
The door was closed, and indeed no alarm sounded. Of course, even Yang Yi could not hear it. However, after waiting for ten minutes, there was no prison guard to check it. The door was naturally unlocked.

Yang Yi lay back on his bed, and then he looked at Hank standing in the corner and began to hesitate.

The whistle-blower is actually a very bad role. In prison, there is a kind of person who is rejected by all the prisoners. That is the whistle-blower. Even if the whistle-blower is very powerful, no one dares to provoke it, but it will also be blinded by all the prisoners. The child has been rejected, but you can't afford it, then you don't talk to you, you can't do anything with you.

Therefore, Yang Yi really didn't want to be a whistle-blower. However, Owen's idea was very good. At least one of the prisoners who were locked in the prison area wanted to get a job, and that was a great achievement.

It's always hard to hear the whistle-blower's voice, but Yang Yi hasn't been entangled for a long time.

Zhang Yong treats him not thin. Since Yang Yi has made up his mind to kill the wild beast Ryan, so that Zhang Yong can get spiritual relief and be willing to leave the prison, then he certainly will not give up for fear of carrying a whistle-blower.

What's more, Yang Yi will not stay in prison for a lifetime, so when a whistle-blower is on the go, there is always a price to pay for something, and the price is not too big.

It's just that Yang Yi feels very sorry. He really wants to learn something from Hank, but when he is a whistleblower, he basically has no chance.

Moreover, this is not an ordinary whistle, this is a fall, after all, it is a loss of heart.

However, sacrificing a stranger to save his good friend, Yang Yi is not morally perfect, although he is really embarrassed, but he is still very easy to make a choice.

With no determination, there is nothing to think about.

I thought that Hank was thrown out as the key, and Yang Yi, who was stunned, was embarrassed to punish Hank again, so he whispered: "Don't stand in the corner, come over."

Hank's warfare turned around and looked at Yang Yi with a flattering smile on his face. "Oh, thank you, boss."

Yang Yi said slowly: "You should have slept directly on the ground, but I am a very large person, allowing you to sleep on a blanket, if you sleep, snoring, grinding your teeth, or farting..."

"No! Absolutely not! I am very quiet when I sleep."

"Good, it's best."

Hank trembled and hugged his own cover, then he lay on the ground and did not dare to move.

Yang Yi keeps a lot of exercise every day, so he can fall asleep quickly when he turns off the lights.

But this time there is a little exception. Although Yang Yi is sleepy, she does not have to sleep, and there is a new prisoner in his cell. This prisoner is also very miserable by him. He sleeps without any precautions. Then he was too relieved to be too wide.

Yang Yi closed her eyes and seemed to fall asleep. Later, she made some snoring, but he kept awake.

However, after a long time, Hank had no other changes except for a little flipping of his body, so Yang Yi finally relaxed his vigilance.

Yang Yi really fell asleep.

I don't know how long I slept until Yang Yi heard a soft snoring.

Yang Yi immediately woke up from sleep, then he opened his eyes.

With the light in the corridor, Yang Yi vaguely saw a black shadow rushing toward him, accompanied by a gust of wind.

Yang Yi immediately sat up, and then a heavy object fell on his pillow.

Yang Yi punched out with a punch, his fist was in the side rib of Hank, but Hank, who suffered a heavy blow on the side rib, was sore and snorted, and then slammed the thing in his hand. Yang Yi's neck, then pull hard with both hands.

Yang Yi's left hand was in front of the neck in time, and then he felt his wrists were stretched to the neck by a chain.

"Strangle you!"

Hank yelled at the teeth and screamed. Although the lights were very dim, Yang Yi still saw Hank's extremely sly face.

Hank tried to turn to Yang Yi's body. The thing he used to hold Yang Yi's neck was his ankle.

Yang Yi was temporarily passive, but he was not dangerous. In fact, after he heard the sound wake up, Hank could not pose a real danger to him.

"I have enough, let's die!"

Hank struggled with the strength of the whole body to tighten the chain. He really wanted to strangle Yang Yi.

Yang Yi's left hand will push the chain of the neck and push it out, then turn around halfway, and a heavy punch hit Hank's stomach.

Hank screamed, his hands immediately lost his strength, and the chain on his hand was easily smashed by Yang Yi.

Yang Yiguang stood on the ground, and then he just punched again. Hank immediately lay on the ground and couldn't even say the pain.

Taking the chain in his hand, Yang Yi looked carefully, it was Hank's ankle.

Hank licked his stomach. When he looked at Yang Yi again, he was a ghost. He said, "Don't come over! Don't come over! Sorry..."

Yang Yi suddenly stopped, facing a person who just wanted to kill himself. He was suppressing his impulse to kill him directly. At this time, looking at Hank's appearance made him extremely confused.

"Forgive me! I am impulsive, I am joking with you, I have money, I can spend money to buy my own life, I beg you boss, I am wrong, give me a life to buy money. Opportunity, you will hit me if you are angry, but please don't kill me, it's not good for you, I don't dare anymore..."

Hank cried. He struggled to kneel on the floor and cried: "Please forgive me this time, please."

Hank looked extremely pitiful, but Yang Yi would really be a ghost if he believed him again.

I really didn't see it. Hank's kid was soft when he was soft. He stepped on his feet and dirty shoes, but gave him a chance. He actually dared to die.

So Hank is a well-behaved little sheep. He is a monk who can bend and dare to start and is still dark and black.

Yang Yi didn't play Hank, and he didn't have a jealousy. He just sat back on the bed and waved his ankle in his hand. He said with interest: "You want to kill me!"

Hank licked his stomach, a pitiful phase, sobbing: "I'm sorry, how can I kill people? I just, just, just want to warn you, I am wrong, I am telling the truth, I am really stunned by anger. The mind, but how dare I kill, I just want you to stop bullying me, sorry..."

Yang Yi nodded, then he whispered: "Shut up, we still don't have to say these meaningless words, now I just want to know how you opened the ankle."