JinHai showed up at Min-Ju's house. Surprised that she was wearing clothing that he hasn't seen her wear since she came back
"Let's go out?'' He asked
She looked at him having no idea what to say to him. Yong-Sun wasn't home he was at BiYu's house
''Let's go the car is outside''
''O...Okay...I'll get my coat."
She went inside getting her newly bought trench coat. slapping herself that she couldn't come up with an excuse
"Where are we going?" she asked
"you'll see"
They got into JinHai car and they rode in silence not saying a word to each other
They drove up to the small Korean restaurant
"What are we doing here?" she questioned as JinHai opened the door for her
"I thought you liked this place. We could go somewhere else if you don't like this place"
"No, no I do...I just thought you forgot" she said hastily walking towards the restaurant leaving him stunned at her response
"WAIT" He halted her
"Let's go for a walk"
"Where to" she asked
"Come on" He said quietly urging her to walk beside him
'She hasn't changed at all. 10 years later and she is still the same old ambitious university student I fell in love with'
But the truth is she changed she wasn't naive nor ambitious she has gotten older but in his eyes, she has changed
"Why are we here?" she asked as they were standing in the front lawn of their university
"Why? you don't like it?" He said worrying
"No...no...I love it"
As they walked around Min-Ju asked
"Do you remember when you sat in the back of the class and you always had your head in a book"
"I remember" He laughs
"I remember the first day of school when you introduced yourself to me as your new friend"
"No no don't remind me..." She said embarrassed
"I remember you sat next to me and gave me your reason I knew you would be a good lawyer"
"What did I say?"
"You don't remember?" He asked
"What? a lawyer can't remember all her defenses"
"They'll remember the memorable ones"
"I do but you say it better"
"FIne. You said that since I was sitting in the back with no one next to me I must be lonely and without friends so you offered to be mine in every single class"
"I was he one that kissed you first even though I wanted you to kiss me first" She confessed leaving JinHai stunned
She started walking toward the river caught in her thoughts of the past
JinHai ran to catch up with her
"Do you remember that you kissed me in Professor Chen's class. No one would dare to do that"
"But I did because I fought for want I wanted and that was the explanation I gave to him"
"You are a great lawyer making the Professor put his foot down"
"Then your definition of a good lawyer is quite different from mine and anyway I don't practice law that much"
"oH rEaLlY"
She turned to him and gave him her look. That surprised him since he has seen that look since university when he lied to her for the first and last time
"I know that you already know. You can't lie to me. I know your tell"
They had a nice laugh and he asked her "Are you wearing new clothes I haven't seen you wear that at all since you come back"
"It looks like...ME... doesn't it? Going back to the style I use to love. OH! I just remembered that in Korea these clothes are really cheap. So... when I go back I'm going to buy these no matter what my husband says" She said with confidence something she hadn't heard since marrying Su-Hyung
"How's life... there in Korea" He suddenly asked with reluctance in his voice
Min-Ju was silent for a long time until she finally spoke
"Life there...is" she paused walking towards the edge of the river and letting her hair blow in the heavy winds
"You know in Seoul... I would go down to the Han River and just let the wind blow on my hair" She said with pain in her eyes
He looked at her and then reached into his pocket and got a pack of cigarettes. He gave one to her and placed one in his mouth
He lit her cigarette and they were silent looking out onto the beautiful sunset.
'We use to do this' He thought
'We used to sit in silence whenever she was going through something. She had comfort in knowing that I was there for her. She would cry and I would listen but this time seems different. It doesn't feel distant it feels like...'
"yeoboseyo*" said Min-Ju
JinHai could hear the yelling from the phone. He started to get angry and clenched his fist
All he could hear was a man yelling at her and finally, he heard his name "Su-Hyung"
He got angrier that she was being treated that way
He took her phone and threw it into the river
"WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU DO THAT!?" She screams horrified
*yeoboseyo 여보세요= Hello (On the phone)