Everyone Has

I don't know where Hank came from. He supported himself with two arms and he grabbed the noodles in Yang Yi's hand.

Yang Yi's other hand was sent to the fork. Hank's hand with a noodle was always squatting. Then he took the fork with his right hand and immediately put the fork into the instant noodles.

The instant noodles didn't soak, but Hank picked the noodles into his mouth with his hands.

After eating something, Hank's hand shook even more. After the wind and the clouds were finished, the cake was not finished. Then he picked up the paper bowl and looked up and cleaned the soup inside. .

After drinking the soup, Hank took a long breath and whispered: "It's so delicious..."

Hank is really starved.

In fact, prisoners are also confined and have food. Although they are few, they never ate two small pieces of bread in a week. Therefore, Hank was hungry. This is actually Yang Yi's arrangement.

Just need to say hello, those prison guards can not wait to starve to try to escape from Hank.

Ten thousand instant noodles and a piece of chocolate are far from satisfying a person who has been hungry for a week, so Hank's hand still shakes very badly, but he finally sat up.

Yang Yi went back and took a packet of instant noodles. This time it was not in a bowl, but in a bag. He shook his face in front of Hank and smiled. "Want?"

Hank's eyes were straight, and he hesitated for a long time, finally whispering: "What do you want? Well, I can promise you one thing, I can do one thing for you, but only one!"

Yang Yi shook her head and smiled. "I don't need you to do anything for me. You are already my younger brother. It is the responsibility of the older brother to let the younger brother eat. I am just asking if you are full, but still want to want again?"

"I need to!"

Yang Yi began to tear the packaging of the instant noodles, put the noodles in the bowl that Hank held in his hand, then he opened the seasoning bag, then picked up the thermos cup and poured the remaining hot water into it. .

"It's time to eat slowly, and it's better to spend a little longer."

Hank snorted, then he whispered: "Thank you."

When he clap his hands, Yang Yi smiled lightly: "You're welcome, you have been hungry for too long, you can't eat too much at once, so go to bed after eating, sleep well for one night, and you will be able to recover tomorrow."

Yang Yi no longer takes care of Hank, he still began to exercise on his own, and Hank once again devours the instant noodles, Yang Yi is not too slow to say: "Go to bed to sleep, if you can not go can help you ""

Hank really did not climb to the upper bunk, and finally Yang Yi pushed him to the upper bunk.

Hank didn't roll out his own cover. He just pulled over the blanket and covered it, and then began to sleep.

Although nothing can be done in the confinement room, it still can't sleep well. Hank is already hungry and tired. His spirit has not completely collapsed. In fact, it is quite powerful. After being confined for seven days. There are also people who can't say the whole sentence after three or four days.

Early the next morning, Hank was awakened by Yang Yi while still asleep.

"I don't want to wake you up so early, but breakfast time is coming, do you want to have breakfast?"

Hank suddenly sat up, then he hurriedly said: "Eat!"

"You are too stinky now, get up and wash yourself, change to a clean prison uniform, or you will be beaten when you go to eat."

Hank quickly washed himself and then came to the cafeteria with Yang Yi.

Yang Yi took his own plate and gathered in the position where the younger brothers were crowded.

Refers to Hank, Yang Yi loudly: "He is his own person in the future, just coming out of the confinement room, Kerry, to give him more food."

Hank didn't say anything. He was still eating attentively. It was also very characteristic when eating. The two arms were sandwiched between the plates. Both hands tried to protect most of the food and then ate very fast.

Kerry opened Hank's hand and threw a stack of slices of bread on Hank's plate. Then he looked disdainfully: "Follow the boss, no one dares to grab your things."

Hank stunned for a moment, then continued to bury his head and bitterly, and his mouth was vague: "Thank you."

Yang Yi finished drinking milk, and then he was facing Hank, who was still eating: "We are not actually a gang, but some people who help each other. They call me boss. That's because I can protect them, but we and Those gangs who are drug-trafficking are two different things, do you understand?"

Hank stunned, then he nodded: "Understood."

Yang Yi stood up and said: "You eat slowly, I have to go to work, see you at dinner."

Hank is curious: "Work, what work?"

"It has nothing to do with you, I will come back at night, Hank, don't let me find myself missing something."

Hank seems to have been insulted. He is indignant: "I am a thief, not a thief. Even if I go to jail, I will not steal anything."

Yang Yi ignored Hank and he left the restaurant.

Hank is a big man, but now Yang Yi hasn't figured out how to use it, or he hasn't found a chance to use him.

Without the prison guard, Yang Yi came to the door of the special supervision area alone.

Yang Yi has been working in a special supervision area for a whole week. He works in the special supervision area for eight hours every day, but the prison guards are three shifts, that is, one week is daytime, 8 am to 4 pm, then Change shifts, working hours from 4 pm to midnight, a total of four people back and forth.

Today is the time for shifts, so Yang Yi has no chance to meet with Clint.

Yang Yi stood at the door of the special supervision area. At this time, a seemingly young prison guard suddenly looked at Yang Yidao: "Hey, you are the newcomer?"

Yang Yi nodded ~www.mtlnovel.com~ Road: "Hello, sir."

The prison guard is still laughing, but Yang Yi feels that the prisoner's smile is clearly unwilling.

There are hundreds of people, the prison guards have Clint, a very friendly prison guard, of course, there will be those very unfriendly prison guards, Clint will be willing to chat with Yang Yi because of boredom, but there are also prison guards because of boredom Find some fun from others.

Can't bully a colleague, but bullying a prisoner is fine.

Beginning to enter the door, Yang Yi walked in front, but at this time, his **** was suddenly squeezed.

Yang Yi suddenly moved forward, then suddenly turned back, he almost hit the palm of his hand, but fortunately his reason suppressed his instinctive reaction.

If this slap is played out, the prison guard will not be able to say anything, but Yang Yi's crime of assaulting the police can't escape, and no one can help him.

Looking at Yang Yi's shocked and angry look, the prison guard laughed and said to a few colleagues next to him: "Look at the girl who jumped up and laughed at me."