Diary Entry 2

I woke up with great enthusiasm. I was eager to go to school. How could that happen? I practically hated this school for my entire life. All that hatred could change in a day, actually less than a day? Was it because of him? Nay, it was not due to him I said to myself but the fact was that I could not lie to myself convincingly. I was pretty sure he was the reason for it. Did I like him that much? I told myself it was a just a crush. It would disappear once I started talking with him. I fervently tried to convince myself.

I descended the stairs and my mom was there sitting near the dining table with the newspaper in her hands. My breakfast and lunch were kept ready on the table. I sat and had my breakfast.

"Did something special happen in your school, Thesika?" my mom asked.

"NO… Why do you ask mom?" I asked her, a little confused.

"You just look so happy today and your face is bright," she replied, not taking her eyes off my face, reading every single expression on it.

"It's nothing mom may be because I slept well yesterday night," I replied.

"Ok," she said. I know she didn't buy my excuse but she didn't comment on it either. She moved her concentration to the newspapers again.

"Ok mom I am leaving," I said to her and took the lunch that she had packed for me, kissed her on her cheek and left.

I pulled the protective cover off my bike and started the engine. The bike began to move. I always ride fast. Slow driving always annoyed me but now I was not ready to accelerate. The world looked beautiful. I enjoyed driving slowly, something which I have never done in my entire life. I reached my school on time.

I spent the entire day mostly day dreaming, thinking of him and spent so little time paying attention in class. I was happy. My friends too noticed me being

cheerful and they were constantly bugging me for the reason. I just told them it was because I had slept well.

My friends were not buying the story and I was not ready to push the matter further. The bell for lunch rang and I ate my lunch in the dining hall with the rest of my friends and I spotted him in the corner of the hall with his own friends. He didn't notice me and I was thankful for that because I could look at him with no one noticing. I glanced his way every five minutes.

He was wearing a dark blue shirt with white pants and it suited him perfectly. I was just mesmerised by him. He was handsome and I can't say anything else other than this because I know nothing about him for now but I intended to learn more about him.

I suddenly felt someone nudging me. I turned my head to look at the person and it was Anusiya.

"May I know who you are looking at?" she asked me.

"No, the girl in white just looked familiar to me and nothing else," I replied, in an uninterested tone so that she would not notice much.

"Yes. Of course she will look familiar to you because she was sitting right in front you for half of the class today," she said.

"Oops! Sorry, is she in our class?" I asked her innocently but I knew exactly who she was.

"Ok come let's go to class," she said and pulled me towards the class but the lunch hour was not yet over. We had nearly fifteen minutes more but I did not want to get into further trouble, so I went with her without uttering a word. We reached the class.

The last class was the worst class and it was physics. I had hated that subject my entire life. Acceleration, speed, inertia, momentum make me sick. On my first day, Mam had a surprise quiz to test our knowledge in that subject. I knew for sure that I would have got every single answer wrong and she was about to distribute the paper today.

She entered the class with the papers in her hand and that made me want to throw up everything I had during lunch. She called out each name and distributed the papers one by one.

When my name was called, I went to get my paper, fearing her comments but to my surprise she said nothing much. She asked me to improve my basic knowledge in it.

To my surprise, I got 23 marks out of a total of 50 and it was a great achievement for me. As far as I knew I had never passed in that subject and I always flunked it. I passed only once in that exam and that was my high school final exam.

The class was over and I was happy to go home. I didn't want to spend one more minute in my school.

"Thesika," Anu called out.

"What is it Anu?" I asked her.

"Could you drop me at my house? Please." she requested.

"Yes, Anu. Just let me pack my bag," I said. Once I finished packing, we both left for the parking lot.

When I reached the parking lot I saw a group of girls standing near my bike chattering and giggling. I reached the parking lot late and it was almost empty except for my bike and one more bike which was standing alongside mine.

"What are they doing in the parking lot?" I asked Anu.

"Just don't bother Thesika, they are waiting for some guy," she said.

"How can you be so sure?" I asked her.

"Because I see them every day. You know what, that guy doesn't even look at them," she said, i in a disgusted tone.

"Oh… Who is he?" I asked her with much interest.

"You might know him. I heard that he is the leader of the music club," she said to me.

I felt a churning in my stomach "Do you mean Alex?" I asked her intently, making every word slow and clear.

"Yes it's him," she said.

So I am not the only one who got attracted to him. I am one among the people who got attracted to him. That made me sick. I just wished I should not end up like other girls running for his attention. Just two days he has changed my life upside down. Alex.