stands with his head high, just slightly less proud.

"All continu. Lee report to me!" Captain Hable's voice carries over the entire camp without sounding forced, a prime example of a voice technique.

Percy and his father move over to the center of the camp, there's a small hill to overlook the entire camp. Arriving on top of the hill a man is standing there saluting his father. The man has an Eastern look, a rare sight here in the west. The man, Lee, is wearing standard sand colored woolen clothing.

"Reporting to captain, all new recruits are well on their way to being trained soldiers. We expect them to be ready according to plans. No incidents since last report."

"Thank you Lee. Meet my son, Percy. Just treat him as any new armiger recruit. But as he is quite trained in Atlas's Phantom we need to conduct a test. Can you explain to Percy how things are going here. Oh and setup a battle drill in one hour and test him during that?"

"Yes sir!" Lee salutes the captain before turning to Percy as captain Hable walks away. "Well little Hable, you're stuck with me for now haha." Lee laughs and his eyes turn into creasent moons. "Just call me Lee or sir, or sir Lee and follow me, I'll show you where you'll sleep for the next year."

"Yes sir!" And like that Percy follows Lee, talking about many thing. But what it boils down to is that from the wall there's 10 meter empty space, this is to ensure enough space when the walls are under attack, and a 2km per round running track for normal times.

Then there's 40 meter of recruit sleeping tents. Each tent holds 10 beds and 10 small trunks. Each tent has a captains tent beside it, this is the recruit captain. They work with a ranking system to divide the teams and the teams are split up into numbers, like this teams keep switching up to train the recruits to work well with all different people. Only people from team 1 can challenge a team captain to take his position.

Team captains get a few privileges, but Lee told Percy to ask in his own team, or become a captain himself to find out.

Then there's a 250 meter circle with training areas, at last there's a 30 meter diameter area for trainer meetings and training field observations.

Most trainers don't sleep at the camp, but you never know when one will pop up if you're doing something against the rules at night.

Moving up in the rankings is done by challenging a higher ranking recruit. You can challenge 1 person per day. One can reject a single persons challenge 5 times week, or needs to only take 1 challenge per week for a single person. When you are in the top 100 you can only challenge someone 1 rank above you, 1000-101 you can challenge someone 10 ranks above you, ranks above 1000 can challenge a 100 ranks above them. At Sunday you can pay with merit points to challenge someone who's outside the ranking range, without a good reason no one can deny this challenge.

Every Monday the captain and trainers will oversee special achievements to see the need for upgrading ones rank or if one earns extra merit points.

"That's it for now. I'll introduce you to your team, it's the last team in the ranking as you came in later then all the other recruits. Your ranking will be last too, it'll be: 15618. Sounds like a nice challenge right?"

A sparkle of curiosity and excitement shines in Percy's eyes. All of this is what he lives for, what he trained for, what he always wanted. He doesn't mind starting from the bottom, he doesn't mind being in the weakest team. He lives for the challenge. "Yes Lee! But don't worry, I'll show what I'm worth and I'll be a teamcaptain in no time!"

"I like your spirit kid, but some people in team 1 would beat you up if they hear you say this hahaha"

After walking some more and some idle chat they arrive at the central marketplace, it's in the living ring closest to the gate. It's the central place where people get their food, buy techniques, trade items, and submit requests for weapons.

There 8 boys ages 13 to 17, 6 of the boys have very weak and timid auras, one has no aura, and the last one feels like a snake that has set it's eyes on a pray.

Lee walked up to this ragtag group of people. "Hey guys, I got one more person for your group. And one tip for you guys, there will be a battledrill in 30 minutes. And you guys participate too, I expect a lot of you guys since you have a armiger now too!"

One of the timid guys, the bald one, replies "But Lee, you know we're no good, we'll be eliminated right away!"

The snake aura guy reprimands the timid boy "Bert, with an attitude like that of course you're no good! Where's your pride? You were good enough to get here, you had the courage to come and train here, the ambition to protect your county! At least try to live up to it!"

The bald timit guy, Bert, replies "Yes teamcaptain." He still sounds without any spirit though.

"Percy, I'll leave you in Snake's care, he's a great soldier." and like that Lee leaves without waiting for Percy to reply.