
Asher POV:

Where am I...? What am I...? Who... Am I.....? There was nothing but the endless abyss of dark. I couldn't see, only black. My body feels like I've been released into space. I don't know what's happening anymore...

A few seconds later and a tiny ball of light sparkled. I don't know what this was, but I had the intent to grab it. I reached, but never got anywhere. It's like time has stopped and won't allow anything to get anywhere. But if so... How did this light appear? The ball of light slowly then came towards me slowly.

As it got closer to my hand, I could feel warmth from it. I finally grabbed it and held it tight.

"Asher..... Asher... Asher please.... Wake up-" a voice called out to me and the light took over the abyss.

"(gasp) (pant) What...?" I wake up gasping for air and trying to catch my breath."

Kate was right next to me, holding my hand.

"Kate? Was it..... Was it you who called out to me?" I asked.

She looked at me confused, but slowly began to chuckle. "What are you talking about Asher?? hahaha." Kate smiled at me.

I don't know what's happening. It's this same feeling from before... I looked around and find myself in a hospital bed.

"Kate come on! I'm tired of waiting here!" Kate's dad walked in the room and grabbed her by the hand.

"I'm sorry Asher... I have to go-" Kate's dad yanked Kate out the room.

All of a sudden the feeling I had turned into anger. I didn't want Kate to leave me. I feel so alone...

Knock! Knock!

A doctor came in my room with a smiley face. "Hello patient! One of our skilled doctors will be doing a blood pressure test on you so he'll be here soon-" as soon as the doctor said that a boy came in.

"I'm here." the boy walked in and stared at me. I felt kinda nervous.

"Oh, speak of the devil hahaaaaa!! Well patient, this is our youngest doctor the age of 17. His name is Piers Jackson. He will be doing the test right now so I'm gonna go attend to some other things." the doctor left the room. Piers walked up to me.

"So you're Asher... We go to the same high school. I've seen you around before." Piers smiled looking straight at my face. I don't like making eye to eye contact with people I don't know, but everytime I look away, my eyes find there way back on him.

"Oh you have? I've never seen you at school before... And I never knew you could work as a doctor while still in high school" I wanted to know how he was able to do that, but he replied with such a cliche answer. "it's a long story" followed by a laugh.

I look over to the door and see it open. Hans walks in. "Hans!" I was happy to see him.

"Oh Piers. I forgot you worked here." it seems as if Hans knew who Piers was and his job working here. He then walked over to my bed and sat down on a chair next to it.

"Hans he's gonna do a blood-" Hans interrupted me. His rude self... I'm just kidding, I wouldn't call him rude...

"I know I know. I just wanted to see how you were holding up. Since that car hit-" this time I interrupted him. I shouted out "STOP" maybe because I didn't want to remember what happened to me...

Hans got up from the chair and took a long look at me. "..." he was silent. Did I overdo it? I didn't want to sound mean...

Hans looked at Piers. "..... Don't let anything happen to him, you hear me." Hans walked out my room.

"Hmm.... He really cares about you doesn't he..." Piers said looking a little gloomy.

I didn't know what his problem was, but I didn't want him looking sad. "I guess he does... But hey, we should continue on to the blood pressure test." I reminded him. Hopefully that'll get whatever is bothering him off his mind.

Piers looked at me and smiled again. "Oh yeah, sorry."