Finally, When the main dish came JinHai chuckled to himself
He guessed she would also get the same thing steak with vegetables and he guessed that she passed that on to her son as well
During the main dish, she got a call from
"Yeobo*, hows the wedding?"
"I can't hear you. Wait a minute let me go outside."
When Min-Ju went outside and JinHai was outside smoking a cigarette
She noticed him but didn't say anything
"Yeobo Can you hear me now"
"The wedding fun but it's would be better if you here"
When he heard that he started walking towards her wanting head back Inside
But she stopped him by grabbing his arm
She said "Stay for a minute" And hanged up the phone
"You look great."
"Mhm, Okay can I go back now?"
There was an awkward silence
"Yeah Go," said Min-Ju sounding defeated
He felt bad as soon as he said that
She didn't even wait for him to get through the door
She bursted out crying squatting down onto the floor
JinHai felt like he broke her heart all over again
He wanted to run back and hug her and beg for forgiveness so bad but he couldn't
He wasn't hers anymore
BoLin walked up to her hugging Her and comforting her
With JinHai watching in the distance
He gave her a cigarette and she smoked it thinking about the argument they had before she left
The things she shouldn't have said to him
The things he shouldn't have said to her but those things were in the past but why does it still hurt like hell to think about?
When she returned back with BoLin beside her and he walked her back to her seat
That made JinHai really mad and LiQiu noticed and asked what was wrong
JinHai said it was nothing
"It's time for the bride and groom first dance as a married couple." Said HuiZhong
They danced gracefully and beautiful
GuoWei Holding his bride by the waist and swaying her
"Ladies and gentleman you may now join"
BoLin went up to Min-Ju and asked for a dance
When JinHai heard that he stood from his chair and asked LiQiu for a dance
The two couples walked to the dance floor
She laughed at Yong-Sun as he was dancing his heart out
Shaking his cute bum on the dance floor
"It time for the couples dance let's play some loving music"
Yong-Sun started to slow dance with another girl around the same age
BoLin and Min-Ju started slow dancing
But her eyes weren't at her partner but at JinHai
Who also was staring at her and not at LiQiu
"To spice up the fun switch partners with someone next to you"
Min-Ju switched to JinHai her heart started to race and she started panicking
He held her close holding one hand on the other holding her waist
Dancing like they were still madly in love
They started getting closer and closer as time passed
Min-Ju felt relaxed now like the good old times
They kept getting closer
So close that they looked like they were about to kiss
But she stopped paying attention to JinHai but at her son
Who surprisingly dances very well
"Doesn't my son dance well?"
"Mhm very well. So do you"
" I learned from the best"
" You still look beautiful. Why don't you wear a dress anymore you would look better than everyone here."
" I don't like to wear dresses anymore. It doesn't fit my style anymore and anyways I'm not that pretty anyways"
"You still look beautiful to me...."
He stopped talking and they stared at each other for a long time almost about to kiss
"Can I cut in?" said LiQiu
*yeobo 여보= honey or dear