Drink One Cup

Yang Yi came out of jail, just like in the game, just out of the novice village, he just had a basic understanding of the game he wants to play, and also has some of the most basic skills.

However, Yang Yi met a hidden boss in the novice village. This hidden boss left the novice village together with him, and then began a series of operations that Yang Yi could not understand.

Now Yang Yi is more open-minded, and his outlook on life is about to be overturned.

Yang Yi did not understand the feelings of Brian and Paul, nor did he understand what Brian and Paul thought.

The first is the issue of values. Brian is treason, and Brian has no intention of concealing it, and his treason has implicated his own men. This seems clear at the moment.

What Yang Yi can't understand is that, as a spy, it should be the kind of person who is the most loyal to the country, a sergeant who betray the country and is afflicted with himself. Shouldn't it be the most hated by people like Paul? The so-called brotherhood Yeah, the so-called comrades-in-arms are also good, and can not be detached from the national justice.

If it's a criminal gang, Brian will lead a team that needs the most loyalty to the country, so the treason can be forgiven.

Therefore, Yang Yi feels that she is now hit hard. He thinks that he is ready, and he feels that he is already the number one character, but whether it is Zhang Yong or Brian, he feels what is the sorrow of the rookie.

Yang Yiyi was a little embarrassed. He stood beside Brian and Paul, but his eyes didn't know where to focus.

"Who is this young man?"

Hearing as if he was talking about himself, Yang Yi's attention finally came back, and then he saw Paul smiling at him.

"It was he who got me out of jail. I saw him as an angel sent by the mountains to save me, so I intend to do something for him in return."

When Paul nodded to Yang Yi, he even said hello. Then he said to Brian: "Don't talk here, go to my house. We should have a good drink today."

"Yeah, really should have a drink, then let's go."

Paul picked up his priest's gown, but he didn't wear it on his body. After making a gesture of asking for Brian, Paul left the church with the two and drove him to the car parked outside.

There were not many people who decided to continue to fight side by side. In the car, two people did not speak, and they kept silent all the way until the car drove to the front of a house.

Paul's car was not very good, but the house was quite big and the lawn was built very well. After Paul parked the car in front of the garage, Brian suddenly said, "Are you married?"


Brian sighed and said, "No marriage, that's fine."

Paul made a gesture of asking, took the key and opened the door. After Yang Yi and Brian sat down, he went to get three cups and a bottle of whiskey.

Putting the cup on the table, Paul gave Yang Yi a little whiskey at the bottom of the cup, but he poured himself a cup with himself and Brian.

Putting the bottle on the table, Paul looked at the glass with a serious look and said: "For what?"

"In order to reunite."

"Good! Cheers!"

Paul and Brian took the wine glasses together and drank all the glasses of whiskey.

Both of them were heavily placed on the table, and then Paul took a long sigh of relief and said with satisfaction: "It has been so enjoyable for not drinking for many years."

Brian also said with a sigh of emotion: "Yeah, for more than 20 years, we finally had another drink together."

Paul and Brian didn't drink too much, but neither of them had poured any more.

Yang Yi finally understood that Brian and Paul said that the meaning of drinking a cup is really just a drink.

Looking at Yang Yi, Ryan faintly said: "Liquor is a good thing for most men, but for a special action person, wine is a strict touch."

Yang Yi nodded, then Brian looked at Paul and said: "You didn't drink?"

Paul smiled. He pushed the empty glass to the side and then said: "For the past 27 years, this is my first time drinking."

Brian sighed and said: "You are a person who is unwilling to be lonely, then others, who you are related to."

Paul sighed: "Hamilton, he set up a company, but that was 20 years ago. We didn't contact it anymore. Charles, he has been doing something that he can't see. I have advised him several times. So he didn't contact me very much later, but I have his contact information, and Bill, we have always been in touch."

Brian sighed and said, "How about Bill, where is he now?"

Paul faintly said: "Bill is drinking, he is drunk and very serious. We have been in contact. I often help him some money until he died of liver cancer six years ago, or the funeral that I gave him. He was buried. In the family cemetery."

Brian lowered his head~www.mtlnovel.com~ Then he whispered: "He still needs your support? Is all his pensions used to buy wine?"

"Without a pension, nothing. After you have an accident, we were interrogated and interrogated. I was detained for six months and Bill was detained for two years."


"Bill firmly believes that you will not treason. He always thinks that someone is framering you. After he was detained for two years, he let it go. In fact, he didn't have to be so stumped. Although we don't have a pension, we can still find a normal job. Although it is necessary to monitor the CIA, Bill has also tried to find a job, but you know, we basically have nothing but killing."

Shrugging, Paul smiled and said: "So that's it."

Brian's face was gray. He turned his head and looked at Yang Yi. He whispered: "I told you that some mistakes can't be made, because you can't make up, and sometimes you make mistakes, but let others bear the consequences together. Now, do you understand..."

Yang Yi whispered: "I know a little."

Paul put the bottle in front of Yang Yi and smiled. "If you want to drink more, it doesn't matter, please feel free."

Brian lost his soul and picked up the bottle and poured himself, but Paul held down Brian's hand.

Paul slowly said: "Every year, everyone is not good, of course, of course, you have made us miserable, head, but I hate you not, but those who humiliate me, this decision is difficult to do. Out, but it's easy after making a decision, because I'm not a person who is suitable as a pastor. Now there are things that make me excited. Head, this time, come back, there are no more restrictions on us. ,right?"

Brian let go of the bottle, and then he sighed: "Yes, no one can tell us what can and can't be done!"