Su-Hyung came home to Min-Ju on the couch working on her laptop editing the photos she took at the Han River
"There's tea" She said pointing to the glass coffee table
Su-Hyung sat down on the couch
"I'm running in the National Assembly"
"Yeah I'm running for assemblyman. I am announcing it tomorrow and I want you to come with me"
"Why not? Dan said that it would boost our stocks and get more investors into the company"
"Why do you want me to come with you?"
"Because you're the one that won over my investors. I'm going on a trip to China to get more oversea investors. The Chinese investors love you"
"If your flattering me with this it's not working"
"Min-Ju you are good at politics and you are just simply invaluable to me"
"Well then you are loved by the people and the donations and volunteering we did are gonna pay off then" Su-Hyung chuckled
"I accept then" Min-Ju said smiling
"I bought a gift for you" Su-Hyung said taking out a small jewelry box
"It's a necklace with a simple diamond in the middle. I know you like simplicity so I saw this and I knew it would fit your style"
Min-Ju took it the necklace and let Su-Hyung put it on for her
It was a simple necklace with a diamond heart. It was small and simple just how Min-Ju like it
"I love it" she said with a beaming smile
"That's good. You look beautiful" he said and that was the honest truth
Min-Ju pulled him down onto the couch and mounted him
She kissed him and started to kiss his neck
The next morning Min-Ju was taking Yong-Sun to school with Su-Hyung driving
Yong-Sun was walking in between Su-Hyung and Min-Ju as they reached the prestigious elementary school in the center of Seoul. People with money would send their kids to prestigious schools as education is very highly valued in Korea.
"annyeong*umma* appa*" he said hugging both of them goodbye as all the other moms were saying goodbye to their kids as well
"Do you have everything? Do you have your books and lunch and dinner Mrs.Lee packed for you?" Min-Ju worried her son didn't have all his materials as she worries a lot because for the last couple of years Yong-Sun has been with her through a lot
"I do umma. You don't have to worry about me. I'm responsible just like you" He said with a big smile on his face. He inspires to be like his mom cool, calm, and collected
"salanghae*" Min-Ju hugged her son tightly. It's been six years and Min-Ju still couldn't bear leaving Yong-Sun
"salanghae'' Yong-Sun replied, making a heart with his arms above his head. That made Su-Hyung and Min-Ju chuckle
Then Yong-Sun was off the class. But a mom who just dropped her son off from school as well started a conversation with them
"Su-Hyungssi* I haven't seen you here in a long time?" The woman said in a soft tone
"You know the moms were talking about how much of a caring father you are to drop off your son. Not a lot of our husbands do that. They are all busy with work" She said smiling and ignoring the fact that Min-Ju was right next to him
"Well, I try to make time. Maybe we can go out to get coffee sometime"
"That sounds good" The woman replied but before she could say anything else Min-Ju interpreted her
"Oh Oppa* we have to go to work now. So let's go before we are late" She said dragging Su-Hyung back to the car before he could say anything to the woman
"COFFEE?" She yelled when they got back to the car
"Coffee out of everything coffee?" She said dramatically "Why not coffee? She seems nice"
"Nice? That woman is a bitch. I don't like her"
"If you don't like her then I don't like her and besides I like to see you jealous. I haven't seen you react like that since we were dating"
"I hate you" She said hitting him on the arm
"Ow...Owww H-Hey that hurt..." He said trying to get Min-Ju to stop hitting him
"I hate you... I hate you...I hate you...I hate you...I hate you...I hate you...I hate you..." Min-Ju said, repeating hitting him. To stop Min-Ju from hitting again he holds her wrist and kisses her hard
"I love you" He admits and Min-Ju chuckles "Me too. I think Dan is waiting for us" she said as the phone rings
They drove to the center of Seoul and made their way to the company building with reporters and photographers surrounding their every move. Min-Ju was always uncomfortable with that. When they got out of the car Su-Hyung held her hand to comfort her but when the cameras started to flash he let go of her hand
They reached the press conference and the cameras and reporters always overwhelmed her. Next to her Su-Hyung looks calm and collected at every question
"Li Min-Jussi, it was stated before that you will be leading and giving speeches at rallies in China. Why China? China does not have any influence on Korean politics. Is it because of your parents who are quite wealthy in China?" A reporter asked. Min-Ju took a deep breath before speaking
"To answer your question I am leading the trip to China as a way not to boost international relations. It was just a trip my husband and I had planned as our new office building is opening in China. It was a minor coincidence that it was around the same time as my husband's campaign. My parents have no relation with this campaign we are running. My husband and I are unofficial ambassadors to China as our president has stated that we did improve our relations with China after our company started to do business there. If we can improve relations with China then we can definitely improve Korea for the better good" Min-Ju said confidently, avoiding the question about her parents knowing that it would look good on any of them. Su-Hyung looking at her proudly knowing that she was just invaluable and precious
Su-Hyung answered more questions before ending the press conference. Min-Ju asked how did she do answering the question
"You answered like a politician would" He said proudly kissing her on the forehead
"You said next month when?" She asked riding home in the car going to pick up Yong-Sun
"The 12th we are going and we are leaving two weeks after New Years"
"Why New Years?" She asked hoping to leave as soon as possible
"There are several parties that we are invited to by the business executives"
"Oh I see" she said nervously and she hated the parties. Boredom always shook her and always could hide it but it was getting harder every time. What irritated her the most was how the women would always smile even when they wanted to yell and slap them
When they reached the Elementary school Su-Hyung stopped Min-Ju from getting out instead he went to get Yong-Sun alone and were bombarded with news outlets wanting to ask more questions
"Umma who are they?'' With that Min-Ju knew that they just enter a new reality something she couldn't get out of
*annyeong 안녕= Bye(informal) or Hello(informal) but in this case it's bye
*umma 암마= Mom
* appa 아빠= Dad
*salanghae 사랑해= I love you
*Oppa 오빠=Older Brother (only to female to male)
*ssi 씨= sir or ma'am