Fight, Fight, Fight, Fight!

Percy walks outside together with Jerzai. "Come with me buy something, I should have enough contribution points for some things."

Jerzai just nods and walks behind Percy, as they're still in the last team the 'market' area is close to their tent and they arrive after a short walk.

The store tents are clearly indicated, there's a big tent for clothes and another big tent for weapons, there are some other smaller tents with things ranging from techniques to experimental body modifications to better bedsheets. As this camp is truly to train elites there are many different kinds of equipment. Allowing all the recruits to create their own style, with whatever risk they themselves are willing to take.

Walking into the clothing/armor tent Percy sees rows and rows of clothing and armors. But only cloth and leather, all full metal armors need to be handmade to order.

Percy was thinking about what could help him look even more mysterious and confusing to his enemies, and he decided on a thick heavy cloak that hides his movements and the weapons he's wearing. The loose fabric also helps against arrows and hidden attacks.

A big dark gray cloak that goes down to Percy knees to not hinder his movements too much costs him about a third of his points, but it's worth it.

Going out of this tent right after his purchase to not get distracted by anything else and into the weapon shop.

The weapon shop was filled with racks. Racks packed with different lances, spears, swords, scythes, and everything one can think off. Even Percy couldn't think of anything else while his dad made him slightly proficient in almost everything to make sure he can deliver almost everything when needed.

"Thanks dad, I hated you for it, but I thank you now." Percy almost prays out loud softly.

Percy already planned out everything beforehand, he knows that whatever weapon he wants to use. He needs to prevent getting hit as much as possible, for this he needs distance, defence, or a kill without the opponent being able to react.

So as he can use 4 weapons he decided to go for defence once, distance once, and the assassination twice. For defence he decided to go for a two handed sword that doubles as a shield, a big hunk of iron about a meter long and a third of a meter in width. Something that resembles an edge, but it'll be more of a blunt weapon. And there's a second handle at the centre of the blade.

His second weapon is a rapier, two fingers wide and 1,2 meter long. It's used mainly for stabbing, but can cut too.

The last two weapons are a short sword and a needle like weapon that's purely for stabbing.

With his new arsenal of weapons Percy walks outside again to meet up with Jerzai. "Let's go," Percy says with his 4 voices at the same time. Each voice slightly different, lower, higher, creepier. Making it an almost unrecognisable mash. "Don't hold back, I want to train but I want to see what you can do too. See what the person that made my dad agree to let him follow me can do."

"Sure." And like that Percy and Jerzai walk to the training area. On their way to find an empty spot they meet Snake.

"Hey you two! Haven't seen you two out in a while, ready to join in the fun again?" Snake walks towards Percy and Jerzai with a smile on his face. He was happy with the contribution points they earned due to the duo's wild move.

"Not yet, we're going to spar to train, I got a new technique that I need to practise with." Percy says right away with his single voice to prevent a misunderstanding, he really needs the time to train his technique to impress his father.

"Ohh I need to see this! Is it Blink?" Snake asks with genuine excitement in his eyes. He saw the camp captain show his technique in the opening week, and he'd love to see it again, if only he could use it to strike his enemy where they don't expect it.

"It's not Blink. If you really want to know you can come and watch, everybody will know soon anyway." There really is no point in hiding, he'll use it in a week in the drill anyways.

The trio continues looking for an empty spot, everyone wants to stay close to their tents or to the market area so it's the busiest there.

On their way they see two more people, the watcher and talker that they killed before they got to Wall, the trio didn't greet them as they were busy. The two never really saw their faces and still had no idea who got them. The names Jerzai and Percy were very unfamiliar, all names that weren't nicknames weren't worth remembering for most of the recruits anyway.

They find a big empty spot after a while, and Snake offers his help. "For letting me watch this is at least something I can do." He visually focuses for half a minute before putting his hand on the ground. Snake like shades move from his hand outwards. "Now everyone 50 meters from me will be warned that there's a duel here, so... Go wild."

Percy and Jerzai walk away from each other, 25 meter apart. Then Percy says one word, or 4 actually, "Fight!"

Jerzai sprints towards Percy while drawing his daggers. Percy just stands still, his body distorts into all directions, faints of moving to distract Jerzai of knowing where he will go.

Jerzai gives no mind and keeps moving to Percy who's drawing his dual handed sword. They clash, a dagger against the thick slab of steel, resulting in the sharp sound of metal clashing.

"Is that all you got after sounding so proud?" Jerzai taunts. He knows his stealth has no use in a one on one duel, so he taunts to make Percy make a mistake. But it's useless, Percy isn't one to fall for such an obvious taunt.

Even before Jerzai can take his dagger of the sword a clone splits of the sword wielding Percy, the clone follows by drawing the rapier. Jerzai moves towards the rapier wielding Percy and follows by stabbing him, but ends up hitting the guard of the rapier and almost being stabbed before jumping back. He is in a disadvantage against quick but longer range weapons if he can't get close enough.

"I thought it was the real you already, it made more sen.." Jerzai got cut off mid sentence by a big sword moving to smash his head in, the formation to teleport someone who'll be hit fatally works at all times.

The rapier moves in quickly trying to his a quick stab on the distracted Jerzai, but he even dodges that hit! But he wasn't expecting another Percy jumping from the rapier wielding one with a dagger in hand cutting his hand, making Jerzai drop one of his daggers.

"Is that all you got after sounding so proud?" Percy taunts back with his four voices, using the exact same words Jerzai used. And even though Jerzai is quite a level headed person it still hurts a little to be taunted like that.

"Don't regret those words later." He says in a low voice before sprinting towards the dagger wielding Percy. He sees the difference between the rapier wielding Percy and the dagger wielding one, the rapier one is slightly see through in contrary to the first one. The sword wielding Percy can't be seen clearly as his sword is in front of him most of the time, it only makes big moves before making an attack.

Jerzai is slowly figuring out the rules of the cloning technique Percy uses, and is expecting his next move already. He moves towards Percy, avoiding the big blow of the two handed sword, the quick stab of the rapier, blocks the dagger, moves his left and injured hand towards his waist for his throwing daggers, and flicks one at the shade that just separated from the dagger wielding Percy. He sees it fly and hit Percy, before Percy pops out of existence and Jerzai sees the ceiling of the medic room.