A Bright Melancholy

Asher POV:

Today was a nice Sunday morning. I finally don't have to wake up to my dad's screaming anymore, but for some reason I hear screaming from aunt Liz. She runs into my room screaming "We have to see Alex!!!" I totally forgot the doctors said he won't make it... Please let a miracle happen and he survives... Please...

I get dressed and head into the car and me and aunt Liz drove to the hospital.

"Welcome-" one of the ladies at the front desk were trying to greet us as we came barging in, but my aunt yelled "NOT NOW!" and totally ignored her. I kinda felt bad so I apologized to the lady. "So sorry about that!" I followed my aunt into Alex's- ughh I mean Hans' room.

I couldn't believe my eyes... Hans....... He was... Alive!

"Alex!!!!!!!!" aunt Liz ran and gave Hans the biggest hug she could ever give to anybody, and I'm not just exaggerating. Like really, he had to yell "mommy your squeezing me to tight!" it's kinda funny really.

"I'm sorry baby. It's just that mommy is so happy to see you alive." aunt Liz teared up.

It was then my turn to show how happy I was. "Hey Hans!!!" I say walking up to him.

He was really happy to see me, and addressing me as big brother... It felt nice. I've never had a little brother before, and I never knew how it felt... Wanting to always be there for him and protect him.

"It is a miracle." I began to shed tears, but quickly wiped them away. Even though they were tears of happiness and relief. I asked one of the doctors who were simply in awe as she watched how happy we were to see Hans alive, if I could take him outside again. Then maybe... We can go somewhere and have some brother to brother bonding.

She said "Of course." and asked one of the other doctors to bring a wheelchair for him.

They put Hans on the wheelchair and strapped him in. Then it was all me now. Aunt Liz stayed at the hospital to wait until we get back. Which was fine with me and Hans. I took him outside and started to take a stroll. Take in the fresh air and enjoy life.

We were out for a long time. I didn't even notice that it was almost sunset. My legs weren't hurting at all, I guess me and Hans just chatted all this time. We had some good laughs. I suddenly remembered that I wanted to take him somewhere. "Hey Hans... There's somewhere I wanna take you."

Hans asked where and I responded with "...it's a secret..." and smiled.

After a long walk we reached our destination... A meadow, swarmed with blooming dandelions. At the end was a cliff, but you can see a whole city ahead, and the best of all... You can see the bright orange sunset.

I set Hans' wheelchair right next to my side and I sat down on the lime green grass. "Hans..... Isn't it beautiful.... The view." I asked.

"....." Hans was silent for a while. His eyes were half way closed.

"Hans?" I called out. He was suddenly shook awake. I guess he was just tired.

"Yeah... It is..... Beautiful." Hans took a while to say that sentence.

All I did was look at him and smile.

Aunt Liz POV:

I really hope these kids aren't in trouble... I wondered why they were taking so long. As I was beginning to get worried, the doctors came rushing in.

"They aren't back yet?! Oh no... This isn't good... You have to call your nephew and bring Alex back here immediately! Our prediction was wrong... He's going to die after sunset..." the doctor explained to me. My heart dropped.

".... What...." I had a feeling I never felt before... A feeling of anger and sadness... Why does this have to happen... I couldn't reach for my phone. I was just frozen...

Asher POV:

"Hans... I don't want this to end. We have such a good connection... Like our friendship as brothers could never end." it felt so amazing to have a little brother.

The sun setting was almost over, there was just a glimpse of the sun in the horizon. "....... Yeah...." Hans was even slower to reply to me.

"Hans... Wake up... The sunset is almost done. We have to stay up together." I said.

".....ok..." Hans' eyes were still slowly closing.

"Hey Hans...? Is something wrong? Are you too tired?"

Hans didn't open his eyes. The sunset was just a tiny bit before ending.

"Come on Hans just stay awake for this part. It's almost over..." I couldn't wake him up.... Why did I feel all sad...

I start to shake Hans. His body was cold. He still didn't wake up. "...! Hans.... Don't tell me.... Please..." I didn't know what was happening.

Hans opened his eyes and looked at me. "Big brother.... It's time for me to go now... Tell mommy that my soul will forever be with her..." I couldn't understand him...

"What do you mean...?" I asked.

"I wasn't meant to keep living... I've just kept being reincarnated... Reborn and I was still never able to make it... I'm so sorry that I kept hurting everyone by dying over and over again...."

I couldn't believe what Hans was saying. He's been through this already?

"But Asher... Because of you... I don't want to die... You pulled me from this dark endless journey and now that it's time for me to go... I can't accept that." tears bursted from Hans' eyes.

"Hans.... Please don't leave us..." I desperately didn't want Hans to leave me.

".... I'm sorry... Big brother I want you to always know this, and never forget it..." Hans paused for a while.

"What is it..??" I asked.

"..... Thank you for being the best big brother ever... I love you...." Hans then closed his eyes and never opened them.

".....Hans... I love you too...."

Hans' body was glowing a light blue. Then he started to disappear... Slowly... From his feet... To his head...