
There was nothing for Yang Yi to really reconsider. He could understand Kate's current mood though.

At this time, she was very fragile and in need of a sense of security. Not only had the girl suddenly lost all her loved ones, she was being hunted down as well. Kate didn't want to lose the one thing she had left since Yang Yi was the only one she could currently rely upon.

At a moment like this, Yang Yi just needed to say a single sentence and he would be able to win Kate's heart. However, why would he do so?

Firstly, Yang Yi didn't have any special feelings for her. It wasn't like but, it was also not dislike. He just didn't want Kate to be his girlfriend.

Everyone liked to have a beautiful young woman by their side. Under different circumstances, Yang Yi would definitely take the chance to win over such a beautiful woman. However, there was a hurdle between them right now. Every time he recalled how Kate took him down in a few moves, he felt that there relationship wouldn't be able to develop any further.

It was too much of a psychological trauma for Yang Yi. Unless he managed to defeat Kate with his own strength, there was no way he could shake off this psychological trauma for the rest of his life.

Moreover, it wasn't exactly the time to be pursuing a relationship. He shouldn't give up a learning opportunity to take care of a woman. Thus, he had no idea how to act when he was faced with Kate's imploring gaze.

"It will be fine. The captain isn't that sort of person. He didn't have to go through so much trouble if he only wanted to harm me. You should rest now Kate. I'm going to sleep too."

Although he couldn't bare it, Yang Yi didn't have much of a choice in the matter. He could only go to sleep to avoid the awkward atmosphere. He quickly fell asleep.


The following morning, Yang Yi rushed downstairs to look for Danny after taking Kate to the washroom and helping her get cleaned up.

On the same table as the previous time, there was a breakfast of bacon, bread and milk.

"Isn't it a bit inappropriate to eat this type of food in a Chinese restaurant?

After making a joke with Danny, Yang Yi took a seat at the table smiling, "Do I get to have some?"

Danny smiled and said, "Yes. So, what's your decision?"

"There was no need to consider. I'm going!"

Danny nodded and raised his head to look at Yang Yi, "If you have decided, then you should go make the necessary preparations over the next two days. Go and placate your girlfriend. She will have to endure staying here for a very long time."

"She is not my girlfriend!"

Danny shook his head while laughing, "Are you sure?"

"Definitely not!"

Danny shrugged, "It'll be true in the future. She won't be able to leave you."

Yang Yi replied half-heartedly, "Stop with the nonsense. I am not looking for a girlfriend yet. Besides, I like the gentle type. I have no interest in violent women."

"Whatever, it's your problem anyway. Go and make your preparations. We will leave as soon as possible but the time has yet to be determined. I will need to contact the United States side first. In the meantime, get your passport and visa sorted out and be ready to leave at anytime."

Yang Yi nodded and asked with curiosity, "Now that Kate isn't here, can you tell more about the university?"

After taking a glance at Yang Yi, Danny gave it a moment of thought before shaking his head, "I can only tell you the risk involved. I won't tell you which university."


"There is no reason. I just don't want to say it. Also, you might lose the courage to go there after I tell you which university. Since we are on the topic, I would like to ask you again if you are willing to risk suffering inevitable injury or even death? Do you think you can become a spy if your freedom gets restricted and you live your everyday life like you're in purgatory?"

Yang Yi frowned, "Why is the school so dangerous? Fine, I'll only ask one last question. Can I really learn something there?"

Danny nodded solemnly, "You won't just by studying there. You will first need to find the right teacher. I guarantee that you will come out as an expert if you do."

"I will definitely be able to find a teacher there?"

"It's a guarantee. However, I'm not sure if he is willing to teach you. Well, he most likely will give me some face and teach you though. He did owe me a favor."

Yang Yi bit hard into the bread and replied, "I will go! It's just a matter of my bad luck if I end up dead there!"

Danny laughed, "It's good that you have such determination."

"Can you tell me where I am going now?"

"No. I have already said I'm not going to tell you. Since you know about the risk, why do you insist on knowing where you are going?"

Yang Yi helplessly replied, "Fine, I won't ask anymore."

Danny picked up his glass of milk with a laugh, "Eat your breakfast. Ah Jiang will be coming over soon. He will be teaching you a few things over the next few days. Make sure to learn it well. You will definitely find it useful."

Wang Wen Jiang arrived just when Yang Yi finished eating his breakfast. Rather than taking a sit and eating breakfast like Ye Meng previously did, he just said, "Are you done eating? Let's go if you are done eating."

Yang Yi was basically seeking death if he went out alone. Thus, he must have the Dark Knight's protection when he left the hotel. It was obvious today was Wang Wen Jiang's turn to protect and teach him.

Yang Yi immediately stood up, "I'm done eating. Let's go."

Danny looked at the two people who were about to depart, "Ah Jiang is one of the best fighters in the Dark Knights. Study hard, Little Egg. You will need to use what you learn during the entrance exam."

Yang Yi spread his arms and laughed, "There is still an entrance exam? You can be at ease then. I have never failed an exam before. Anything less than first place would be a failure for me!"

Danny laughed while Wang Wen Jiang disdainfully said, "Fine, let's see if you can still laugh later. Let's go!"


Yang Yi didn't have to run to the gym this time. He followed Wang Wen Jiang in his car and went there directly.

There was no one there to force Yang Yi to do physical training this time. Instead, Wang Wen Jiang taught him a few moves which he normally wouldn't and Yang Yi kept those moves firmly in his memory.

"Your strength is limited. So, you shouldn't think about defeating your opponent in a straight fight. Remember this, regardless of what may happen or the consequences of it, make sure you aren't the one who gets knocked on the floor. In most cases, you won't have the chance to stand back up once you hit the floor."

Looking at Wang Wen Jiang's serious expression, Yang Yi nodded, "I will remember it!"

Wang Wen Jiang started to posture and said, "What should you do when someone wants to kill you? You should first attack his weak spots. Your first choice should either be the eyes, throat or crotch. Choose a spot you can definitely hit. Make sure you are steady, sharp and ruthless!"

After finishing his sentence, Wang Wen Jiang raised his two fingers and poked at Yang Yi, "Poke the eyes!"

Wang Wen Jiang then moved his hands downward and choked Yang Yi with three fingers. He ruthlessly said, "Keep a tight grasp on his throat and your enemy will be in your control. If you can't grasp it, punch the throat directly. Even if there is not much strength behind it, he will definitely lose the ability to move."

Wang Wen Jiang then kicked one of his legs and ruthlessly said, "While you are using your hands, don't ever forget you still have your legs! Always keep this in mind. It will either be you or him. Remember that!"

Yang Yi immediately replied, "I have remembered it!"

Wang Wen Jiang nodded, "Both your mental and muscle memory is very good. I won't ask you to use the most appropriate move depending on the circumstances as it takes a lot of practices. Now, I just want you to remember how to handle all sorts of circumstances. Hug me from behind now."

Wang Wen Jiang then turned his body around. Although embarrassed, Yang Yi still hugged him lightly and asked, "Like this?"

"Use more strength. Use the strength of your whole body. Do it like you want to strangle me to death."

Yang Yi used all his strength. Wang Wen Jiang then said, "Look, if you are held by someone from the back like this..."

Wang Wen Jiang slammed his head backward into Yang Yi's face and dealing a heavy blow.

Wang Wen Jiang then lowered his head forward while raising his right leg to kick at Yang Yi's knee.

Yang Yi was surprised and fell on the ground screaming.

Wang Wen Jiang looked at Yang Yi who was lying on the ground and said without emotion, "I will let you rest for half an hour before we continue with practice. Always remember you're going to a very dangerous place. It's best you remember what I said if you don't want to be the one on the floor."

Chapter Notes:

There was nothing for Yang Yi to really reconsider. He could understand Kate's current mood though.

At this time, she was very fragile and in need of a sense of security. Not only had the girl suddenly lost all her loved ones, she was being hunted down as well. Kate didn't want to lose the one thing she had left since Yang Yi was the only one she could currently rely upon.

At a moment like this, Yang Yi just needed to say a single sentence and he would be able to win Kate's heart. However, why would he do so?

Firstly, Yang Yi didn't have any special feelings for her. It wasn't like but, it was also not dislike. He just didn't want Kate to be his girlfriend.

Everyone liked to have a beautiful young woman by their side. Under different circumstances, Yang Yi would definitely take the chance to win over such a beautiful woman. However, there was a hurdle between them right now. Every time he recalled how Kate took him down in a few moves, he felt that there relationship wouldn't be able to develop any further.

It was too much of a psychological trauma for Yang Yi. Unless he managed to defeat Kate with his own strength, there was no way he could shake off this psychological trauma for the rest of his life.

Moreover, it wasn't exactly the time to be pursuing a relationship. He shouldn't give up a learning opportunity to take care of a woman. Thus, he had no idea how to act when he was faced with Kate's imploring gaze.

"It will be fine. The captain isn't that sort of person. He didn't have to go through so much trouble if he only wanted to harm me. You should rest now Kate. I'm going to sleep too."

Although he couldn't bare it, Yang Yi didn't have much of a choice in the matter. He could only go to sleep to avoid the awkward atmosphere. He quickly fell asleep.