A New Prison Tyrant

In American prisons, there was a unique hierarchy and gangs were at the top. This was apparent in Pelican Bay State Prison where more than 60% of the inmates admitted to being involved in gangs.

Even when non-gang member individuals entered prison, most of them end up joining one to survive. The high number of non-gang member individuals who joined a gang after being admitted into prison had pushed the number of inmates who were part of a gang in prison up to 80%.

There was a small minority who would rather have it hard than join a gang. The reason for that was simple. It wasn't easy to leave a gang after joining one. Once they were a part of a gang in prison, they would still remain a part of one after being released. As such, they became easy prey to be used as cannon fodder later.

Any gang member could be easily identified. Otherwise, how would the gangs be able to keep their own members together? Because of that, those who still had the chance of getting parole would be unwilling to be a part of a gang.

Yang Yi wasn't a gang member, or at the very least he didn't belong to a notoriously large gang. Given his superb fighting skills, anyone under his wings would be well protected. More importantly, they would not interfere with each other's lives after they got out of prison. Yang Yi became popular due to those factors. In fact, an arrangement like this was very common. It was after all how the remaining 20% of the inmates survived.

Yang Yi sat down at a table and started to eat his dinner. Soon after, a Black man holding a tray walked over and stood in front of Yang Yi.


After greeting Yang Yi respectfully, the Black man placed two packs of cigarettes next to Yang Yi. He then softly said, "I hope to be your follower."

Yang Yi raised his head and slowly said, "What's your crime?"

"Boss, I was sentenced to twenty years for second-degree murder. I have served three years now."

Yang Yi took the cigarettes and put them in his pocket. He then said rather heavily, "Sit next to me. What's your name?"

The Black man was happy when he was allowed to take a seat next to Yang Yi and excitedly said, "Boss, I'm called Collins."

Yang Yi raised his head and observed his underling Kerry who was standing next to the queue. From time to time, Kerry would say something to the inmate passing by him and the portion of food on the tray would increase.

It was great, convenient and cool! Yang Yi was very satisfied. Another White man approached Yang Yi's table at that time.

The White man was in his forties and looked like a doormat who was used to being bullied. His hands were shaking as he placed two packs of cigarettes in front of Yang Yi and asked, "Can I be your follower?"

Yang Yi lifted his brows and asked, "What's your crime?

"Erm, larceny."

Collins ignored the timid looking White man and told Yang Yi, "Boss, this fella is lying. He was actually sentenced to life imprisonment without parole for rape and murder."

Yang Yi's indifference turned to anger, "You damn bitch! You actually dare to lie to me?!" However, he had no intention of personally taking action. He only solemnly said, "Teach this stupid bitch a lesson!"

Thus, Collins stood up and punched the White man. He then repeatedly kicked the White man who had committed rape yet was delusional enough to want protection. A Latino came over and started to beat the rapist along with Collins.

After Yang Yi felt that the rapist had been sufficiently beaten up, he instructed loudly, "That's enough. You can stop now."

Although the rapist was lying on the ground crying, none of the other inmates sympathized with him. The type of scum who murdered his victim after raping her deserved to be bullied to death by the other inmates.

Yang Yi threw the two packs of cigarettes back at the rapist and said with a face full of disgust, "Don't ever appear in front of me again. I will teach you a lesson every time I see you. So, fuck off!"

Without even being able to eat his meal, the rapist picked up his cigarettes and slowly stood up.

Collins gave the rapist another kick and angrily said, "Hey, crawl away!"

The rapist crawled away while crying. Collins and the Latino had continuously smacked his head. Thus, he continued crawling while waiting for the guard to take him away. However, the guards had only given the situation a glance and said nothing.

Collins was rather happy when he saw this and allowed the rapist to scramble up and away. Then Collins walked over to Yang Yi and excitedly said, "Boss, even the guards are giving you face!"

Yang Yi chuckled and asked the Latino, "So, what's your situation?"

The Latino who assisted Collins previously was smiling radiantly when he heard Yang Yi's question. He took out two packs of cigarettes, placed it on the table and replied with a rather strong accent, "Sir, I wish to be your follower! I was sentenced to twelve years for armed robbery and aggravated assault. I was just admitted. I'm also very sensible."

Yang Yi nodded and asked, "What's your name and nationality?"

"Rodriguez, I'm from Ecuador and twenty-five this year. Boss, I hope I can follow you because I heard you were very powerful."

Yang Yi nodded and replied, "Take a seat. Make sure you do a good job."

Rodriguez sat down. Yang Yi now had three underlings under his wing. At that time, Kerry walked over with the tray and said, "Boss, my tray is full."

Yang Yi just nodded and started eating after Kerry placed the tray in front of him. There was still half a tray of food left when Yang Yi had eaten his fill.

Thus, Yang Yi gestured with his hand and Kerry immediately divided the food between himself and his two new colleagues.

"Kerry, you'll be collecting food on my behalf in the future."

As Kerry was the first person to come under Yang Yi's wing, there was a slight advantage for him being the first to make a move even though he was only a few minutes ahead of the other two.

Kerry immediately replied, "Thanks, Boss!"

It was quite funny that he was being thanked when the person in question was doing his bidding. Yang Yi just chuckled as he asked, "Do you guys need me to lay out the rules?"

Kerry answered for them all, "Boss, we are well aware of the rules!"

Yang Yi spoke full of satisfaction, "Very good. No one can bully you guys in the future. Only you guys get to bully people. Understand?"

"Understood. Thank you, boss!"

There were advantages to having underlings. In fact, the more underlings, the better. Yang Yi didn't need to recruit underlings to fight on his behalf. He would rather fight personally. On the other hand, he couldn't just leave them with nothing to do. It was never a good idea to coddle them too much.

He could only assign his new underlings to run errands for the time being since he still hadn't thought of what tasks to assign them.

Right at that moment, two White men came up to Yang Yi and said, "Boss, can we speak?"

Yang Yi sighed as he leisurely asked, "First, say what crime you committed. You first."