I Am Dead

Hank is to take it away. This is a special talent. Gewell is also to take it away. This is also a special talent.

When I was jailbroken, I was estimated to be with Zhang Yong. After going out, it would be best for Zhang Yong to help, but Yang Yi felt that Zhang Yong was unlikely to help him, so Zhang Yong could not be forced.

As for Brian, of course, it's a nail. I don't know how many years of Brian's strength is true.

Yang Yi needs to form his own team, and he does find special talents that are hard to come by. The only problem is whether he can escape with them. The less jailbreaking, the easier it is to succeed. The more people, the harder it is to do. .

So other younger brothers have to forget it. Yang Yi is also looking at the people's menu. He is not in charge of the younger brother in the prison. He has sheltered the younger brothers, so he does not owe anyone.

In fact, Yang Yi also wants to bring Chris this liar, but he has been away from the light prison area for two years, and Chris has not come to him, it can only be pulled down.

Today is very important, because today is the day when Yang Yi can see Brian again.

However, before seeing Brian, Yang Yi wanted to talk to Zhang Yong first.

"How about, how do you get into the special supervision area?"

Zhang Yong shook his head with no expression, whispered: "No."

"I will help you out, Yongge, special prison area, you really don't go in, you can't get in, then why did you do the beast Wayne?"

Zhang Yong said with no expression: "If you can't get in, you will wait. There is always a chance to go in. Since the beast Wayne knows that I am here, he will not commit suicide. His desire to kill me is equally strong."

Yang Yi frowned: "Okay, I will wait a little longer, now I want to go out to brave, I want to ask, what are you going to do after you have finished the beast Wayne?"

Zhang Yong stunned and let Ming shook his head. "I don't know, I didn't think so far, and you didn't think I might die in Wayne's hand?"

"I have confidence in you, brave brother, or else you come to help me? Then, I know that you are worth a lot, um, I should not be able to please you, but..."

Zhang Yong shook his head and said: "Don't go, don't say it, say more hurt and anger."

Yang Yi immediately said: "When I didn't say it, Yong Ge, in short, you need to help and say something."

"Don't kill me more than Wayne. I decided to find him and I don't have to help you."

Yang Yi nodded, then he whispered: "I will find a chance to let you in. I will only do this for you. Of course, if you want to have a way to go or let Wayne come out, of course it is best. ""

"Are you going to help Brian escape?"

"Yes, I need him, and I plan to bring two more people, Hank and Gewell."

Zhang Yong thought for a moment and nodded: "Useful, but they are all special talents, you still need to be able to fight, not to fight, to pull out to fight."

"Can't you talk about it? The spy is not a real gun and a hard fight."

Zhang Yong smiled and shook his head. "You will find that force is the foundation in the future. cia does not need to have an army because the United States has an army. Without force, you will be miserable."

Yang Yi said helplessly: "There is no way to go out and think about it. The prison is full of criminals, but there are few who can fight. It is also a Brian who finds it, and who else can be."

Zhang Yong nodded and whispered: "Well, go eat your meal, I will tell you the news."

Yang Yi stood up, he was a little depressed, Zhang Yong still refused to let him help, in fact, he really has a chance to kill the beast Wayne now, but he also knows that if Zhang Yong is really shot, then Zhang Yong will never Forgive him.

There are some things that can be done without saying anything. I can't do it after I say it.

Say goodbye to Zhang Yong, had breakfast, Yang Yi came to the special supervision area.

It's been a week since I saw Brian last time. Now Clint is on duty, so Yang Yicai has the opportunity to see Brian for the second time.

Finally, when Brian let out the wind, Yang Yi once again entered the chimney with Brian.

Once again, Brian sat down to the corner of the camera. Yang Yi put his hand on Brian's hand, and when Brian took two small things from Yang Yi's hand, his hand trembled very badly.

"Try it."

Brian spread his hand and looked at the two plastic keys inside. Then he took a deep breath and immediately took one of the keys into the keyhole on the ankle.

Brian turned the key very carefully. After a moment, Brian gently moved the iron ring that clung to his ankle with his left hand.

The iron ring opened.

Brian closed his eyes and he took a slight breath and nodded at Yang Yi.

Slowly turning the key back and refastening the iron ring, Brian changed another plastic key, and then he opened the ankle again.

"It's amazing..."

With a very low voice, Brian re-attached his ankle.

In the absence of physical objects, Hank made two keys, and all of them can be used. It is absolutely not excessive to say that he is very powerful.

Yang Yi whispered: "You have to be patient for a while, my things must be done before I can go, and I haven't figured out how to escape. Do you have any way?"

Brian whispered: "As long as I can open the handcuffs and ankles, I can go out. I open the handcuffs and ankles when I release the wind. When I get close to the gun guards, I kill him and take the gun. As long as I have a gun, no one. Can stop me!"

Yang Yi frowned: "It's too risky! Also, you haven't touched the gun for more than 20 years!"

Brian looked up at the sky and whispered: "The gun is part of my body. I haven't touched the gun for more than 20 years. It's not a problem for me. I have a gun in hand, and I am dead."

Yang Yi whispered: "It's still too risky ~www.mtlnovel.com~ Forcibly killing this kind of thing or not considering it, you just started from the special prison area, there are still heavy prison areas, there are four walls needed Breakthrough, there are nearly 200 prison guards in this prison. Do you think you can kill them? So, we need a more reliable way. I have help, and we think about other methods."

Brian whispered: "I don't know the terrain outside. I'd better go back and give me a complete topographic map. And what do you want to do?"

"I want to kill someone, beast Wayne, I can't leave until I kill him."

Brian said faintly: "I killed him for you. You just have to be responsible for thinking about how to escape."

Yang Yi smiled bitterly: "No, you can't kill him. In fact, I can't kill him. It's a bit complicated to say. We still only think about how to escape from prison. I will tell you if there is a way. There is still one." Things."


Yang Yi said very seriously: "When Clint is on duty, you must not escape from prison. If you have the opportunity, then you will escape from prison when George is on duty. Clint is my friend. I will never harm my friends. Remember this, don't make a mistake."