JinHai woke up to the sound of someone rummaging around looking for their clothes
He then saw a beautiful naked woman walking to the bathroom and slamming the door
He heard the shower turn on and when he got up he had a terrible headache and realized he wasn't home
'Fuck, did I drink yesterday?' he thought
"Where am I? It has been years since I drank and I told LiQiu I would stop. Fuck, I broke my promise" He said out loud
"I cheated on her... FUCK... I cheated" he said panicking
He looked around the room and it was massive. It looked like a prince lived in there with its rich interior and the massive window looking over a beautiful garden full of cherry blossom trees
He wondered whose house is this? He got up to look around for his phone:
'12 missed calls and 28 messages from Zheng LiQiu'
When He was about to call LiQiu back. Min-Ju walked out of the bathroom wearing nothing but his white dress shirt which you could very well see-through
"You're awake? I...um...have to get my clothes."
"Oh YES, yeah...right," he said nervously
"Oh right... I still have your...ah...shirt. I'll give it back to you when I have...changed"
"No, it's fine... it's okay.''
When Min-Ju was walking to the closet she turned around and said to JinHai
''Oh, You might want to...wear some pants. The blanket...doesn't cover it... all'' She said clearing her throat
The air was very awkward. So, Min-Ju rushed to the walk-in closet, shutting the door having her back to the door and letting out a loud sigh
JinHai was relieved when she went into the closet. He letting out a sigh and fell back onto the bed realizing that he still needs to put on some underwear
Min-Ju walked out of the closet wearing a simple white dress shirt and black leggings
"Wow, You look stunning" Forgetting that she was his girlfriend but he what realized was that Min-Ju was one he let getaway
"No, you don't have to say that'' responded Min-Ju in a soft tone while keeping her distance
"Here's your shirt back. I'm sorry I wore it. I didn't realize it wasn't mine" Said Min-Ju still amazed that his body is still in perfect shape
"Thanks" JinHai responded putting on his shirt
Min-Ju looked around for her phone realizing she left it downstairs
"Can I borrow your phone?''
"Yeah, sure" He responded giving her his phone
Min-Ju checked the time:
12 missed calls and 28 messages from Zheng LiQiu
Min-Ju was panicking as well because she had just cheated on Su-Hyung but they needed to tale about what this means.
"You want to go out for breakfast?" Min-Ju asked suddenly
JinHai smiled "Maybe next time. I have to go back to LiQiu" He responded feeling guilty that he rejected her
''It's fine, hurry and get out. Don't let my son see you"
"Oh, I forgot" Min-Ju said as she opens the glass cabinet
"I think you need it" giving JinHai a pill for his hangover
"Thanks" He said pulling her into a hug and when he pulled away he felt like something was missing again
"Thanks again" He said
"For what?"
"For making me realize something" He said before walking to the door
JinHai gently opens and closes the door amazed at the size of her house
When he left Min-Ju needed a minute to composed herself then she suddenly heard a voice
"Umma*?" A sleepy voice questioned walking out of his room
Yong-Sun had walked out of the room after he heard the commotion which made JinHai freeze
and made Min-Ju rushed out the door
"My baby, Are you still tired. Huh?"
She turned him around while giving him a hug and then she gave a desperate wave to JinHai telling him to get out
"Can I sleep in your bed, Umma"
"WHAT?! Um...No, Umma needs to clean up her bed. It is very messy. Let us go to sleep in your bed. Gaja*" She said in her baby voice
Min-Ju heard the front door slam relieved that he got out of the house
When JinHai got out of the house he laughed at the ordeal Min-Ju had to face
But it didn't last long as he has to face the reality of his decision
*Umma 맘마=Mom
*gaja 가자= Let's go