First Day Of Training

So Turned On The Gps And Start Driving 10 Mins Later I Arrived I Got Out And Walked into the entertainment i was happy the lady must have already known because she said 5th floor on your right 3 door i smiled went to the elevator pressed 5 then i arrived after a short while i took my phone out to check the time it was 11:20 i was like i am early i turn left walk to the 3 door i knock on it some girl that was Korean she was pretty she smiled and said you must be lisa i smiled and said yes nice to meet you she let me in i see this other girl she was cute and i seen another black girl so it was i said is this all they no it's one more person we waited then someone. knocked on the door i said i will get it i opened the door to see a taller girl she said hi i said hi and let her in we all sat down and started talking i said i am 16 the girl across said i am 17 the other girl am said 18 the other girl said 16 too the last one said 19 said my birthday is July 8th other said September other said May other said March last said December then i said my name is lisa they all screamed there names anglea chole jesse maxie i said beautiful names they all said thank you and for the next 10 mins the we talking until the dance teacher come in saying okay hey ladies a man said he walked to the front of the room and said okay my name is mr.Jin i will be y'all dance instructor okay we said okay then she said were going to start off simple flips and splits to me i used to be a cheerleader so it was easy so when it was my turn i ran did a front flip to a back flip then did a Randolph then ended with a split he was like 😲 and the girls i got up and high fived them all and said y'all did way better i am trash they just shock there heads i said we all in this together if one of y'all lose we all lose so if i did it right we all did it right okay they smiled and hugged me i hugged back we did a lot of things and then it ended i was tired asf so i went to get some water and mr.jin said i was good and just eat a salad and get goodnight sleep for tommorw so it is like 5:00 pm and i was like i am hungry so i went to a shop and got a salad people was looking at me werid but i didn't care cause it wasn't in a mean way they was just curious i sat down at a booth a big one then i pulled out my phone and put my phone up against the slat shaker i turned on obsession by exo and i put my head phone on i and started to eat that big a** slald so i thought about that group Mr.JUP was talking about so i type in dream Boys these songs poped up i clicked the first one and this tough beat came on and i heard a nice cute voice come on he was cute to then it was a raping part i like it his voice was deep asf so i am like yea then another singing part i liked it they all went the song went off and i am smiling like crazy i look to my side i see one of the guys from earlier smiling i look up and see the other 5 there smiling i was like oh sh** and started laughing then i was like hey guys the all said hey then the guys with the deep a** voice said i see you like our song i said yea in fact i do and i like everybody's part like the boy with the soft voice he smiled i smiled back and i like the one with the deep deep a** voice i have to be honest i was scared because it caught me off guard i turn to my right because he was the one i was talking about he was smirking and then he put his hand on my thigh and rubbed it the took my face in his hands and said thank you babygirl me i smiled and said thank you.. he said Seunghun thank you Seunghun 😏 then i turned to the rest of them and i said names Jhon Jeonhun Jinyoung Mingi ML I Was like nice names i was almost done my salad i took a sip of my water they were just watching me i said what they said your cute when you eat i said thank you and chuckled what a first day