Generation Gap

In Tijuana, smuggling has formed a complete industrial chain.

Yang Yi, they are smuggling into Mexico. When they want to return to the United States, they naturally have to sneak back. As for the way of smuggling, it is simply not worth mentioning.

You can do it with money.

You don't have to risk crossing two barbed wire screens with night vision equipment monitoring, you don't have to walk over the Imperial Mountain Range, and then enter the United States under inspection by the US Border Patrol.

Just paying a little money is enough, for two thousand dollars per person.

And the cost of two thousand dollars per person is high, knowing that the poor people who want to sneak in Mexico can't get such a big sum of money.

The poor people in Mexico want to sneak into the trunk of the car, hide in the dark compartment of the car, stuff it into a crowded container, risk the repatriation after being discovered by the border checkpoint, risking being The Mexican gang's kidnapping for extortion and even the risk of killing can enter the United States.

And Yang Yi and Brian, they don't have to be locked in the trunk of the car as they came, and they don't have to squash until they suffocate.

Tijuana and the city of San Diego in the United States are just a distance from a barbed wire. Those Mexicans can use the tunnel to transport drugs. Of course, they can also send people through the tunnel. As long as they pay, they have become industrial chains. Very simple.

Even though Brian has been in prison for more than 20 years, his eyesight is still there, looking for a snakehead that organizes people to sneak, put forward his own conditions, talk about the price, and then follow the people.

On the other side of the wall is the United States, which is the city of San Diego. When Yang Yi re-entered the land of the United States, although it was only two days apart, it was like the feeling of being separated from the world.

"where are we going?"

Brian said that he would come to the United States to find someone, Yang Yi followed, but Brian did not say where to find someone, so Yang Yi must have this question.


"Texas, ok, how do we get to Texas?"

Brian glanced down the street, then he sighed: "First steal a car, then change one before dawn, we will be able to reach Texas soon."

Yang Yi has some tangled words: "Stolen car? Do we need to steal a car? This is not very good."

Brian looked at Yang Yi, he was very surprised: "Why not so good?"

"The person who lost the car should be angry, and you don't want to be stolen by someone?"

Brian became more and more surprised, and he said loudly: "I don't know if you are a good person."

Good people should have been a good word, but this time, Brian said it was extraordinarily ironic.

"I was not a bad person."

"You ran a prisoner in prison, you killed in prison, you robbed the drug dealer, now you tell me that stealing a car is not good?"

"That's not the same. I just think it's not good to steal people."

Brian's handkerchief: "Then you choose, rent a car, or you want to fly to Texas, or you can buy a car and buy a car with a lot of cash."

Everyone Brian said is very risky, requires documents, and there is no way to rent a car or buy a car at one o'clock in the morning. As for flying, you don't even have to think about it.

"Well, let's steal a car."

Yang Yi quickly surrendered. In this case, he really has no bottom line.

Brian waved his hand, then he took a quick walk and walked to the car parked on the corner of the street: "This car will do."

Yang Yi looked around and whispered: "Will you steal a car?"

"Of course, for a special agent, it is not too bad to steal a car."

Brian is very confident, but Yang Yi is still very suspicious. He whispers: "The car is different from the car in the past. Hank taught me how to steal the car, but it requires tools, electronic tools, and Hank disdains to steal the car, so he studies the car stealing..., oh, Fuck!"

Brian walked over to the side of the car and took a brick from the side of the road and walked over to a brand new Chevrolet. He turned to the glass of the car.

The car glass was smashed by Brian, and Brian was really strong from a point, because it was really hard to break the car glass.

Drops, toot, but the car's alarm sounded immediately, and in the silence of the night, the sound was scary.

Brian looked unhurried, and he sighed: "We have left before the master comes out, don't worry."

Brian opened the door and he slammed it under the dashboard. He then pulled out a box of harnesses and quickly disconnected all the lines, but the sound of the car alarm did not stop.

Yang Yi hurriedly said: "Hurry up! Hurry!"

Brian squatted on the driver's seat and was still playing with the line he had pulled out, but he suddenly lost something in his hand, quickly got up from the driver's seat and turned his head and ran back.

Yang Yi took a moment, but he immediately followed Brian who didn't even say hello.

Brian ran very urgently, Yang Yi hurriedly said: "You are not saying no problem?"

"It's not the same as I thought. Well, I admit that the speed of car theft development is beyond my ability. I can't steal it. It's too shameful to be found."

"I just wanted to tell you that now the car has an electronic anti-theft system and an electronic anti-theft system for the engine. This is not the time to start a car with two wires!"

After running out of two streets in one breath, Brian stopped, and then he looked frustrated: "We can go to find an old car, this time I must be no problem!"

Yang Yi put it down, then he whispered: "Wait, I have a better idea."

Yang Yi took out the phone, and Ryan frowned. "What are you doing? Call a taxi? Just kidding, we are going to Texas, not to the airport."

"Isn't it, wait a minute, there aren't a few cars still willing to pull customers at this time, but there should be, as long as I will pay more, it's good, there are cars to pick us up."

Brian looked sternly: "You haven't called, what are you doing?"

"Net car, first call the car and say, just wait here, very close."

"But you didn't call to tell him where we are?"

"Hey, you will understand soon."

After waiting for about ten minutes, a white Nissan sedan was parked in front of Yang Yi and Brian, and then a middle-aged man shook the window and said to the two people: "Is it your car?"

Yang Yi loudly said: "Yes, it is us."

Yang Yi opened the door and said to Brian: "Get on the bus."

Brian still looks very blind.

When I got on the bus, the middle-aged driver operated twice on the mobile phone and said: "I can go home to sleep when you are sent to the airport. Well, let's go."

"Wait a minute, please listen to me, the plane to Phoenix will not be there until tomorrow, and we have a very important thing, we must arrive in Phoenix tomorrow morning, so I have a proposal, you send us to Phoenix, I will give you One thousand! What do you think?"

Yang Yi feels that she is too far to Texas, but she can go to Phoenix first.

The driver turned his head and looked at Yang Yi, frowning: "You are serious? Oil costs and..."

"Everything I am And if you are sleepy, we can change the car. If you agree, can I pay you now?"

The driver did not hesitate: "You don't look like a bad person, give me money, I will send you to Phoenix."

The two well-dressed people must be more secure than the two unkempt rags. Yang Yili handed over a thousand dollars, then he smiled: "I don't have that much money on my phone. For you, if you don't want to collect cash, then the check can be, or the credit card is OK, can you swipe the card?"

The driver took the cash. After checking the authenticity of the hundred-dollar bill, he smiled and said: "Cash is very good. I like cash. It's too good, hey, two, I am so lucky to meet you. Today is my lucky day, right? We set off. If you don't mind, I want to listen to music."

Until this time, Brian still seemed a little aggressive.

The driver was very talkative. He was very excited when driving. "I have four children to raise. The worst thing is that I am unemployed. Otherwise, I will not stay at the entrance of the nightclub at one o'clock in the morning. Oh, too much. Drunk, unsafe and sometimes they will spit on my car. I have to do this before I find a new job. What are you going to in Phoenix?"