
People have weaknesses.

People, there must be weaknesses, just more or less, big or small problems.

Zhang Yong's weakness is that he is too heavy and affectionate. This person, as long as he wants to seek him, can only succeed if he gets up and down from the two words of love.

Danny's character weakness, Yang Yi, didn't know, but he knew that Danny's biggest weakness now is his family. He has a family business. When a person who eats in the underground world has a family, he has become a tiger. Then his power will be hit again, and his family business will be bigger, which will become his weakness.

Danny's weakness has been tested, and the Destroyer can force Danny to give up the determination to fight a deadly battle. It's not because Danny has a family business, and he has to give up the pursuit.

Kate has a lot of weaknesses. She is too young. Although her father and mother are all commercial spies, Kate is still a heart-to-heart who was held by her parents at an early age, so she has not experienced any storms. She may be well-informed. However, this is a different matter from her stomach experience.

Also, Kate has some impulsiveness in doing things. This has a lot to do with her practice of fighting from a young age. When a person's fist is stronger than the mind, it is necessary to use the fist rather than the mind when solving the problem.

As for Xiao Yu, what weakness does she have?

Thinking of this, Yang Yi could not help but hesitated.

Perhaps it is too easy to believe in others? Otherwise, how could she be deceived by a married woman, but her situation is not the same, because she just moved on the Internet and chatted with people, and after seeing it, she soon discovered the truth of the matter. So this article seems to be not quite established.

However, Yang Yi soon discovered a problem, that is why he would think about Xiao Wei's weaknesses?

Yang Yi thought about all the people who had a relationship with him and had a close relationship, and then he began to think about himself.

This is a good habit, but Yang Yi does not know what shortcomings he has.

I don't know what shortcomings I have, I don't think I have no shortcomings. The difference between them is big.

Yang Yi wants to figure out his shortcomings, mainly the shortcomings of his character. The shortcomings are weaknesses. If there are weaknesses, they must be corrected. However, self-knowledge is a person's advantage, and he can't think of any shortcomings. That is no. Self-knowledge.

If you know that you have any personality defects, then Yang Yi will change, and changing the nature is not a disadvantage, but the problem is that Yang Yi does not know.

No self-knowledge can be a shortcoming. Yang Yi decided to record this shortcoming in his own small book. When he faces the key moments of making choices, he will turn the small book out to remind himself.

After summing up the people who are close to me, Yang Yi began to think about the weakness of the beast Wayne.

The beast Wayne was locked in the cell. He was also taken with a beggar. Even if he was completely unfamiliar with the beast Wayne, these two points must be his biggest weakness now. It is not necessary to find other weaknesses for the time being. Come, time is still there, always find the weaknesses that can be used to deal with him.

People's psychological state will of course become a weakness. Those prison guards in special prisons have a common weakness and are very bored.

Thinking of this, Yang Yi thinks that it should also add one to the beast Wayne, that is, after being shut down for a long time, the beast Wayne will of course be bored, and maybe have a chance to use it.

After a summary of the results of his observations in his heart, Yang Yi sighed with relief.

At present, the resources that can be used are still too small. They can only look slowly and wait slowly.

To conclude, Yang Yi also ended his handstand. He has now become accustomed to thinking during exercise.

You can think when you exercise, but you can't do it when you punch, because you need to be fully engaged when you punch, and Yang Yi will never let himself have a habit of opening his mind when he is working.

Practice all the movements of the meeting, and practice all kinds of movements all over again, but the brain will shoot, which is more tired than simply exercising muscles and strength, and more effective, to become a master. There is not enough brain to have a good brain, not enough. Day after day, hard training is more important than the brain.

After doing all the homework that fell during the day, Yang Yicai dragged his tired body and sat down on the bed. After waiting for the sweat to fall, he washed it with cold water and then fell asleep immediately.

This time, it is already one o'clock in the middle of the night.

The brain is good enough, so I encounter a lot of things like playing smart and not using real strength to solve the problem. This is the judgment that Yang Yi made to himself. Now, he feels that he should no longer have this shortcoming.

But who knows?

One day, dawn, Yang Yi, who was awakened by the wake-up ring, hurriedly washed, went to eat breakfast, and then went to the special supervision area along with the shift guard.

This time, Clint began chatting with Yang Yi outside.

Or first clean up the hygiene, do what he should do, then Yang Yi began to chat with Clint, until noon, Yang Yi followed Clint to eat the prisoner's lunch, he will continue to do things.

The noon thing is to wait for Clint and Ruben to give the prisoners a meal, then follow them to take back the prisoner's plate and unify them. Finally, when the prison guards change jobs, they bring the cutlery to work in the restaurant. The prisoners are clean.

Therefore, Yang Yi is only responsible for cleaning up and not having to be responsible for brushing the dishes.

There is a place for the wind in the special supervision area, but unlike the playground of the heavy prisoner, the prisoners in the special supervision area can only release the wind in a small yard of about 100 square meters when the wind is released.

Different from the prisoner ~www.mtlnovel.com~ The place where the special supervision area is ventilated is the high wall made of brick and cement. The round high wall is five meters high, completely separating the view. Even if it is ventilated, the only prisoner can What I saw was only the small sky above the head, so the place where the wind was released was indeed like a well, or like a chimney.

Prison guards and prisoners also call the place where the wind is released as a chimney. Even in a small place like a chimney, there are not many opportunities for prisoners in special prisons. Some prisoners can release the wind every day, and some need to be the next day. Some can only get a chance to release the wind in a week.

Moreover, the release of the special supervision area is not all prisoners together, but the time is separated, and the individual is alone.

When cleaning up the windy courtyard, just a short while, Yang Yi would feel particularly wrong, so he could hardly imagine how the prisoners who had been detained in special supervision areas for several years or even ten years came over.

Today, Yang Yi wants to clean the windy yard. He waits at the door of the yard. After the prison guard looks at the watch, he opens the door on the chimney and screams at the inside: "Time is up, go back to the cell!"

After shouting at the prisoner, the prison guard turned to Yang Yidao: "You must move faster, and the next person will come ten minutes later."