A Drunk Huang

"What are you doing here, JinHai" Min-Ju asked shakily

He was still wearing the same tuxedo from the wedding

"Your drunk. Are you okay? Why are you here?"

"I think...You know...Why I'm here" said JinHai drunkenly

He then suddenly Kissed her on the face hard

He then shoves her up against the wall and started kissing her again

"You...should...have never...came...back...you should have...stayed in Korea...with your husband and...our son"

She started to panic at what he just said and tried to push him away but he stopped her by pinging both of her wrists up against the wall

Putting his head against her

"JinHai, Your drunk" whispered Min-Ju

"It's your fault that I'm here... I tried forgetting about you... but I can't. You are always in my head... I can't forget about you." Replied JinHai sounding defeated

He started kissing her again rough with no signs of love... just hatred

"LET GO OF ME!" Min-Ju screamed crying

Seeing her cry sobered JinHai up and he let her go

Her tears were always a weak point for him

Min-Ju doesn't usually cry so JinHai knows when she cries it's something you don't mess with

"I'm sorry..." mumbled JinHai

He slowly stumbling to the door

Before he could reach the lawn

Min-Ju was having second thoughts of what she just said and she started running towards him. He was walking down the steps of the huge mansion.

She runs to hugs him. Wrapping her arms tightly behind him not letting him go

"Please don't go Please," said Min-Ju choking on all the emotions that had just come out

Pressing one side of her face against his hard muscular back

They stood there not moving for so long

Until JinHai turned around and kissed her but this time it was soft, deep, and full of emotions

She kissed him back and he started to push her back into the house

Falling down onto the large white couch. JinHai scrambling to unbuckle his belt. But then Min-Ju stopped him. Stopping him from going any farther

"Yong-Sun might come out. He can't see this."

JinHai pressed his head against hers and groaned "I want you"

"let's go upstairs" she whispered pushing him up from the couch

She started to go upstairs with him following her