Min-Ju's room was empty as she packed everything up and got them ready to ship
She found photos of her and JinHai. She placed them into a box and drove to the little restaurant
She went up into the room she had with them and placed them under the bed
"Hey," Said Mr.Song
"Hey. I'm just seeing if I'm missing anything."
"Since you're leaving what am I gonna be with his room?"
"Used this room when halmeoni* kicks you out" She jokes
"Have you talked to your mother yet?''
"Yeah. Like she cares"
"If you're lonely there I can come with you" He said with a serious tone
"No, I'm fine" giving him a small smile
"I can't believe that bastard isn't coming with you. Oh, How are you gonna maintain your relationship?" He asked unaware of what happened
"We broke up hal-abeoji*"
Mr.Song responded with a gasp "Min-Ju I'm so..."
"I don't want to talk about it"
"Okay, when are you leaving?" changing the subject for her sake
"Tomorrow night" she answered
"WHAT?! Why so soon?"
"I chose the earliest time"
"You better tell me when you're leaving or I'll smack you" he said jokingly
Min-Ju smiled hiding the fact that she wanted to cry at the mention of him. She looked around the room, calling it home. Never calling the Li mansion home, too many memories of abandonment but now she is abandoning the city she called home
She drove to the river smoking a cigarette trying to clear her mind but she couldn't because she is standing where they were when they broke up. They broke up before but this time it was different there was no getting back together. She suddenly burst out crying surprising even herself. She was crying uncontrollably, covering her mouth with her hand as she wanted to scream and curse at him for making her choose between him or her future.
She tried to stop crying but the more she tried the more she cries. She finally screamed letting all her anger out and took a bottle of vodka out of her pocket. Chugging the whole thing down, wincing at the burning taste
She then took out another bottle and sat down on the bench behind her placing her knees close to her chest admiring the scenery for the last time.
She smoked another drag before going home
Her father was sitting on the couch reading some documents Min-Ju doesn't care about
"Oh, honey Min-Ju is going to Korea for her job"
"Oh, really Minni. You're going to Hanguk*? Well, it's good there is one less mouth to feed" Min-Ju rolled her eyes at her father calling her 'Minni' She hated that nickname. There was no particular reason she just hated it. He has been calling her that since she was young he never called her Min-Ju
"Yeah, lucky for you isn't"
"Of course, there is one less money-grabbing whore in the house" He says without batting an eye. Min-Ju scoffs at his response. He had always had a way with words and that is where Min-Ju got it from but his usage was different from hers
"Like I ever used any of our dirty money"
"What! Who paid for your college? Your housing? Our vacations" He argued but Min-Ju wasn't having it. She was clearly upset but her father wanted to pick a fight
"Yeobo* cut it out she had a long day" Min-Ju's mother said but she was clearly ignored by her father
"I never used your money. Are you mistaking me for one of your mistresses you got fucking around here? I got a scholarship to university. I don't live here anymore like you ever wanted me to and last time I checked you never took me on vacation. You took one of your money grabbing whores" She replied before going upstairs quickly before her father could respond
She went upstairs and started crying but this time was different because when her father said those things to her. It wasn't the first time she heard it or the second, or third, nor fourth time she heard it. But this time was different she cried about it which was strange because she stopped caring about what her father said a long time ago she got over it because she knew her father wasn't gonna change.
"Min-Ju? Are you okay?" Her mother asked walking into her bedroom
"I'm fine" She said wiping her tears away
"You know your father didn't mean that. It's just, he had a rough week. So go downstairs and apologize to him"
Min-Ju scoffs in disbelief. Her mother has always defended her father. No matter what he has done or said.
"Why?" Min-Ju questioned "Because he's gonna hit you again"
"LI MIN-JU!" her mother responded raising her hand to hit her but she blocked it grabbing her mother's arm
"You should have left him a long time ago" Min-Ju replied roughly letting go of her mother's arm. She left her room and went to Mr.Song's house to spend the night leaving her mother stunned at her harsh response
"You know your mother was always like this even when we were kids" Mr.Song said
"Don't defend her. She's not worth the effort"
"I know. But you have to look at it from her side of the story"
"What side? The side that is stuck in a loveless marriage where he abuses her. If I was her I would have left his rich ass a long time ago"
"It's not that simple. You'll understand once you get married"
"I don't think I will"
"Well, you're still young. Now, go to sleep, you have a long day ahead of you" He said with a smile. Feeling a sense of accomplishment because he raised her to be a great and beautiful adult. But there was a thought in the back of his head that it shouldn't have been him that raised her because it should have been her father but somehow the role was forced on him not given because of how young and venerable Min-Ju was. He had to take on the role of raising her
Min-Ju went to get breakfast with BiYu downstairs at the restaurant. BiYu was not happy that her best friend was leaving but she was proud knowing that she was gonna be successful
"When are you leaving?"
"Today at 5"
"Min-Ju I'm really happy for you. But if you ever hate it for even a second you have to come back" She said making Min-Ju smile
"I will" But Min-Ju never wants to come back; she wants to start something new. She wants to go far, far away from this painful place
Min-Ju drove BiYu home and then drove back to the mansion to get her suitcase as everything was shipped to Korea yesterday
As usual, her father is at work and her mother is at home with the housekeeper
She didn't say anything to her mother and neither did she
She left without saying a word to either her mother, father, and JinHai
Mr.Song drove her to the airport
"You know we could still go with you"
"Yeah but who is gonna take care of my mother"
"Make sure you call" Said Mrs.Kwan trying to hold her tears
"I will. But don't cry I'm gonna be okay"
"I know. You are gonna be great" Said Mrs.Kwan giving her a kiss on the cheek
"I love you both" Said she walking to the gate
"Bye" they said to her giving a big wave
"annyeong*" she said with tears in her eyes. These two were the only people that makes her wanna stay
She gets into the airport but Min-Ju keeps looking at the entrance hoping that someone would show up but he never showed up
When they came back home the telephone rings and Mrs.Kwan picks up
"Oh, I'm sorry dear but Min-Ju is already at the airport, her flight is at 5. Can I ask who's calling?"
"Who was that?" asked Mr.Song
*halmeoni 할머니= Grandmother
*hal-abeoji 할아버지= Grandfather
*Yeobo 여보= Honey/Dear
*Hanguk 한국= Korea
*annyeong 안녕= Bye or Hello depends on the situation