Say Your Purpose

Yang Yi encountered a little obstacle when learning to unlock. The obstacle is that he has no physical objects to practice.

A lot of skills know that the principle is not enough, but also a lot of practice. The unlocking obviously belongs to this kind of skill. Yang Yi wants to be as powerful as Hank, but there is no physical training, but the ones that are remembered in his mind. Principle, this idea does not want to be realized in life.

Therefore, Yang Yi soon discovered that he remembered all the principles but there was no real thing to practice. Under the premise that Hank continued to live in a cell, it didn't make much sense.

This week, Yang Yi passed very badly. He was very savvy and humiliated by George in the special supervision area. He could only endure it and went back to the cell. He couldn't learn more useful unlocking techniques with Hank. It is very uncomfortable for him.

There is also that Owen has finally left. He left his post and transferred to other prisons. The backing of Yang Yi's money is no longer there.

Not only is Owen transferred, but the warden will soon be transferred, but Irving is high and the prison director is retired.

Yang Yi didn't know how to get rid of the beast Wayne. He hadn't thought about leaving the prison because he had too many things to do in prison, so he couldn't think of the jailbreak.

However, after killing the beast Wayne, he must have left the prison. This is not the same as his killing in the light prison area. It is not the same as his fight in the prison area.

Therefore, Yang Yi still has to think about how to escape from prison, because it is time to consider leaving.

Yang Yi asked Zhang Yong, but Zhang Yong did not tell him.

In fact, Zhang Yong is not still angry with Yang Yi. He just doesn't seem to know how to leave. He didn't think about leaving when he went to prison.

After all, everything depends on you.

Therefore, Yang Yi is very embarrassed. Although he can't see it on the surface, his emotions in these few days are really low.

Finally, when it was time to change shifts, Yang Yi didn't have to face George, who was very annoying. Although Clint had two weeks to be a white-shift, but for George, maybe he could be better.

Followed by the prison guard to the door of the special prison area, a prison guard looked at Yang Yidao: "You are Benjamin? I heard Clint talk about you."

Finally, I met another kind of prison guard. Yang Yi felt a little comfort. He smiled at the prison guard who greeted him. "Hello, sir, I am very happy to meet you."

The prison guard looked very happy. He smiled at Yang Yi: "My name is Kyle, Kyle Bateman, Clint told me to let me take care of you, so you don't have to worry, man."

He also took the initiative to take a shot of Yang Yi's shoulder, and then with Yang Yi through the iron gate of the special prison area, Kyle smiled: "I heard that you want to talk to Brian?"

"Oh, yes, sir, I am very interested in him. I want to say that he can make his experience into a movie after he is released from prison. Of course, this is just thinking about it."

Kyle patted Yang Yi's shoulder again and smiled. "You can see him today, man, we will see you later."

Clint was very interesting. He promised that Yang Yi would help. Although he was not worth the time, he was entrusted to others.

Yang Yi suddenly felt very grateful to Clint. He thought that Clint might have regarded him as a friend. It is rare for prison guards and prisoners to become friends.

After cleaning the sanitation, he saw Brian when Yang Yi was cleaning the chimney again.

Brian's face was even worse than when he saw it last time. His footsteps were stunned and his eyes looked alive.

When entering the chimney, Brian saw Yang Yi again. His footsteps paused a little. He looked at Yang Yi and subconsciously put a smile on Yang Yi and then walked into the chimney.

At this time, Kyle, who was escorting Brian, suddenly smiled: "Brian, are you willing to chat with this guy? You have performed well recently, I can give you this benefit."

Brian hesitated, and he finally whispered: "Okay, thank you."

Kyle put his head on Yang Yi and whispered: "Go in, don't bring anything, go to the dead end of the camera."

Yang Yi gave Kyle a thankful smile, and then he went to support Brian's arm.

It was just a subconscious movement, but Brian's face changed dramatically. He slammed the arm that was occupied by Yang Yi, and said: "I can go by myself!"

Yang Yi immediately opened his hand and whispered: "Sorry."

Brian was a little discouraged and stepped forward. He moved into the chimney as soon as he moved, and Yang Yi followed him in, and the iron gate was closed from behind.

The place where the special prisoner blew was really like a chimney. When he opened the door, he didn't feel anything, but when he closed the door and looked at the barbed wire on the top of his head and the high walls around him, Yang Yi immediately felt very depressed.

Brian slowly moved to the bottom of the camera, then he sat down against the wall, looked up, and stared at the sky covered by the wire mesh.

Yang Yi sat next to Brian, and he was wondering how to start a conversation with Brian.

"Your girlfriend is also called Kate?"

Brian, who looked up at the sky, suddenly spoke up. Yang Yi stunned and said: "She is not my girlfriend, she is my friend, hey, our relationship is very special."

"So she has a boyfriend?"


"Do you have a girlfriend?"


"Is she pretty?"

"It's beautiful, especially because it's very good because she likes sports."

"Then she will be your girlfriend, but you have to be careful, women, especially pretty women, are very deceptive."

When Brian spoke, it seemed to be absent-minded. Yang Yi scratched his head and sighed: "I am not suitable for looking for a But Kate, her condition seems... I don't know, I really I don't know, I didn't think so much."

"Because you are in jail?"

"No, oh, yes."

Brian took back his eyes and looked at the sky. He lowered his head and turned to look at Yang Yi. Shen Sheng said: "It seems that you really know a woman named Kate."

"Of course, why should I lie to you? She is just called Kate. This name is very common in the UK."

Brian didn't pick up Yang Yi's words. He looked serious and said: "So what are you approaching me? I don't want to waste time, so go to the topic."

Yang Yi took a moment, then he whispered: "No purpose, I am very curious about you, want to hear your story, of course, you have to say it."

Brian smiled and said: "No one wants to hear stories from people like me, especially in this place, I can see that you are close to me with some purpose, so before I listen to my story. You may wish to say your purpose first, okay?"