Being Responsible For Your Own Actions

Zhang Yong was already in the cell when Yang Yi returned. Zhang Yong who was sitting on the bed glared at Yang Yi coldly.

"Brother Yong, is something wrong?" Yang Yi asked.

After taking a deep breath, Zhang Yong slowly said, "So, you think you can take on ten people on your own now is that it? Do you think that you're that awesome?

"Ah, there's no such thing. What have I done now?" Yang Yi was rather confused. He was wondering why Zhang Yong would suddenly say those words.

Zhang Yong stood up, walked towards Yang Yi and slapped his face.

After the smack, Yang Yi put a hand to his face and asked in shock, "What was that for?"

Zhang Yong coldly asked, "Aren't you awesome? Why are you hiding now?"

"I…" Yang Yi stammered as he rubbed his left cheek. He could still feel the burning sensation on his face. There was a saying: one should avoid hitting the face when hitting another person. Regardless of how angry Zhang Yong was, he shouldn't have hit Yang Yi on his face. Yang Yi asked displeasure evident in his tone, "Are you sick? Why are you hitting me?"

Zhang Yong didn't bother to answer Yang Yi. Instead, he took two steps back and switched to a Wing Chun stance and attacked Yang Yi.

Yang Yi quickly responded. However, he felt a sharp pain in his chest before he could even parry the attack. As a result, he stumbled a few steps back hitting the iron door and slowly sliding down it onto the floor since he was having difficulty breathing.

At the same time, Zhang Yong fiercely shouted, "Stand back up!"

Although Zhang Yong had sparred with Yang Yi in the past, it was all instructive training. This was the first time Yang Yi suffered so much pain. Even still, Zhang Yong showed some restraint. If not, Zhang Yong could kill Yang Yi with a single punch or at the very least break his ribcage.

"Stand up!"

Hearing Zhang Yong's shout, Yang Yi gritted his teeth and staggered to stand up.

"Come and attack me! Aren't you very awesome now? Come and attack me!" Zhang Yong roared in anger.

Thus, Yang Yi gritted his teeth and pounced at Zhang Yong.

Yang Yi didn't withhold his strength as he attacked in anger. However, Zhang Yong easily dodged his attack and successfully landed another heavy punch to Yang Yi's stomach.

This time around, Yang Yi slumped on the ground and curled up like a shrimp. He was in so much pain that he couldn't even utter a sound.

"Stand up! Stand up now!"

Tears were running down Yang Yi's cheeks not because he was weak, but because he couldn't control them. After struggling for some time, Yang Yi panted as he said, "I… can't… stand up… anymore…"

Zhang Yong took a long deep breath before he squatted down and looked at Yang Yi in the face as he angrily said, "Do you think you are such a great fighter now that you're invincible in this world?"

After rubbing his cheek again, Yang Yi rolled over slowly and just laid on the floor and helplessly said, "Fuck! Why did you hit me so ruthlessly?! I wouldn't be lying on the ground now if I was invincible. Fuck! It hurts like hell!!"

Zhang Yong then reached out to grab Yang Yi by his clothes and lifted him up in mid-air as he ruthlessly said, "Well, why did you stop? What give you the confidence to stop and give your opponent the chance to retaliate? What have I been teaching you?"

"I… I…" Yang Yi stuttered as he said, "Shouldn't show mercy when I attack and I shouldn't attack if I want to show mercy. But, I was…"

Zhang Yong released his grip and Yang Yi fell on the concrete floor. Yang Yi gritted his teeth against the pain he was feeling.

Zhang Yong let out a breath as he coldly said, "Where are we?"


"Do the inmates in prison have guns?"

"No, but…"

Zhang Yong interrupted, "Shut up! There are no buts here you idiot! What you're facing here are some of the most dangerous people in the world, if you give them a chance, the one who will be dead will be you! This is not the ring. You don't stop when your opponent stops! If this wasn't a prison but the outside world instead, he could take out a gun and shoot you dead!"

Yang Yi meekly said, "I stopped because we're in prison. They don't have a gun."

"Shut up!"

Zhang Yong became even more enraged as he grabbed Yang Yi's collar, "You should change when you're wrong! You shouldn't be quibbling idiot! You'll be dead if you make a mistake! Dead!"

Yang Yi opened his mouth as he mumbled, "I know my mistake, Brother Yong. I will keep this in mind and I won't repeat the same mistake again. I absolutely won't."

Zhang Yong took another deep breath before he continued rebuking him fiercely, "Do you think you are great just because you can defeat a dozen or so inmates? Let me tell now, you're not! They are just a bunch of wastrels with a tad bit of ferociousness and more shamelessness than common folks. Give them a gun and they will dare to use it, that's all! None of them are experts. After all, they only dare to intimidate common people. Understand?"

"I understand."

"Please don't think you're very awesome. Your skills are mediocre. You'll end up dead if the person you encounter is an expert. Not only are you not an expert, you're just a trainee. It's too early for you to be arrogant!"

Yang Yi slowly sat up as he answered softly, "Sorry, Brother Yong."

Zhang Yong just waved his hand in anger, "You don't owe me an apology. You just aren't being accountable for your own life. Do you know how many experts there are in this world? It doesn't mean they don't exist just because you haven't met them. You plan to become a spy yet you still don't have the awareness of how dangerous the world you want to enter is."

Zhang Yong took another deep breath before he continued solemnly, "Experts could also die due to carelessness. Do you know how many people die each year because they are careless? Keep in mind the most lethal weapon now is not a fist but a gun! Regardless of how fast you are, do you think you will be faster than a bullet? You will lose your life the moment someone presses a trigger! Don't think you're invincible just because you're a capable fighter. Fuck, even a child could kill you with a gun. In Africa, those child soldiers could easily slaughter you with their guns."

After letting out a breath, Zhang Yong continued without smiling, "Given your current capability, you will die if you meet an expert. As for encountering guns, either you don't take any action or you should quickly render them immobile. They should never have the chance to even use their gun! As powerful as you are, never show mercy!"

Yang Yi softly said, "I know my mistake, Brother Yong. I promise not to make the same mistake again."

Zhang Yong slowly said to him, "You don't have to promise me anything. You just need to keep it in mind and be accountable for your own life. You only have one life after all."