Diary Entries 11

I never thought that this would ever happen in my life. I thought I could never reach him even if I used a ladder to climb. I kept in the highest place in my heart this guy, who was brilliant and topped in everything in which he participated. More than that the guy whom I loved with all my heart, whom I thought would never even look at a girl like me had asked me whether I could be his close friend.

What else do I want other than this. This was enough for me to spend my life. He was better in everything when I compare myself to him. Even though I never wanted to be above him or have more success than him, I wondered how he asked me to be his friend. I loved him. I loved the way he was speaking to me without the arrogance. . He saw me as a person who has soul in her.

After my birthday, we almost spend most of the night chatting. Speaking with him and hearing his voice has become a drug for me. I cannot spend a day without speaking with him or hearing his voice.

 He used to recount all the things that happened that day. I listened to him every day and never became tired of it. I never liked what he liked but that never irritated me or made me become bored of him. The more he talked the more I came to know about him. I got attached to him in every way and every day reached home floating on air.

I lived in a dream and I never woke up from it. I was glad to get wrapped up in it. He was everything I wanted. Whenever he wanted to talk to me he used to send a forward text or wish me good night. I would be waiting for that moment each and every day.

My mobile has never been left alone after that. My inbox which had always been empty indicated that there was no space for new message. I treasured every conversation that I had with him; every word that he spoke with me was worth more than the most valuable thing in the entire world. My world revolved around him.

It was holiday time for me... I always used to wait for my holidays but now I cursed it. I hated each day that I spent without seeing him. As a compromise, we talked and texted most of the time until our fingers became tired. I texted him so much almost all the letters on the buttons were erased. My mom said I was addicted to texting but she never realised that I was addicted to the person who sent me the texts.

I was going to Andhra. I did not want to go with my family because I knew that I could not talk with him or text him. It cost a lot and I couldn't bug my parents to recharge my mobile every two hours. I hated the idea.

I reached Andhra. The thought of him haunted me. I read the text that he sent to me again and again and memorised each and every word, every letter, and these texts kept me alive. The first thing that I did in the morning when I woke up was to check whether I had got a text.


I went to shopping and saw blue wind chimes. When those windchimes jingled in air, his musical voice came to my mind. The voice that makes the air warm came to my mind and I brought it for him. Even though I was far away from him I liked the pain that was mixed with sweetness.


When I told him that I couldn't text him for three or four days because I was going to Andhra, he did not tell me anything then but he texted me every two hours telling me all that had happened in that two hours. Then it became once in an hour, once in half an hour and so on. When it was time for me to reach home, he was texting me every minute.


If I have not gone on this holiday I would have never known how much he had missed me. I never knew how he felt about me... All that I knew was he cared for me.


He cared for me and he liked me that was enough. He was a patient guy. No matter how many time I made silly mistakes in spelling or studies he corrected it without getting irritated. I liked the way he scolded me when I did something wrong or supported me when someone spoke ill of me or teased me.

Failure has never been his friend as it was mine. He has always been best friends with success. He asked me to sing the solo for his group against our opponent even though there was a better singer in our group. I told him that I didn't want him to lose because of me. He simply said,


"I believe in you much more then you believe in yourself, sing it with all your heart as you sang with me."


I didn't want him to lose. Doing my best so that he may win has become my only aim. I didn't want him to hang his head in shame in front of others because of me. I sang with all my heart.

I never thought that I would overcome stage fear. I never realised that I was capable of winning prizes until he motivated me. When my name was announced as a winner, he was the first one to clap his hands. He was a perfect leader, a perfect friend.


"My friend will never say 'I can't', because each one has the capacity to turn the world upside down." Those words of his I admired greatly. My blood rushes when he motivates me. It makes me thirst to achieve something in my life, to win.


He was the only thing that was alive in my mind during my entire visit to Andhra.


I was home. My school starts the next day. I was excited and looking forward to seeing him and spending time with him. I wanted to tell him about each and everything that happened on my holiday.