A Fight

Yang Yi was looking forward to lunchtime because it was the meal time where the food portion was the largest and the calories the highest. As a person who exercised and practiced martial arts on a daily basis, it was agonizing whenever he couldn't withstand the hunger until mealtime.

Nowadays, he couldn't even exchange for instant noodles because he was out of cigarettes. Yang Yi was also out of money. However, he was too embarrassed to ask Xiao Ran for more money. He would rather go hungry than ask for help from an outsider. As for Zhang Yong, Yang Yi would certainly not ask him for help.

Yang Yi felt that it was rather absurd if he couldn't even solve his own meal problem. At the very beginning, he had never even thought of extorting food from the other inmates. However, this evil seed of thought had sprouted after being mentioned by Zhang Yong.

He would never feel guilty extorting food from a group of scums. He could even use them for practice. Why shouldn't he do it? Thus, Yang Yi had decided to test out his capability today.

As he was walking toward the canteen, he couldn't help feeling excited since he could finally fight after the past few months of hard work. Zhang Yong didn't accompany Yang Yi this time. He already knew Yang Yi would be causing trouble. Thus, it was better to stay away because he probably wouldn't even get to have lunch.

Yang Yi was very eager when he picked up his tray and went over to the Black man distributing food. There was chicken for lunch today. Although it was only a single piece, it was still meat.

Yang Yi was suddenly flooded with emotion when he recalled the chicken he had on his first day in prison. It was because of this very chicken he ended up poking someone in the eye which had eventually led to him killing the Boxing King. Again it was chicken, but this time around he would be extorting the food from other inmates.

After taking his meal, Yang Yi wanted to stand beside the queue to start collecting food but changed his mind after giving it some thought. He rushed towards a table and quickly finished up his meal instead. Only then did he go back to stand beside the queue and lift his tray.

Yang Yi was holding his tray up like how they other gangs did it when they were extorting food. This action made him upset but it wasn't like he had a choice since he didn't have a henchman to help him collect food from the other inmates.

There were at least half of the inmates still in line who hadn't eaten yet. When he stood beside the queue of inmates, he put on a grim expression which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Everyone knew what it meant when someone stood beside the queue holding a tray.

A lot of the inmates started to stare at Yang Yi and he responded by glaring at them. It was, in fact, an order for them to place their food on his tray. He had no intention to open his mouth and ask after giving it due consideration.

Soon, a short and fat Black man came up next to Yang Yi with his tray.He was puzzled by Yang Yi's action and sized him up before asking with a frown, "Hey, who are you collecting for?"

"I'm not collecting for others. I'm collecting food for myself. Why, do you have an opinion?"

Yang Yi was actually waiting for a Mexican who looked rather fierce. The Mexican had once scolded him for no apparent reason. The Mexican sounded just like a dog barking back then. At that time, Yang Yi was rushing back to his cell for training. Thus, Yang Yi was planning to find fault with him today.

Just at that moment, a White man who wasn't too tall had arrived next to Yang Yi and the short, fat Black man. The White man was hesitating as he had no idea whether he should pass over the chicken or not.

Yang Yi than gave the fat Black man a glance and this made the fat Black man yell, "Go away! What are you looking at?"

The fat Black man wasn't Yang Yi's target, but there wasn't a reason to hold back now that the situation had escalated to this point. Yang Yi put aside the tray and aimed a punch at the fat Black man's nose.

The fat Black man's head was rocked by the force. His eyes rolled back and he fell backward. It was just a punch done on impulse yet Yang Yi hadn't expected the fat Black man to not even be able to take one hit. He hadn't even used his full strength when he punched him.

Thus, he was rather dumbfounded seeing the fat Black man lying on the ground.

"I know what to do. This is yours," the White man immediately said he would surrender his chicken to Yang Yi.

Given how fierce and provocative Yang Yi was, the White man who was both skinny and tiny in stature didn't dare to keep the food on his tray.

"Who wants your stuff? Go away and eat it yourself!" Yang Yi discourteously said.

Soon after, a group of Black men charged straight at Yang Yi. There were at least ten inmates. Yang Yi felt both nervous and excited at the same time. He threw the tray aside and immediately clashed with the fastest Black man.

The Black man threw a punch at Yang Yi. Actual combat was very different from sparring. At the same time, Yang Yi quickly decided on his move. He lowered his body and side-stepped. He ended up right in front of the Black man and aimed a single punch at his stomach.

The first Black man fell to the ground while Yang Yi retreated backward because the second Black man had arrived.

Yang Yi stretched out both his arms to grab the second Black man arms but was unable to hold on to them. Yang Yi was able to avoid the punch the man aimed at his face but his ear was still grazed by the man's fist which caused him some pain.

He then raised his left hand into a guard position and lowered his right hand. Without thinking, Yang Yi launched an uppercut into the Black man's armpit. He then followed up the punch by grabbing his opponent's arm and hurling him onto the ground.

A bang was heard and it was followed closely by the Black man's wail.

Yang Yi side-stepped towards the left and once again used the same move which was previously unsuccessful. This time around, the move succeeded. The opponent launched a punch and before he managed to pull his fist back, Yang Yi had grabbed his arm.

Yang Yi then used both his arms to pull and swing, flipping the man on the ground. Another bang was heard.

Although the initial anxiety had passed, Yang Yi was still not able to properly determine how many opponents there were. Yang Yi had idealistically thought he would face one opponent at a time and counter the opponent's moves as they came along.

Alas, the situation had developed into something outside of Yang Yi's expectation. He had been surrounded.

It was rather chaotic. Although he wasn't able to see everything clearly, Yang Yi was still able to come up with some moves.

Shortly after, a Black man whose teeth were bleeding arrived in front of Yang Yi. Yang Yi turned his body and struck with both hands crossed, hitting both sides of the Black man's neck.

Shape and Intention Boxing was a style which used continuous movements in one fight. Short Boxing was a style which emphasized hitting quickly and finding the opponent's weak spot which was either the joint, soft tissue or hamstring. Yang Yi couldn't decide on what style to use at the moment and just used what was appropriate depending on the situation.

Yang Yi couldn't allow himself to be surrounded and bashed up by the whole group. So, he had quickly knocked down those who were blocking the path in front of him. After Yang Yi had successfully escaped the encirclement, a Black man lunged towards his stomach while he was retreating. Yang Yi discovered the Black man was holding a knife in his hand. The Black man used the lunge to execute a lethal stab.