A Melodramatic Scenario

Nowadays, it wasn't a big deal if you forgot your purse, provided you had your handphone.

"It's fine. It's more convenient to transfer the money via a mobile phone. Why don't we add each other as friends?"

"There aren't any funds on my handphone since I just came back from overseas. I also don't have a domestic bank card. My handphone only has some small change given by friends."

Although Yang Yi loved to chat up beautiful ladies, he would still not have lost his composure. Moreover, the beautiful lady was already in a relationship. As such, he definitely needed to collect his payment.

"Aren't you being dishonest here? You only tell me have no money after we have arrived here? Before we talk about money, shouldn't I first question your integrity?

"You should drive to the parking lot and wait for me."

The car had already reached the terminal entrance. Though Yang Yi was upset, he still stopped the car. Xiao Ran immediately rushed off into the terminal after saying a single sentence.

Xiao Ran ran hastily into the terminal without even closing the car door.

"I will go. What could this be all about?" he said aloud to himself.

Yang Yi had no choice but to get out of the car to close the door she had left open since you can only be stopped for a short while in front of the terminal. As he was returning to his seat in the car, he took a glance backward and saw two police cars with lights flashing at the back of the traffic flow.

Yang Yi's instinct was giving him a bad premonition.

If the speed limit was not exceeded by more than 70%, a fine of RMB 500 and 12 points penalty would be levied. If the speed limit was exceeded by more than 70%, a fine of RMB 1,000 and 12 points penalty would be levied. If the speed limit was exceeded by more than 100%, a fine of RMB 2,000 and 12 points penalty and the possibility of the driver's license being revoked would be levied.

Yang Yi could not help but shudder the moment he thought about all the speed traps he had passed and the penalties imposed for speeding.

It was a certainty for exceeding the speed limit by more than 50% and a routine for exceeding the speed limit by more than 100%. So, if he was to be arrested by the police …

When Yang Yi wanted to start the car and leave, he noticed a few police officers were quickly rushing over.

Not daring to continue the thought any further, Yang Yi did not start the car, but, rather, left the car and quickly escaped towards the terminal entrance on foot.

The car was not his anyway, he reasoned. Furthermore, the police would have definitely seized the car. A loss was a loss. It was more crucial at the moment for him to ignore the car and preserve his driving license.

After passing the anti-explosives inspection, Yang Yi immediately rushed into the terminal. Then he immediately took off the large-sized sunglasses he was wearing and stroked his hair with his hand to let fall.

Yang Yi did not rush to find Xiao Ran. He first when into the restroom to reverse the T-shirt he had been wearing, turning the color of the clothes on his upper body from orange to black.

Since he was young, both his observation and listening skills had been honed to be part of his instinct. As such, he quickly changed his appearance before blatantly walking out from the restroom.

Regardless of whether Xiao Ran was found, Yang Yi felt that it was more crucial to quickly leave the airport. Although it was a pity to write-off ten thousand dollars, he shouldn't take a huge loss for a small gain. He wouldn't be able to regain his license no matter how much money was being spent if it was revoked.

Given Xiao Ran's striking appearance, long slim legs and height, which were all praise-worthy, Yang Yi immediately located her with just a glance where she was prowling in front of the check-in counter.

Since Yang Yi had located his target, he should report to her what happened and, without a doubt, ask for his payment. When he jogged up behind Xiao Ran, but before he could open his mouth, he had noticed she was standing there, motionlessly staring at the crowd queuing up for check-in.

Yang Yi stood beside Xiao Ran and followed the direction she was staring at and discovered a couple who were happily chatting and holding hands.

Xiao Ran started trembling immediately.

Something was definitely up. Yang Yi sighed secretly and decided that he should leave immediately after accomplishing his task. As he easily predicted what would transpire next, it would be awkward for him to witness it.

"Ai… Beauty, I need to let you know the police are here. I know your mood right now must be complicated, but it would be even worse if you were to be arrested. As for the money… let's forget it. We should leave quickly. Do you hear me?"

Xiao Ran was obviously ignoring whatever he had said.

"Gong Yu!"

It was over! Xiao Ran was unable to refrain herself from shouting thus attracting the attention of everyone in the vicinity.

Yang Yi immediately covered up his face.

The crowd who was queuing upturned their head in response. The man whose arm was held by the woman also turned instantly and stared in surprise.

"Xiao Ran? Why are you here? I…"

Xiao Ran strode over to the man who was shocked. She then leered at the couple who was still holding hands and asked with a smile, "Who is she? Your little sis?"

"Is there a little sis who will hold her brother's hand? I am his wife! Who are you?"

Yang Yi could not bear to watch any further. It was obvious that Xiao Ran had misjudged her own status and the other party was the official partner.

"She is a friend of mine. A net friend…"

The man named Gong Yu started to panic immediately. Xiao Ran stopped trembling after taking a deep breath and calmly stated, "His girlfriend! Up till the moment I have met both of you together, I was his girlfriend."

The woman angrily looked at Gong Yu and asked, "What is this all about!?"

With a panicked expression, Gong Yu said, "Besides chatting with her on the internet, there is no other relationship. I have not done anything else. Wife, you need to believe me. I really have done nothing!"

"That's not what you told me. You said I am your one true love and all women are uglies in comparison. I never expected all that you have told me were just lies. You were already married. You lied to me…"

Their hands were finally apart after Gong Yu's wife struggled to break free. She then angrily said, "We just got married recently and you actually caused all this just before we are leaving on our honeymoon?! Let go off me. I am going home. I want a divorce!"

Gong Yu was obviously stunned. He tried to hold onto his wife's hand and refused to let go. He then imploringly stated, "Xiao Ran, I have only met you once in England. Aren't you setting me up? I have not done anything to you!"

Xiao Ran who was in despair said, "You said you loved me and wanted to marry me. We would then travel around the world. I came back from England just to see you and yet you are going on a honeymoon with someone else? You liar, everything you said was lies!"

The newlywed wife had thoroughly given up after hearing Xiao Ran's remark. The lady then struggled to shove Gong Yu aside whereas Gong Yu refused to let go, trying to prevent her from leaving.

Due to all the chaos, the passengers who were waiting for check-in immediately stepped aside when the anti-riot police rushed over and surrounded them.

"What are you doing? Everyone back away from each other! Please do not cause interference here and you need to come with us. Otherwise, we will be forced to take coercive measures."

The police reprimanded the couple who were in a struggle. Yang Yi tried to retreat quietly. He just wanted to leave quickly as he had no desire to enjoy this melodramatic scenario any further.

At that very moment, Xiao Ran had suddenly moved forward and punched Gong Yu in the face. She then angrily shouted, "You liar! You bastard!"

Gong Yu was beaten into a miserable state as his nose started bleeding profusely. Nobody had expected Xiao Ran would take action. She then crouched on the floor and started crying before the police could restrain her.

"You liar. You bastard…"

Who would have the heart to rough up a beautiful lady? Not to mention the lady did not seem to pose any threat. As such, the police standing beside Xiao Ran did not take any action against her. He was comforting her instead.

"You should stop crying. You should leave with us. It's improper to make a scene here. Wouldn't it be better for you to find a quiet place to sort this out? Stand up and leave with us."

It should be fine now. Yang Yi had no intention to meddle other people's affair. Furthermore, it had nothing to do with him to begin with. Though it was a pity to lose ten thousand dollars, it was time for him to withdraw.

As Yang Yi turned to leave this place of scandal, a hand was placed on his shoulder.

"Little defector, do you think you can escape from my surveillance? You are still too inexperience. Arrest him as well!"

Yang Yi's hands were shoved to the back and handcuffed.

Yang Yi did not resist. Instead, he asked in astonishment, "What are you doing? Why are you doing this?"

"You can stop bluffing. It was you! Are you going to deny it was you who had parked the Ferrari outside? You must be veteran given the speed with which you changed your clothing.

The man who detained Yang Yi was around the age of forty. Though he was wearing casual clothes, the few police officers standing in the surrounding area were definitely under his command.

"Is it him?"

"It can't be wrong."

"Take him back first and make a comparison against the surveillance system. Tow the stolen car away as well. Old Liu, I should thank you. It's thanks to your sharp observation. We should discuss the rest once we are back. Take the suspect away."

Yang Yi immediately turned anxious when he heard the two words 'stolen car'. He exclaimed loudly, "I need to make it clear the car has nothing to do with me. I am just a substitute driver. The true owner is not me."

"Right, she can't leave. Take her away too!"

As per the order of the police officer standing in front of Yang Yi, Xiao Ran was handcuffed as well. Finally, Gong Yu, who was no longer being hauled away, was shocked at what had happened in front of him.

Xiao Ran's handcuffed hands then pointed at Gong Yu as she cried, "The car was given by him."

Thus, Gong Yu was unable to escape and avoid the fate of being taken away as well. Since he was pointed out by the suspect, it was only natural to investigate and ascertain whether he was in any way related.

Yang Yi was slightly stunned. His original intention was to earn some quick cash, but, not only did he end up not earning anything, it would seem he wouldn't be able to preserve his driving license either.

Yang Yi was not worried about his own innocence since there was a lot of strong evidence to back him up. In any case, the stolen car would have nothing to with him. However, he was indeed the person driving it. Thus, he wouldn't be able to hold onto his driving license.

To suffer a big loss due to something minor; it was just too late for any regrets.

Facing the police officer, Xiao Ran pointed at Yang Yi and exclaimed, "He was a TNC driver hired by me. This matter has nothing to do with him. You release him."

"Release him? Stop joking. You can make things clear once we are back at the station. Keep them separated."

Yang Yi looked at Xiao Ran helplessly. She shouted out one last sentence before she was escorted away, "I will definitely pay you!"