
Yang Yi fell into meditation, and Chris whispered: "But it seems dangerous to grab the money from the drug dealer..."

Hank also looked a little hesitant. At this time, Brian was impatient. "There is no danger, and I will not let you go. I can do everything myself. It is just robbery. What can be scared."

After that, Brian stood up and said, "Don't say it, the place has it. If you have the money to eat now, fill your stomach. Are you not hungry?"

How can you not be hungry, Brian does not say okay, one said that everyone's stomach began to scream and go up, Yang Yi can not wait to go up one stop, hurriedly said: "Come to eat soon! I am going to be hungry died!"

A group of people are out of the hotel, there is a Mexican restaurant nearby, Yang Yidao: "Go there and eat."

"Do not!"

"I want to eat a burger!"

"Hamburg, that's right!"

"Eat burger!"

Five people and four people strongly urged to eat burgers. Fortunately, there are not too many American fast food restaurants in Tijuana.

I rushed into a fast food restaurant, a large French fries, an exclusive bacon burger at a fast food restaurant, a chicken burger, a cola, and a fried chicken. So few things were quickly filled with the table that Yang Yi occupied.

When Hamburg came to the table, Hank took it and bite it. Chris couldn't wait to open his mouth and bite it. Yang Yi's special memory was not a burger, but after eating it in prison for more than two years, seeing a burger is like seeing Going to peerless cuisine.

Only Brian didn't move. He held a burger in his hand, and put his nose together to smell it deeply. Then he said with a sigh of emotion: "For more than twenty years, I finally ate it. This is not a dream, not a dream! "

Hey, just bite it down, and finally no one talks again. The only voice is chewing.

Yang Yi can't eat three burgers. There are two big cups of cola and a big French fries, but Brian has eaten four burgers and hasn't stopped yet. Yang Yi is afraid to kill Brian. .

Finally, Brian finished the burger, picked up the fallen leaf from the table, and sat down with satisfaction. Then he picked up the cola and said with satisfaction: "Don't rush to drink Coke. There is less to drink Coke."

Just then, Gewell looked up at the TV on the wall and whispered, "Hey, let's talk about us."

Yang Yi turned to look at it and found that the TV on the wall was broadcasting news in Spanish, and the news content was a sensational escape from the Tsuen Wan prison.

Yang Yi now speaks Spanish, which is followed by Rodriguez.

Yang Yi began to concentrate on watching TV.

"So far, the prisoner's collective escape from the prison in Tsuen Wan has caused two serious injuries. Four people were slightly injured. The injured people encountered jailbreak prisoners while camping in the national park. They were attacked and robbed by the prisoners. All things and clothes, but fortunately no one has died so far, and the seriously injured have been out of danger because the local National Guard has acted in time, and most of the prisoners have been taken back to prison, large-scale search The action is still going on, but there are still more than 12 prisoners who have not been arrested. The person in charge of the search operation said that all prisoners will be found soon, but the person in charge refused to disclose more information."

Yang Yi finished watching the news, then he lowered his head and his heart was messed up.

Brian also read the news, but he did not finish his opinion, just whispered: "Go back after eating something, take a rest."

Yang Yi's mood is a bit heavy, no, it is very heavy.

Yang Yi was a little absent-minded along the way. He returned to the hotel and threw himself into the bed. After a while, Yang Yi suddenly turned over and looked at the ceiling, then slammed the bed.

The door was knocked, and Brian whispered: "I have something to talk to you."

Yang Yi opened the door and whispered: "Come in."

Brian walked into Yang Yi's room and sat down on the only chair in the room.

Yang Yi sat down on the bed, but he didn't look at Brian, just looking down at the thoughts.

The two were silent for a while, and Brian finally whispered: "You have something to worry about."


Brian whispered: "Because you did something wrong, you made a big mistake, right?"

Yang Yi was silent for a while and finally nodded: "Yes..."

Brian sighed and said, "What do you think, why should all the prisoners be released?"

Yang Yi whispered: "This is not my plan. Actually, I have no plans. I just did it when I got to the point. I didn't even think about the consequences of letting the prisoners go out. I didn't even think about it. These, I just think that the National Guard should be able to catch the prisoner, but I did not expect that someone will be injured. In fact, I should have thought of putting a large group of prisoners out like that, but I didn't even think about it at the time... "

Brian sighed and said: "I guess so, because the consequences of letting all the prisoners go are too serious. If you seriously consider it, you will not do this. The prisoners in Tsuen Wan Prison are repeat offenders. It's not a jailbreak incident, it's a security crisis, a national sensational crisis, which will turn a small thing into a major event of national concern, so this is not a wise move."

Yang Yi whispered: "I think of those innocent victims."

Brian nodded and said: "You are a smart young man, but you are still too young, young is easy to impulsive, impulsive is easy to make mistakes, and some mistakes can not be made, just like you did not consider this time. Just put all the prisoners in the Tsuen Wan Prison. If you mature a little more, you probably won't do it."

Yang Yi sighed and whispered: "What should I do? I am in a bad mood now, Fak!"

Brian whispered: "Some mistakes can't be made, because some mistakes can't make up, no matter what you do, you can't make up. This time, no one is dead, just someone is hurt. If someone dies, that's really impossible." The big mistake, this kind of thing is nothing to me, but for you, if someone dies because of you, then you will carry a conscience bond, and you will never have the conscience debt."

Brian looked very painful. He looked at Yang Yi and patted his heart. Shen Sheng said: "I understand the pain. I am also familiar with the pain, because I have a conscience bond that I can never erase. I can't breathe, no matter how many years have passed, no matter what punishment I have been punished, I still can't relieve my inner pain, because my debt can't be saved, my mistake can't make up."

Yang Yi whispered: "What did you commit... Sorry, when I didn't ask."

Yang Yi asked this question. He knew what Brian had made.

Brian is a bleak voice: "I betrayed my country. This is a mistake I can never make up. I don't want to do this, but I still betray my country. This is true, no matter how much I sit. The prison of the year, no matter what punishment I received, it is all my sins worthy of it~www.mtlnovel.com~ and these punishments can't make up for the mistakes I made."

After that, Brian sighed: "You are still young, I am old, and our two identities and pursuits are different, but I still want to tell you something, some mistakes can be made, but some mistakes can not be made. You are still young and it is inevitable to make mistakes, but you should consider it before making a decision."

Yang Yi nodded and said: "Thank you for your advice, I remember."

Young people are easy to be impulsive, and Yang Yi is a young man. He is smart again and he is a young man again, so he will certainly make mistakes that young people usually make, but the consequences of his impulsiveness are too Serious.

"Impression is not an excuse for making mistakes. Young is not an excuse for making mistakes. The mistakes made when young impulses are not made up because they grow mature. I was young, and I still pay for the mistakes of the year. ""

Brian smiled and said: "Well, I told you a lot, because you are the one who released me from prison. In my eyes, you are the angel sent by God to save me. I don't want to see you. I made the same mistake as I did. It seems that you can listen and be willing to accept the lesson. There is nothing to say. Now, I want to talk to you about other more important things."