Self Taught

Paul did not take out the map, he took out a tablet.

On the tablet, the nearby satellite map was called up, and then the navigation was turned on with a mobile phone. Paul put both the tablet and the mobile phone on the armrest box between him and Brian, and said: "This is a map, a top view and a road map. Yes, here is the residence of Charles, who lives on the sixth floor of this apartment."

Brian immediately pointed his hand at the building opposite Charles's residence, saying: "The best observation location is on the sixth and seventh floors of the building, within four rooms directly opposite each floor."

Paul continued: "There must be someone near Charles, the monitoring equipment is in place, and there are enough people ready to act, as long as you show up, you can launch an attack."

Brian thought for a moment and shook his head. "I don't think so. If the CIA is leading the action, then they should understand our strength. If people are less, it will not work. People are too easy to expose, so only monitoring but not having Action personnel."

Paul nodded: "It can be said that if a large number of people lurk into Charles's surroundings, even if Charles does not know that you are jailbroken, he will definitely detect an abnormality and give up the residence. The CIA will not make such a mistake."

Brian sighed, then he pointed to the building on the slab, saying: "It is basically certain that the building is the outermost monitoring point, so let's figure out the situation first, this is the first step."

Yang Yi has been looking at the probe in the back seat. After hearing Brian's words, he couldn't help but nod.

Brian saw Yang Yi's movements. He said with interest: "Can you understand our ideas?"

Yang Yi Shen said: "I think so, first assume that the worst situation is that Charles is already under the supervision of the CIA, and Charles has not noticed this because he does not know that you have escaped."

Brian nodded. "Good, keep going."

Yang Yi just said according to his own understanding. After hearing Brian's encouragement, he was a little excited and continued: "Assume that Charles has been monitored, the surveillance circle must be from the outside to the inside, and everyone's center of gravity is all in Charles. On the body, even if someone has been observing the situation around Charles's residence from the inside out, this circle will certainly be very small, otherwise there will be too many people to use, then we will start the reverse investigation from the outermost periphery of the surveillance, from surveillance. Behind the people, find them first."

Not waiting for Brian to speak, Paul could not help but say: "Continue."

Yang Yi said: "I thought of this. I don't know how to do it. Because I don't know how to distinguish the people who are responsible for this monitoring task from the crowd, and I don't know how the CIA people monitor it. What are the common ones? s method."

Paul looked very surprised. He looked at Brian and said with amazement: "This kid is good."

Brian didn't pick up Paul's words. He looked at Yang Yi and smiled: "Can't you identify the surveillance personnel who are responsible for special tasks?"

Yang Yi thought for a moment, saying: "I can, but it takes a long time, because my method is very stupid, just remember every person who appears in a key position, such as a must-have intersection to begin to observe where the person appears. Observe whether their behavior is abnormal, whether there is an abnormality in dressing, whether they appear in the same position and are regular, or their behavior and identity are not consistent. This is a more obvious abnormality, but I think CIA People don't make this kind of mistake, then I can only look for any traces of clues through long observations, but it takes a few days or even longer."

Brian laughed and said: "The CIA is not as powerful as you think. This is a large department of tens of thousands of people. If everyone is as powerful as you said, the spies of other countries will die."

Paul whispered: "In fact, the CIA is full of idiots and locusts, and the CIA often has moles..."

Brian sighed softly and said: "In fact, you are all correct, because a qualified agent basically masters this skill, but the problem is how to implement it. Many things are simple but hard to do. You Understand?"

Yang Yi Shen said: "Understand, for example, we can conduct direction investigation behind the enemy, but if we do not do well, we will expose ourselves, so the reverse investigation becomes an initiative to die."

Paul took a breath and said to Yang Yidao: "I really started to like you a bit. He really is only in his twenties?"

In the latter sentence, Paul is of course asking Brian. Brian waved his hand and said: "For a person who has received anti-espion training, this kind of thinking is normal. There is no need to exaggerate his intelligence, nor is it necessary. Too much emphasis on his youth, we were stronger than everyone in that year."

Paul said: "We are the best candidates and we are trained by the best people. What about him?"

Paul did not give Yang Yi an injustice. Yang Yi was half-joking and half-hearted: "I am self-taught, so I am better than you, haha, make a joke."

Brian put his hand on, and then he sighed: "It is now certain that this building can only be the outermost perimeter of the surveillance because there is no point in arranging the manpower behind, then we first Start here, how do you have your idea?"

Paul frowned. "It's a little difficult, because my look is CIA. It's definitely familiar. If you go, it's even less feasible. We have to make up first. We can only make makeup detection, but it's not risky? Because Our physical characteristics are most likely in the database."

Yang Yi couldn't help but say: "I am going, I can."

Brian looked at Yang Yi and shook his head. "You may already have the ability to make a correct judgment, but you still have no anti-reconnaissance skills. Anyway, let you and some real agents do a bit too." It's early, don't forget, you are jailbroken with me. Do you think CIA will not know your existence?"

"No, you are wrong at this point."

Yang Yi said that Brian was wrong, not only Brian was surprised, but Paul was even more surprised. "You are making a joke, boy, I just boasted you two words, don't rush to put your tail up."

Yang Yi Shen said: "Two, I can guarantee that the CIA absolutely does not know my existence, because the prison director can never tell me about the situation to the CIA, let alone CIA will ask him, even if the CIA really I got all the information about Benjamin from the Warden, but don't forget, I am me, I am not Benjamin!"

Brian thought thoughtfully: "You mean, the prison director will hide your true information?"