Do You Dare?

Yang Yi was grinning when he left the garbage disposal area.

He had a shiv concealed near his waist. Since the weapon was thirty centimeters, he could use a section as a handle and it would still have sufficient length to execute a single deadly stab. The weapon was also easy to carry and conceal.

According to certain research findings, thirty centimeters was the ideal length for a combat blade.

Aside from the shiv, Yang Yi had also concealed a plastic truncheon tied at his waist. The truncheon was about sixty centimeters in length, had a roughened handle, and a unique spoon-like shape at the top. The weapon was more difficult to conceal because its diameter was about two centimeters.

As a matter of fact, it wasn't accurate to describe the top of the truncheon as a spoon-like shape. A more apt description of it was a fist-size jar. The top had a small opening while the body was hollow and wide. It took Yang Yi a lot of effort to fabricate the shape.

Yang Yi had intentionally shaped the top in such a manner to enhance the destructive power of the weapon.

Although plastic was supple and strong, it was also very light. A blunt weapon without enough weight behind it wouldn't cause that much damage. What Yang Yi needed was a weapon which could inflict a lot of pain, maybe injure someone but that wasn't deadly. Yang Yi couldn't ignore this fact even though he was currently facing a life and death situation.

Thus, Yang Yi had made a truncheon that could be enhanced. As long as he could fill the empty space within the fist-sized area with stones, cement fragments, sand, or pebbles, he would be able to double the destructive power of the weapon. It would be even better if he could find a material like iron sand to put inside.

Nonetheless, the type of material wasn't important. It was more important that the material collected could fit into the weapon's opening.

So, he picked up anything that could increase the weapon's weight on his way back like the pebbles on the road.

It was impossible it seemed to find any stone larger than the size of an egg in prison. Although it didn't happen often, Yang Yi was still able to find some pebbles the size of a fingertip.


Once back in his cell, Yang Yi waited until it was dark before he dared to pull out the plastic truncheon.

The truncheon was actually curved. Yang Yi had intentionally bent the truncheon when the plastic was still soft so that it could be better concealed around his waist. Now, he just had to find something heavy to press it on so he could straighten the truncheon. It wasn't a big deal if the truncheon wasn't entirely straight. After all, Yang Yi wasn't trying to make handcrafts but a weapon that would be used to assault others.

Yang Yi took out all the bits of materials he had picked up from his pocket and inserted them into the opening at the top of the truncheon. He then wrapped a piece of cloth around the fist-sized top twice to ensure the contents wouldn't spill out.

The two layers of cloth shouldn't impact the weapon's blunt force too much. Although the weapon was rather crude, Yang Yi now had in his possession a dangerous Warhammer.

Yang Yi was very pleased with it after swinging the Warhammer around a few times. Although it wouldn't kill, it would crack the skull of anyone who was hit on the head with it.

Chris kept quiet as he watched Yang Yi trying out his new weapon. After the first few questions he asked at the very beginning, he pretended that he hadn't witnessed anything at all. Not only that, Chris also didn't complain about the fact that he had to finish up both of their workloads.

Yang Yi wasn't afraid Chris would betray him since a snitch couldn't survive in prison. He was still rather embarrassed by his own actions though.

"Will you be in trouble if something goes wrong?"

After Yang Yi finished speaking, Chris paused for a moment before he replied, "Are you referring to me?"


"I should be fine... normally"

Yang Yi let out a breath of relief, "That's great then. I don't want you to be implicated."

Chris couldn't help but ask, "What do you think will happen next?"

Yang Yi chuckled, "Do you still have to ask? The Boxing King will definitely retaliate against me. It's either him or me now."

Chris was silent for some time, "I was in solitary confinement once, there's no way I can believe anyone could survive inside there for an entire week. So, how did you walk out of solitary confinement unscathed? Did someone give you something or was someone chatting with you for the entire week?"

Yang Yi chuckled again, "No one helped me. As to how I survived the ordeal, I can only say everyone is different. You won't be able to grasp the method I used."

The cell was silent again for a short time before Chris spoke again, "I won't partner with you the next time we go to dispose of the garbage. If something does happen, can you say the weapon wasn't made while we were working together?"

"No problem. Rest assured, I definitely won't implicate you in the matter."

Yang Yi was tired and wasn't in a mood to chat, so he quickly added, "I'm going to sleep, goodnight."


Later that night, he was woken up by a nightmare. In the dream, the Boxing King had destroyed his head with a single punch. Yang Yi was fully drenched in sweat, he thought that the pressure the Boxing King brought was just too great. He had to find a solution to the problem as soon as possible.

The Boxing King was unworthy of being an obstacle in Yang Yi's path but somehow he had become a major obstruction. Although he had no desire to go to war with the prison tyrant, what other choice did he have in the matter?

Even after sitting on the bed for a very long time, he couldn't think of any other solution other than to get rid of the Boxing King. Yet, it was something he didn't have the confidence to actually accomplish.

When the morning bell rang, Yang Yi stopped thinking in frustration.

He then concealed the triangular shiv on his body before leaving to go to the canteen.


Inside the canteen, Yang Yi actually saw the Boxing King this time sitting in his usual spot. The Boxing King was glaring at Yang Yi with undisguised hatred.

Neither one of them concealed the killing intent in their eyes nor do they have any intention to conceal it in the first place. Yang Yi took his meal and sat in his usual spot. He then started to leisurely eat his meal.

Almost all the daily conversation in the canteen had come to a standstill. If anyone dared to open their mouth, they would only whisper and it was definitely about something that had no relation to either Yang Yi or the Boxing King. However, all the inmates were quietly observing both, Yang Yi and the Boxing King.

Originally, Yang Yi felt more confident after he touched the triangular shiv but the confidence quickly vanished when he saw the Boxing King's sturdy body.

Stop! He couldn't allow a prison tyrant to obstruct his plans.

Yang Yi had resolved to put a stop to this mess all together. He couldn't allow himself to be on edge, wasting his energy to guard against the Boxing King. He had to change. If he couldn't even deal with a puny little prison tyrant, he might as well give up on his goal to fight against a secret spy organization.

The moment Yang Yi stood up, the guard who had been monitoring the tense situation immediately shouted, "Sit down!"

Yang Yi ignored the command. He pointed his finger at the Boxing King and declared loudly, "Hey Boxing King, let's have a one-on-one fight! Are you man enough to have a cage fight with me? Do you dare to accept my challenge?!"