The girl who cried

Asher POV:

  I woke up, still in thw alleyway on the garbage bags. I swatted away all the flies that were buzzing around me with my hands.

  I stumbled when I tried to stand up, like when a baby tries to stand up for the first time. Then a sparkling glow caught my eye. I look down in the corner of the garbage bags and find two objects that look exactly like the artifacts Annabelle has been giving me.

I bent down to pick up the artifacts and they had the letters M and A.

"Oh! These should probably spell something!" I searched my pockets, but I couldn't find the other two artifacts I had. Did I lose them?? This isn't good...

I walk out of the alleyway and the storm was gone, but it was late at night.

The streets were quiet and empty. "Where is everyone?" I start walking down the sidewalk and I see a black butterfly flying towards me.

"Hey... That's the butterfly that led me to Hans..." It flew past me and kept going, so I followed it. It's like I was being drawn towards the black butterfly.

What's this feeling... Just by looking at the butterfly I feel... Sorrow and despair...

Tears randomly fell from my eyes. "What the...? Why am I feeling this?!" My eyes started to fill up with tears and I can hear screaming and yelling in my head. A little girls voice just screeching in my head. It hurt.... It hurt so much... The pain was too much for me to handle.

I dropped on my knees and I started to yell. The screaming of the girl then came to a stop. There was darkness around me... And I was watching something... Maybe a memory...?

A little girl ran into her room and quickly shut the door and locked it. She hid under her bed panicking.

"Annabelle! You piece of shit!" A woman's terrifying voice echoed through the abyss. She broke the door with an axe and searched the room.

"I know you're in here... Aha!" The women checked under the bed and found the little girl.

"No mommy please-"

"Come here!" The mom dropped the axe then grabbed the girl by the arm and yanked her violently out from under the bed.

"I got a surprise for you hehehe." The mom took the girl to the bathroom and the sink was filled with water. She then dunked the girls head under and started to make her drown.

The little girl was suffocating but couldn't escape the moms grip.

"This is what you get!" The mom grabbed a bucket if ice and poured it into the sink.

I couldn't stop shaking watching this girl get abused....

The mom pulled the girl out from the sink and launched her into the floor. The girl was coughing and gasping for air while crying.

"Go to your room and don't come out!" The mom threw her heels at the girls head and she started bleeding. The girl ran away and started to cry on her bed holding her pillow...

I began hearing the cries of the little girl getting louder...

And louder...

And louder...

And louder...

And louder...

And louder...

And louder...

And louder...

This... This was torture.

"No... Stop... Stop..... STOP!!!!!" I yelled as loud as I can and I was back on my knees on the sidewalk. It was daytime and there was people talking and laughing all around me...

".... I need Kate...."